Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 16 Battlefield Level Warcraft

Chapter 16 Battlefield Level Warcraft

Just like humans and monsters co-exist in the Xuanhuang Great World, in this abyss of suppressing demons, besides many demons, there are also monsters.

Compared with those humanoid demons, monsters are more destructive, and their intelligence is low, as if they only know killing and devouring, and they are most violent.

So even those human-shaped demons generally have to stay away.

Legend has it that the supreme demon emperor sitting in the ninth floor of the demon-suppressing abyss is a purgatory demon dragon that breathes out boundless demon flames, which are eternal and immortal. It can burn the sky and boil the sea, and refine the world.
Warcraft is also divided into three levels and four levels. Earth-level warcraft is also equivalent to a strong human being in the Transcendent Realm.

"This time I played too big..."

"God, I'm just talking!"

Long Hao had a gloomy look on his face, what to say, he became a crow's mouth.

woohoo hoo...

A large amount of rock debris was blown away by the hurricane, and a huge black figure appeared in the smoke, with the magic energy rising from his body as if burning a piece of magic flame.

A fierce and fierce air rushed towards his face.

bang, bang...

The huge shadow stepped forward, making a dull loud noise, like an ancient giant elephant, with thick hooves like stone pillars.

Finally, Long Hao saw the opponent's appearance clearly. There were two long and pointed horns on the huge head, which looked like a yak, but with sharp and long claws. His whole body was pitch black, as if wrapped in a thick layer of iron. plate.

Earth-level Warcraft - Vigorous Bull Demon!
Even among the many abyss monsters, the Vigorous Bull Demon is also a very vicious one.

They are not only born with supernatural power, but also have thick skin and thick flesh. Most importantly, they can make a roar like a magic sound, which can directly affect people's soul consciousness.

Even a strong man in the Transcendent Realm would feel an incomparable headache when facing the Vigorous Bull Demon.

"Alright, since we have met, let's fight!"

Since being targeted by monsters, it is an endless situation. The vicious and bloodthirsty monsters will keep chasing and killing them until they catch their prey.

That's right, from its scarlet blood-like eyes, Long Hao found that the other party regarded him as prey and rations, his eyes were full of hunger, thirst and fire.

"Hmph, let me show you who is the hunter!"

Long Hao let out a loud roar, all the muscles in his body tensed up, all the powers of the ten flood dragons were mobilized, and a gigantic dragon across the sky loomed behind him, roaring into the sky.

The majestic power of the flood dragon burst out, unexpectedly making the Vigorous Bull Demon shrink back subconsciously, and it felt a trace of oppression and threat from Long Hao's body.

This is the original suppression from the depths of the soul.

The primordial dragon of chaos opened up the world, and everything in the world can be said to have been created by the ancestor dragon. The power of the ancestor dragon is the power of the sky, and any living being will be greatly suppressed.

And Long Hao, who practiced Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, also carried a trace of the coercion of the ancestor dragon, although it was still very weak.

But soon, because of the provocation of the human being in front of him, the Vigorous Bull Demon erupted in a thunderous rage.

There was a roar, which was mixed with strange magic sounds, like thousands of ghosts pounced on Long Hao's mind at the same time.

In an instant, Long Hao felt that the ghosts were haunting him, and the ghosts devoured his soul. The negative emotion of fear came to his heart, which made him unable to move.

This is the ultimate move of the Vigorous Bull Demon——Magic Voice Soul Devourer!
Once he is tricked, even a strong person in the Transcendent Realm will find it difficult to resist, and he will feel his soul being bitten by thousands of ghosts, and the pain is so painful that he would rather die.

As for the practitioners in the physical state, their spiritual will is even more fragile, and they are afraid that their souls will be severely injured immediately, and they will become stupid.

At the same time, the Vigorous Bull Demon galloped over quickly, its huge hooves fell from the sky like a huge monument, trying to crush Long Hao into a pulp.


At a critical moment, Long Hao roared like a giant dragon, and was harassed by that magic sound, his seven orifices all flowed out bright red blood.

"Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, suppress it for me!"

At this moment, all the dragon veins in Long Hao's body lit up, and giant dragons roared and smashed and devoured thousands of ghosts.

At the same time, Long Hao's consciousness suddenly woke up.

"The sun is rising!"

One punch to the sky contains extremely explosive power.

The fist collided with the iron hoof, and the strong energy caused the surrounding air to explode.

Ding Ding Deng

The huge impact made Long Hao retreat more than ten meters, but the powerful bull demon couldn't bear it either, and moved his body backwards, leaving deep ravines on the ground with his limbs.

Under one blow, they were evenly matched!

"Haha, it looks like it's just a strong bull demon who has just entered the earth level."

Originally, Long Hao was still wondering why the earth-level monsters came to the first level of the demon-suppressing abyss.

After all, the demonic energy in the demon-suppressing abyss on the second floor is more pure and rich, and the cultivation speed is faster. Generally, the earth-level demons would not bother to come to the first floor.

But now it seems that this powerful bull demon didn't come from the second level of the demon-suppressing abyss, but just happened to break through and was met by Long Hao.

With a grin, Long Hao's blood boiled, and a majestic fighting spirit was instantly aroused.

What about earth-level monsters?
Today, he is going to leapfrog the ranks and slaughter this mighty bull demon, just relying on the power of his ten flood dragons!
"Come again!"

With a stern shout, Long Hao bowed and shot up, aimed at the head of the Vigorous Bull Demon, and smashed it with one punch.

This fist, like a rainbow, exploded with fierce vigor, as if it could penetrate the scorching sun.

"Changhong pierces the sun!"


The Great Bull Demon took a few breaths and turned into a thick cloud of magic. It was really angry.

Ant-like human beings didn't run away from this earth-level monster, but instead rushed forward, completely provoking it.


With a roar, the Vigorous Bull Demon flicked his hind legs, and immediately gathered all the strength of his whole body. With his big head on his head, he galloped quickly and rushed towards Long Hao brazenly.

This is the ultimate move of the Vigorous Bull Demon - savage dash!
Its huge body ran like a moving hill, with the potential of thousands of horses galloping, causing the surrounding mountains, rivers and earth to rumble.

But Long Hao was fearless, his punches were as strong as a broken bamboo, and there was a faint roar of a dragon.

From a distance, it looks like a weak rabbit, jumping at an ancient giant elephant recklessly, looking extremely crazy.

However, that seemingly weak rabbit contained the mighty power of a dragon in its body, and it punched it like a falling comet, bombarding the head of the Vigorous Bull Demon.


The next moment, the Vigorous Bull Demon let out a painful howl.

Its thick skin was smashed to pieces immediately, and the bridge of its nose, which was stronger than gold and iron, was almost collapsed, and black devil blood flowed out of its nostrils, like a waterfall.

With this punch, the Vigorous Bull Demon was directly stunned, and gold stars appeared in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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