Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 164 One Arrow Explodes

Chapter 164 One Arrow Explodes

clack clack...

Long Hao and others who had just arrived at the bottom of the tower heard a violent explosion.

More than 20 soldiers plus a strong man in the Jindan realm, after six full days of fierce attacks, the large defense formation that had already reached its limit was finally breached.

"The fifth-level formation master is really powerful..."

Originally, Dayan Kingdom could last for at least ten days by relying on the large defensive formation. At that time, Yanque's eldest brother would be able to rush back and defeat the powerful enemy.

Unexpectedly, although the formation mage was dead, he still caused serious trauma to the protective formation, so that the protective formation was breached after only six days of support.

Yanque's little face became extremely dignified.

She knew that Dayan Kingdom would face these vicious enemies naked next.

Turning around to look at Long Hao, he found that the other party's gaze was still calm, and there was even a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if nothing could move him.

The real Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

But this kind of calm can bring people a great sense of security.

"Find out that boy in white robe and his cat, I will crush them to ashes!"

The old man in fine clothes stood above the void, with majestic and fierce eyes.

The dignified Jindan Realm powerhouse was actually played by a furry child and a cat, which made him brood all the time, and his anger finally broke out until now.

Long Hao, who had just boarded the tower, heard this earth-shattering roar.

"Yelling..." Long Hao couldn't help showing a teasing smile.

He wanted to find the other party, but the other party was also looking for him.

Long Hao wanted to help Yanque retreat from the enemy, and seize the opponent's Chiyang Ganghuo by the way.

But the old man in Chinese clothes just wanted to suppress and kill Long Hao to vent his anger.

The minds of the two sides are different, but the purpose is surprisingly the same.

"Old man, have you forgotten the horror of me?" Long Xiaomiao suddenly jumped onto the eaves, stood upright, and shouted, pointing at the old man in fine clothes.

After seeing Long Xiaomiao, the old man in Chinese clothes seemed to recall the scene of being teased that day, and couldn't help but become even more angry.

"Bitch cat, you still have the guts to come out, hehehe..."

The voice of the old man in Chinese clothes suddenly became gloomy: "None of you should try to escape this time!"

"Meow bah, you are so stupid, you can't even reach meow's fart, and you dare to speak out..."

"If it's not that your meat is too stinky, I would have swallowed you in one gulp!"


Standing on the tower, Long Hao picked out his ears to himself, feeling bored with the scolding battle between a man and a cat.

Since life and death are opposites, let's do it directly.

He didn't know each other well at all, so he really didn't feel like talking nonsense.

Soon, the old man in fine clothes was defeated miserably in the scolding battle, trembling with anger, floating in the air like a kite.

"Bitch cat, I want to tear your mouth apart!"

Just kidding, Long Xiaomiao has been by Long Hao's side all the time, it can be regarded as having obtained the true inheritance of Tongzizuidun, even worse.

And coupled with its shameless and hurtful actions, it's simply more irritating than life.

Sometimes, even Long Hao can't stand it.

The old man in Chinese clothes who only got angry and yelled at killing people was certainly not his opponent.

"Why do seniors dirty their hands, these two trash who can only play tricks, leave it to us."

"That's right, let's capture them and hand them over to Senior."

In the Yeyue Kingdom's army, two leading generals with strong aura shouted one after another and shot up from the ground, trying to suppress Long Hao and Long Xiaomiao and show their loyalty in front of the old man in Chinese clothes.

In their view, just a brat with a third-level supernatural power, plus a sleazy cat, can suppress it in minutes.

The two of them are in charge of the over 20 troops of the Yeyue Kingdom, both of whom are at the eighth level of the Divine Ability Realm, and their combat power is extremely tyrannical.

In order to show their loyalty and flattery, both of them urged the mana in their bodies to the extreme, like two meteors hitting towards each other.

"Extraordinary, did I start talking?"

Long Hao, who had been watching coldly, suddenly became angry.

Standing there, he stretched his bow and set an arrow, and then a violent murderous intent locked the two of them tightly.


The expressions of the two people who were still in the air suddenly changed, and they felt a strong threat hit their hearts.

However, since Long Hao has made up his mind to kill, he will not give them any chance to breathe.

call out!call out!
The two golden arrows that were driven to the extreme burst out like two giant dragons traversing the sky.

"No, hurry up!"

One of the generals screamed and quickly played three defensive talismans.

The other also immediately displayed defensive powers.

Unfortunately, everything is useless.

The terrifying destructive power released by the Golden Light Arrow is like two suns exploding in the void at the same time.

A strong wave of destruction was released, whizzing past like a hurricane, overturning a large number of Yeyue Kingdom's military formations, and spreading it far away, shaking the ground and the city towers.



Some supernatural powers in Yeyue Kingdom were shocked and angry.

As soon as they stabilized their bodies, they discovered to their horror that the people in the two exploding suns had been completely destroyed, only charred bones and half pieces of broken armor fell down.

The two leading generals at the eighth level of the supernatural powers are the top superpowers in the Yeyue Kingdom, and it would be extremely difficult for King Yeyue, who is at the ninth level of the supernatural powers, to kill them.

However, at this moment, it was shot by the white-robed boy with an arrow.

This scene was so shocking that the Yeyue soldiers who were about to enter the city to burn, kill and loot all froze in place like sculptures.

On the city wall, the soldiers of Dayan Kingdom who had fallen into despair suddenly had a strange light in their gloomy eyes.

The little princess Yanque and the queen both took a deep breath.

Yanque was suddenly a little rejoiced, she didn't care about life and death, she didn't hesitate to turn her father and daughter against each other, and the monarch and his ministers were against each other...

It all makes sense.

The unfathomable Long Hao's outbursts of combat power became more terrifying each time.

Maybe he can really fight against the strong man in the Jindan realm, or at least he can hold off until the reinforcements arrive.

"Hee hee hee... Ben Meow laughed so hard."

Long Xiaomiao was lying on the roof, shaking her limbs and laughing wantonly: "Two weak chickens, with this little ability, still want to suppress me?"

At this moment, the anger of the old man in Chinese clothes could no longer be suppressed.

Two more people were killed by Long Hao under his nose, it was like two resounding slaps on his face.

"court death!"

With an angry shout, the mana in the old man's body surged out, urging a huge fire wheel, like a scorching sun rolling down.

Supernatural power - Chiyang steamer!
"Run away..."


"It's over, it's dead."

The tall city towers looked extremely small under the fire wheels, and the shadow of death suddenly enveloped the entire Nancheng.

When the soldiers and civilians in the city saw the scorching sun rolling down, they were in chaos. Some fled in a hurry, and some simply sat there with their eyes closed and waited to die.

The doomsday enveloped the capital of Dayan.

(End of this chapter)

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