Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 176 Law of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 176 Law of Heaven and Earth (Third update, please subscribe)

Obviously, these two people not only planned to get rid of Yan Lin, but also didn't plan to let go of the entire Great Yan Kingdom.

In their eyes, the tens of millions of people in Dayan Kingdom are just tens of millions of ants, who can be destroyed in a blink of an eye.

"Senior Brother Du, Du Tiancheng?"

Long Hao focused his eyes, and finally understood why Yi Jianyun from Zixiao Holy Land would stare at him.

"Hmph, you're not too stupid."

Yi Jianyun couldn't help but let out a sneer, Long Hao, who was in the third level of supernatural powers, was just a bigger ant in his eyes, but he was on Du Tiancheng's must-kill list.

"Brother Du is offended, no one can be safe, even Lord Yang, you are just the beginning!"

Du Tiancheng is definitely a person who will take revenge.

Long Hao abolished his younger brother and was about to die.

Yan Lin helped Long Hao, but also died.

If Yang Jun made him embarrassing in public, he would die!

Things are already clear.

With the support of Zixiao Holy Land, Tian Leizong planned for a long time to target the Yaoguang Holy Land, and finally started to act.

Moreover, taking advantage of the opportunity of annexing the Great Yan Kingdom this time, by the way, Yanlin was trapped and killed, intending to resolve public and personal hatred together.

It's just that they didn't expect that Long Hao would appear here by coincidence, and it was in Yi Jianyun's arms to get rid of them all at once.


Looking at the confident Yi Jianyun, Yan Lin shouted sharply: "Do you really think you two can kill me?"

Yi Jianyun, as Du Tiancheng's Golden Armor Town Demon Guard, Yan Lin had also dealt with him several times, so he had some understanding of his strength.

Although he was at the Faxiang Realm, Yan Lin might not be afraid of the other party.

As for the strong man in the Faxiang Realm of the Tianlei Sect, it seems that Yi Jianyun is following the lead in everything, and his strength will not be much stronger.

"Out of control."

"Really think that the core disciples of Zixiao Holy Land will be worse than your Yaoguang Holy Land?"

Yi Jianyun's eyes finally turned cold.

Everyone is the core disciple carefully cultivated by the Holy Land, no one is inferior to the other in terms of talent, and no one obeys the other.

What's more, his cultivation base is higher than the opponent's, and it is two against one, so he is naturally full of confidence.

As for Long Hao in the Supernatural Realm, he never paid attention to him from the beginning to the end.

The words have been said thoroughly, and there is no need for long-winded words.

Next, there is only life and death.


Both sides began to release majestic mana and collided together like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

This world, under the collision of mana from both sides, became fragmented.

"Junior Brother Long, I'll hold them back, you play according to circumstances."

After exhorting, Yan Lin's body suddenly burst into flames, reflecting him like a king of flames.

"Brother Yan, don't worry about me, just let go and fight."

Although he was caught off guard just now and was suppressed by the silver-robed boy's magic power of trapping the enemy, the magic power in his body has been fully accumulated at this moment, and he can use it at any time to travel thousands of miles.

He is confident that with the supernatural power evolved from the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, even if he is a strong man in the Faxiang Realm, it will not be easy to suppress him.

Besides, not everyone has mastered the magical powers of trapped enemies like the silver-robed boy.

While the two were talking, Yi Jianyun and the middle-aged man in the black robe of the Tianlei Sect quickly worked out a battle plan.

"Fellow Daoist entangles Yan Lin first, and after I kill that kid, I will flank Yan Lin with you. Be sure to keep them all behind."

Both Long Hao and Yan Lin were on Du Tiancheng's must-kill list.

Yi Jianyun had to kill them himself to be at ease.

"Ha ha……"

The black-robed middle-aged man laughed wildly, and said with disdain: "Brother He Laoyi, a mere Jindan stage, will do it, I will take his head right away!"

As a strong man in the Faxiang Realm, the middle-aged man in black robe didn't pay attention to Yan Lin who was in the Golden Core Realm at all.

As the words fell, the black-robed middle-aged man's body flashed with lightning, and the pitch-black thunder and lightning, like dark clouds, covered the sky, and soon turned into a thunder giant that pierced the sky and pierced the earth.

The thunder giant transformed by the black-robed middle-aged man was as huge as a mountain, and his whole body was filled with extremely terrifying and destructive power.

The law of the sky and the earth, this is a powerful method unique to the strong of the law.

Once it is displayed, it is no problem at all to move mountains and take mountains, move mountains and suppress seas.

With just one step, the earth screamed wildly, and the land with a radius of tens of miles collapsed completely. Even the solid Dayan Kingdom felt like an earthquake had occurred.

"The core disciple of Yaoguang Holy Land, I have long wanted to see and see."

The thunder giant roared, like ten thousand thunders exploding at the same time, making Long Hao feel great mental pressure.

It is said that the disciples of the Holy Land are all heroes, and the Tianlei Sect, who has always been conceited in trying to establish the Holy Land, is not convinced.


At the same time, Yi Jianyun snarled, and his body suddenly turned into a flying arrow, shooting towards Long Hao, a peerless sharpness burst out from his whole body.


Yan Lin directly ignored the black-robed middle-aged man of Fatian Xiangdi, but instead fixed his eyes on Yi Jianyun who was rushing towards him.

"Nine changes of Suzaku, the first seal—"

Yan Lin formed dozens of mysterious seals in an instant, the speed was too fast for people to see clearly.


The last word falls.

The aura on Yan Lin's body suddenly rose a lot, breaking through the limit of the Golden Core Realm, faintly reaching the level of the Faxiang Realm.

"Supernatural power - the catastrophe of wind and fire!"


Yan Lin slapped out a palm, and a strong hurricane roared, and a ray of green real fire instantly ignited it, igniting a storm of flames that soared into the sky.

That power is exactly the same as the legendary Immortal Tribulation.

"Qingluan is really flaming!"

Long Hao recognized it immediately, but he was not surprised.

Qingluan Zhenyan is originally the inheritance of the Dayan royal family. Since Yanlin can cultivate a skill above the holy level, mastering a kind of heaven and earth strange fire is nothing at all.

It was the exercises he performed that made Long Hao feel a little familiar.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Yi Jianyun snorted coldly, and then pointed his sword, and the two swords on his back were unsheathed instantly, turning into two streamers of light, one vertical and one horizontal, spinning rapidly, triggering an incomparably vast sword energy, sweeping the world.

"Supernatural powers - boundless sword wheel slash!"

This is an enhanced version of the small supernatural power Boundless Sword Tribulation, and it is also a great supernatural power that can change the world, and its power is astonishing.

swoosh swish...

Under the rapid rotation of the two swords, one after another peerless sword light was released, like a huge windmill, shattering the oncoming flame storm.


"Yan Lin, your opponent is me!"

Seeing that Yan Lin ignored him and attacked Yi Jianyun first, the thunder giant was furious and stomped on Yan Lin.

The void vibrated, and the dense black thunder exploded endlessly, suppressing it like a black mountain, with an unparalleled and powerful oppressive force.

Seeing this, Yan Lin gritted his teeth fiercely, and once again concluded a mysterious seal.

"Suzaku's nine transformations, the second seal—open!"

(End of this chapter)

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