Chapter 171
"It's really touching."

Looking at Yanque, who was staggering but had firm eyes, the silver-robed boy clapped his hands and smiled.

Just laughter, full of disdain.

"Don't worry, you will all die today, and Dayan Kingdom will also be delisted."


The silver-robed boy laughed wildly, he likes to watch the joys and sorrows in this world, and then destroy them with his own hands.

Inside the Lightning Purgatory, the angry Long Xiaomiao opened his mouth to release the Heaven Swallowing Furnace, as if he wanted to swallow the whole world.

It's a pity that the mana of the strong man at the peak of the Golden Core Realm is too pure and majestic. Long Xiaomiao only swallowed the power of thunder in Purgatory, and his stomach swelled.

And soon, a majestic thunder force was derived from the huge thunder pillars to suppress them again.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning struck down, and Yanque's small body was directly blown away.

The silver-robed boy pointed again, and the lightning struck again...

He didn't directly kill Yanque, but it was like he was playing with ants. As soon as Yanque took two steps forward, he was knocked back dozens of steps by the lightning.

The silver-robed boy seemed to want to vent his anger in this way.

Originally, he had been staying in Yeyue Capital all the time, and he thought that sending Jin Sheng here, with the help of Concubine Shang Huan, would be able to clean up Dayan Kingdom with ease.

Unexpectedly, Long Hao popped up halfway.

As soon as he received the message from Concubine Huan, he came across the void, and the distance of thousands of miles was nothing at all under the feet of a strong man at the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

However, it was still a step too late.

For him who is ruthless and ungrateful, he doesn't value Jin Sheng very much. After all, Jin Sheng's potential has been exhausted and he has no future to speak of.

But if one's own disciple is killed by others, it is tantamount to slapping him in the face, how can he not retaliate?

At this moment, Long Hao's anger was suddenly ignited when he saw that Yanque was shaken by the violent thunder so that his seven orifices were bleeding, and he had already become a bloody man.

"Mamaipi, I'm the protagonist."

"At this time, shouldn't there be a mysterious strong man to come out to rescue?"

Long Hao slandered endlessly in his heart.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no one present except for the arrogant boy in silver robe who laughed wildly.

"It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, work hard!"

With an angry snort, Long Hao's eyes suddenly became determined.

"Immortal, wait for me to use the forbidden technique to kill you."

Like the explosive forbidden technique that Concubine Huan desperately used just now, Long Hao can also use it.

After all, the sword is slanted, and the magic cultivator likes to go to extremes. What he likes the most is to develop this kind of forbidden technique. As the leader of the generation of magic cultivators, Emperor Fentian has many such forbidden techniques.

The strongest one among them is called Reversal Seizing the Sky Technique!
As the name suggests, it reverses the meridians, seizes the power of the heavens and the earth, and explodes its own potential.

It sounds very unscientific.

Once the meridians are reversed, it will cause immeasurable trauma to the human body, and at the least, the foundation will be damaged, the cultivation base will plummet, and the human body will be distorted and deformed.

In severe cases, the meridians will be completely cut off, and the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

This kind of forbidden technique, even in the magic cultivator, is also distasteful to everyone, and they will never dare to use it unless they are in a desperate situation.

However, although the backlash of this forbidden technique is extremely terrifying, the combat power that erupts is also extremely astonishing.

The Burning Demon Emperor used it once when he was in the King Realm, and he directly defied the sky and defeated the saints.

Of course, the meridians and foundation were greatly damaged as a result. Although he found countless treasures of heaven and earth to recuperate, and finally broke through the realm of the emperor, he also lost the qualification to become an immortal.

That's why he exhausted his painstaking efforts to refine the Nine Tribulations Ascending Immortal Pill, hoping to use it to ascend to immortality.

Even the emperor was helpless.

It is conceivable that the backlash of reversing the Seizing Sky Technique is terrible.

But now for Long Hao, it was already a matter of life and death.

If you don't fight desperately, you will only be played to death by the silver-robed boy.


Long Hao held his breath and focused his attention, forming mysterious and mysterious seals with both hands, and was about to reverse the meridians and seize the power of heaven and earth.

With his temperament, even if his body is broken to pieces, it is absolutely impossible for him to be tortured and killed.

"Hum hum……"

Seeing Long Hao's stubborn and crazy eyes, the silver-robed boy couldn't help but smile contemptuously: "The trapped beast is still fighting."

He is extremely proud of his own strength.

Not to mention a brat at the third level of supernatural powers, even a strong man at the third level of Jindan realm, he can kill with a single palm.

"You want to court death, but I won't let you die..."

With a sinister smile, the silver-robed boy took out a miniature stove from his hands, and the green flames flickering inside seemed to be able to burn people's soul consciousness.

"This seat will take out all your souls and refine them for hundreds of years."

"It starts with you!"

The silver-robed boy turned his gaze to the stubborn Yanque. He was already tired of this little girl who refused to bow to death.

With a sinister smile, the silver-robed boy flicked his fingers, and a ball of dark green flames flew out of the mini stove, turning into a ferocious ghost, and biting at the flame sparrow with teeth and claws.

Flame Sparrow, who was already at the end of her strength, was only supported by a will in her heart, how could she possibly be able to resist the silver-robed boy's weird tricks.

Even in her peak period, with her extraordinary cultivation, in the eyes of the silver-robed boy, she was nothing more than an ant, who could be wiped out with a wave of her hand.

"Damn it, it's almost there!"

The magic seal of Reversal Seizing Heaven Art is too complicated, it is inevitable that Long Hao is unfamiliar with performing it for the first time, and he is suddenly anxious.

Long Xiaomiao, who was swollen like a balloon, covered her eyes with her paws, and couldn't bear to see the tragic death of the little princess.

The ferocious ghost has already approached Yanque.

Yanque's eyes widened, and his breathing became extremely heavy.

Time, at this moment, seemed to become extremely slow.


With a violent shout, it roared like a beast.

A strong sound wave roared past, instantly shaking the ferocious ghost to death.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Yanque turned his head mechanically, and saw a big sun rising above the land in the east, and the fiery light instantly swept away the gloom in his heart.


In the eyes of despair, a strong light suddenly burst out, and Yan Que raised his head, tears streaming down his eyes.

For a long time, her family and country have been in peril, father and daughter have turned against each other, life and death are separated... heavy pressures have almost crushed her small body, but she has always been strong and unyielding, holding back a single tear.

But she is still just a teenage girl after all, and she has a fragile side in her heart.

At this moment, seeing his own brother who was born with the same mother rushed back, he finally couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

Others also looked sideways.

Looking in horror at the big sun-like vision, there is a tall young man with a tall figure and a heroic face, walking from the void.

His body was as heavy as a prehistoric beast, and every step he took would distort the void and shake people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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