Chapter 19
The sky-swallowing dragon formed by the turbulent demonic energy is full of evil spirits, powerful and powerful, possessing the terrifying power of swallowing the sky and the earth.

What is extreme joy begets sorrow, what is self-satisfaction, Long Hao has personally experienced it once.

"Hmph, Chaos Dragon, suppress it for me!"

At a critical moment, Long Hao remained calm.

Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue is worthy of being an unrivaled magical skill.

Under Long Hao's crazy operation, those dazzling golden lights turned into a huge dragon roaring to the sky, exuding the purest dragon might.

hold head high……

With a loud dragon roar, the golden light dragon also opened its bloody mouth, roaring to devour the sky-swallowing dragon.

The Chaos Progenitor Dragon suppresses everything, even the mighty Sky Swallowing Demon Dragon, in front of it, is like a mouse seeing a cat, with a natural fear.

Boom boom boom...

The two powerful forces collided together, like two black holes that swallowed everything, entangled with each other, and both tried to swallow each other.

In the end, the Chaos Ancestral Dragon, which suppressed everything, was even better. With a roar, it was like falling from a thousand catastrophes, directly shattering the Sky Swallowing Demon Dragon, and then opened its mouth to inhale, and the raging demonic energy was swallowed up.

In an instant, the majestic demonic energy wrapped around Long Hao's body, reflecting him like a peerless demon god!
"Haha, after absorbing the magic energy, you can definitely awaken another dragon vein."

And at the same time that Long Hao was frantically refining the demon energy, the violently trembling boulder suddenly stopped.

Long Hao looked up in surprise, only to find that a glaring light suddenly erupted from the still boulder, and the dark golden light illuminated the entire cave.

Faintly, Long Hao accidentally discovered that there was a strong life wave coming from within the boulder.

"Is this... an egg?"

Long Hao was dumbfounded.

However, soon, there was a crackling sound, and the shell of the giant egg suddenly cracked, showing dense cracks, followed by a burst of strong dragon power, which shook the oppressive air.

Through the strong light, Long Hao discovered to his astonishment that a mighty dragon shadow appeared in the giant egg, whose body could shatter the sky with a shock, and devour the sky with one big mouth!
"It's actually a dragon egg!"

"Could it be the descendant of the fallen Sky-swallowing Dragon?"

Long Hao had only seen such legendary things as dragon eggs in books and archaeological museums before.

But those things that have become fossils are completely different from this fresh and magical dragon egg in front of me.

An astonishing force erupted from the inside out, and a small, fluffy white claw stuck out, completely smashing the eggshell.

Immediately afterwards, a short and vigorous figure jumped out of it.

"This... this special code is actually a cat?" Long Hao froze on the spot for an instant.

He never imagined that a cat would be conceived out of a magical dragon egg.

As if a little unbelieving, Long Hao wiped his eyes and looked over carefully, and found that the other party's head was round, with a pair of small pointed ears on top, the big green eyes were round, the flickering humans and animals were harmless, and his body was soft , with a slender tail...

This is indeed a cat!

However, most of the hair on this cat's body was as white as snow, only the beard and the two bulging little bumps on its head had a faint golden glow, giving this cat another mysterious and holy brilliance.

After seeing it clearly, Long Hao's expression was bewildered.

I can't figure out what is the connection between this cat and the dragon that devoured the world just now.

"Could it be that someone's cat ran out and killed a sky-swallowing dragon?"

"That's really much better than Xu Xian!"

He couldn't help complaining a few words in his heart, and Long Hao also felt that it was too whimsical.

"Meow meow meow!"

The little white cat seemed to be hungry. After barking twice, without warning, it suddenly opened its small mouth, and then spewed out a dark golden glow, converging into a powerful vortex.

clap la la...

All those broken eggshells were sucked in, turned into streams of extremely pure energy, and were devoured by the little white cat in a short while.

At that moment, Long Hao felt a huge and pure burst of dragon power, like a sky-swallowing dragon revived again.

This was in stark contrast to the little white cat's harmless appearance just now.

"What an overbearing devouring power, this little guy is definitely a descendant of the Sky Devouring Dragon!"

Feeling that this devouring power was exactly the same as that of the Heaven-swallowing Demon Dragon just now, and even a bit more domineering, Long Hao immediately said in horror.

"I just don't know if this little guy has some kind of mutation, or his father's genes are too strong?" Touching his chin, Long Hao was quite puzzled.

According to legend, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Dragon is a tyrant of the demon clan, and is a descendant of Taotie, one of the nine sons of the ancestor dragon.

They are born with the ability to devour everything, and can turn everything they devour into pure energy, and quickly increase their strength.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a sky-swallowing dragon that did evil in the world. It could swallow a human city in one breath, and millions of people were reduced to its rations.

This is an extremely terrifying family.

Even among the abyss demons, they are also known as the taboo clan.

"Meow meow……"

But at this time, after the little white cat devoured the eggshell, it seemed that it was not full yet, and its big flickering eyes suddenly stared at Long Hao.

Thinking of the terrifying power that the little white cat showed just now, Long Hao suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and at the same time felt guilty.

After all, the blood-soaked dragon fruit in his hand originally belonged to this little guy.

But the treasure in hand, there is no reason to hand it over again, but looking at the little guy's cute and pitiful appearance, Long Hao's heart suddenly softened, he took out a magic bead the size of a marble from his arms, and threw it over.

This is the only human magic bead left on his body, but considering his current cultivation base, the human magic bead has lost its effect.

As if attracted by the pure magic energy in the human magic bead, the little white cat jumped up and swallowed the human magic bead into its mouth.

Then a dark golden light naturally bloomed from its body, quickly refining the human magic bead.

"Meow meow meow……"

After swallowing a human magic bead, the little white cat seemed to have a great affection for Long Hao, and after two excited calls, it rushed towards Long Hao.

Although the little guy's appearance is harmless to humans and animals, and even quite cute, he is the descendant of a sky-swallowing dragon.

Long Hao subconsciously wanted to dodge, but he didn't expect that the other party was extremely fast and extremely flexible, and suddenly appeared on Long Hao's shoulder, and then he rubbed his head affectionately against Long Hao's cheek.

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

The little guy suddenly spit out human words, his voice was crisp and pleasant.

However, Long Hao felt as if he was hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and stood there dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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