Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 187 The Weird Cave Mansion

Chapter 187 The Weird Cave Mansion

Inside the cave, golden light flashed like a pure golden thunder exploded.

"It's a high-grade forbidden treasure talisman." Long Hao gasped in surprise.

"Tsk tsk..."

"Fortunately, they are there to explore the way. Otherwise, with our two cultivation bases, our souls are much weaker than theirs, and we will definitely suffer a lot."

Looking at the strong man of Zixiao Holy Land who was suppressed by the forbidden treasure talisman and screamed in pain on the ground, Qin Wuji gloated at his misfortune.

High-grade forbidden treasure talismans can only be refined by those who are above the Dharma Realm.

It has an extremely powerful suppressing effect, and it is difficult for even the strong in the Golden Core Realm to resist.

"Hmph, break it for me!"

At this moment, the woman with a gloomy expression flipped out a gray stone bead.

On the longan-sized stone beads, a strong gray brilliance burst out instantly, like a dark cloud sweeping across, engulfing all those golden thunders.

The next moment, the forbidden treasure talisman that flashed with golden light seemed to have lost its effect, and spontaneously ignited out of thin air.

"Hey, you even took out the Zhenfa beads."

"That's a rare treasure."

That woman with a gloomy expression is indeed extraordinary.

It was precisely because Long Hao and Qin Wuji were afraid of her that they did not act for a long time.

That suppressing magic bead is a middle-grade magic weapon, which has the powerful function of suppressing all magic power, which is quite rare.

After all, the forbidden treasure talisman is a dead thing, once the mana in it is suppressed, it cannot be continued and can only explode itself.

"Fortunately, Senior Sister Lin made a move."

"That's right, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to enter this gate. It is indeed the cave of the Nirvana Realm powerhouse."

"That's right, Senior Sister Lin is the youngest core disciple of our Zixiao Holy Land."

Those strong men in Zixiao Holy Land got up from the ground, and they all cast grateful glances at Senior Sister Lin, and they were afraid of flattering by the way.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go in."

Sister Lin was not interested in these flattery at all, she just scanned everyone with a majestic gaze.

Of course those strong men in Zixiao Holy Land knew what she meant, and then cautiously walked forward to explore the way.

There is no way, this strong man's cave was originally discovered by Senior Sister Lin, and she is also the strongest present, so of course others dare not question anything.

"Senior Sister Lin?"

Long Hao, who was hiding in the dark, looked at Qin Wuji and asked, "Could it be that she is a member of the Lin clan?"

Qin Wuji snorted coldly, and said with cold eyes: "That's right, my six-year-old sister died at her hands, and I've been with her for more than a month..."

"Just wait for today, let her pay with blood!"

Even killing a simple and ignorant six-year-old child, this Senior Sister Lin is obviously a cruel and merciless generation.

"That ugly woman is the worst, Dad will never let her go." Long Xiaomiao rubbed the blood bag on her head, her cheeks swelled like balloons with anger.

This Senior Sister Lin is so strong that she almost opened Long Xiaomiao's head before, so that the little guy still has lingering fears.

"Hey, it's up to the owner to beat the dog, this vicious woman, I'm going to sentence her to death."

Rubbing Long Xiaomiao's head, Long Hao laughed.

"Meow..." Long Xiaomiao stared at Long Hao and yelled angrily, as if to prove her identity.


It didn't take long for the strong man in Zixiao Holy Land to enter the cave.

Long Hao and Qin Wuji also quietly followed in.

The passage in the cave was long and dark, and after walking not far, Long Hao found the passage in front of him was in a mess, and there was still a lot of blood on the ground.

Apparently those strong men from the Zixiao Holy Land touched the restriction of the mechanism here and were attacked, but no one was killed.

"This is a mechanism triggered by sound waves. As long as it doesn't make too much noise, it should be fine." After all, Qin Wuji is a puppet genius, and he has obtained the complete inheritance of the puppet Heavenly Art, so he soon discovered the clue.

But just as they walked forward lightly, there was a shrill scream in front of them.

The sharp sound waves passed over, directly triggering the mechanism.

huh huh...

The walls on both sides of the passage suddenly lit up with a series of light spots, and at the same time, red lasers were shot out, sweeping over, densely packed, it seemed that there was nowhere to hide.

Qin Wuji controlled an earth-level puppet to rush towards it, but unexpectedly, it was cut by those red lasers and turned into powder.

The power of those red lasers is so terrifying!

Long Hao couldn't help cursing inwardly, and directly cast the True Dragon Flying Fire Shield.

chi chi chi...

The dense red laser strangled over, distorting the real dragon flying fire cover into a shapeless shape.

Fortunately, Long Hao's mana was strong enough. After a stalemate for a while, the sound waves dissipated, and the red lasers dimmed immediately.

"Such a powerful mechanism, could it be that this is the cave of a puppet master?" Long Hao asked in surprise.

But Qin Wuji shook his head.

"If it was a mechanism arranged by the puppet master himself, they would be attacked crazily the moment they entered, instead of being passively attacked like this."

Along with the organ puppets, the young Qin Wuji has master-level attainments, he smiled slightly and said, "It should be an organ formation set up."

"Oh? Then can you control this magic circle?"

Qin Wuji directly shook his head: "This mechanism array is quite advanced, even if I find the mechanism hub, I will have to study for a period of time before I can control it."

Hearing this, Long Hao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

If Qin Wuji could control the magic circle here, it would be terrible.

Maybe at that time, in order to monopolize the treasure, he will be killed together.

People's hearts are unpredictable, so we have to guard against it.

"Forget it, don't follow so closely, let them explore the way first."

The two sat on the spot and adjusted their breath, and waited until there was no more movement in front of them, and then slowly followed.

Soon, they smelled a strong smell of blood, stepped forward to take a look, and found a charred corpse lying at the end of the passage, already torn apart.

"It's like being struck by lightning."

Walking out of the passage, they came to a dark hall, and they found another corpse.

This one is even worse, there are countless holes in the body, as if pierced by thousands of arrows, it was shot into a sieve.

"It's strange, since the inheritance of the Dongfu has been left behind, why set up such a vicious mechanism, it doesn't look like a test at all, it's more like killing all the people who break in." Qin Wuji was a little surprised.

The Thousand Puppet King of his ancestor was the master of the mechanism puppets, and no such vicious mechanism was set up in the inheritance caves left behind.

"It's normal." Long Hao looked at the dimly lit hall, feeling a strong murderous aura.

"Perhaps the strong man accidentally fell here, in order to protect his body from being desecrated, he set up such a deadly mechanism."

As far as Long Hao knows, many demon cultivators with extreme personalities are like this.


Suddenly, there was a scream from the depths of the cave.

"Abyss Demon Race, where are you running?"

"Bitch, you dare to seduce his man, you should die!"

"If you killed my brother, I will avenge him today."


(End of this chapter)

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