Chapter 199
After gloating and cursing secretly, Tong Yanlong left excitedly, wanting to use this to get rid of Long Hao and find a safe place to hide.

However, as soon as he lifted his foot, he heard the violent thunder behind him, straight into his soul.

Facing the mountain ghost that was slaughtered, Long Hao didn't even think about it, and directly slapped him.

"Supernatural power - Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!"

clack clack...

Huge paw prints, like ancient thunder dragons rushing out, densely packed with as many as hundreds of them, like one with each other, showing a trace of the power of the chaotic ancestor dragon to suppress everything.


Such a terrifying power shocked Long Hao himself.


The mountain ghost's pupils suddenly dilated, and the next moment it was smashed to pieces by the suppressing dragon's claws, killing it immediately.

"This kid..."

Tong Yanlong was so frightened that he was stunned, and exclaimed in a daze: "You have mastered such a terrifying supernatural power?"

Previously, Long Hao had only relied on a few small supernatural powers to beat the three brothers to the point of no defense, but now that he had used even great supernatural powers, he couldn't help but let his soul die.

He is very clear that the mountain ghost definitely has a powerful combat power comparable to that of the Golden Core Realm. There is no limit to his strength in this Ten Thousand Mountains, and even he may not be able to defeat it.

But Long Hao beat him to pieces with one palm, which made him terrified.

Let alone Tong Yanlong.

At this moment, even Long Hao and Long Xiaomiao were stunned in place.

Long Xiaomiao was shocked because he felt the power of the chaotic ancestor dragon that had just penetrated.

As for Long Hao, he stared blankly at his right hand, feeling baffled.

Although he has been invading the supernatural power of the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon's Claw Hand for a long time, it can be used like a driving arm, and it is blessed with many thunder and supernatural power inscription patterns, and its power is astonishing.

But at that moment just now, this small supernatural power was strangely and directly transformed into a great supernatural power, bursting out with the power of moving mountains and seas, changing the world and changing the world.

"How could this be?"

Long Hao was puzzled.

After careful sensing, he was sure that there was indeed only one condensed inscription pattern of supernatural powers in the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon's Claw Hand.

However, great supernatural powers require more than ten supernatural power inscription patterns to be displayed.

"Could it be affected by the rules of heaven here?"

After careful sensing, Long Hao was surprised to find that the entire Ten Thousand Mountains was filled with a kind of mysterious thunder power almost everywhere.

Even that violent coercion seemed to be formed by that mysterious thunder.

So once the Thunder Dao supernatural power is used, it will be strengthened ten times and a hundred times here.

But other supernatural powers will be weakened by different levels.


Glancing at the torn mountain ghost in front of him, Long Hao found that the opponent's body was also filled with the mysterious power of thunder.

"What kind of evil spirit is this? It's clearly a person, meow."

Long Xiaomiao's insight is extremely amazing.

It was soon discovered that the mountain ghost, except for its somewhat abrupt and ferocious appearance, its viscera and structure, although shriveled, were exactly the same as human beings.

"Could it be that this mountain ghost was formed after the corpse of a living being was struck by that mysterious thunder?"

Long Hao was frightened by the thought that popped up in his heart suddenly.

If that's the case, it's dangerous.

"What is this, meow."

Suddenly, Long Xiaomiao pulled out a round white bead from the mountain ghost's corpse.

Just as the little guy was playing with it curiously, there was a sudden bang, followed by a white lightning burst out from the white bead.

"Meow meow!"

Fortunately, Long Xiaomiao reacted very quickly and teleported to the side, but he still had lingering fears.

"In this bead, there is so pure and rich thunder power."

Stretching out a powerful hand and grabbing the beads for a look, Long Hao discovered the clues.

"Refine and try."

The Chaos Ancestor Dragon will embrace everything and suppress everything.

Under the sun, there is no energy that cannot be refined.

As the majestic thunder force poured into his body, Long Hao only felt a burst of numbness, followed by severe pain from the dragon veins, as if his physical body was about to collapse.

Fortunately, his dantian is wide enough and his dragon veins are strong enough, otherwise he would have been blown to ashes long ago.

"The magical inscription pattern of the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon's Claw Hand has actually—one more!"

Long Hao was in a daze.

Although he didn't know what the white thunder bead was, it could improve the inscription pattern of the thunder path supernatural power.

This huge discovery made his heart burst into ecstasy.

If he can capture enough white thunder beads, wouldn't he be able to raise the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand to the level of great supernatural powers, or even supreme supernatural powers?


Unable to bear a wild laugh, Long Hao's heart throbbed crazily.


In an instant, a violent thunderbolt fell in the distance, like a glimpse of a glimpse.

But Long Hao still clearly saw that it was a white divine thunder, which was of the same origin as the energy in the white thunder beads, but more pure and violent.

This Ten Thousand Mountains must be filled with that kind of mysterious thunder, one does not know when it will strike, once struck, even Long Hao is not sure that he will be safe.

"In that case..."

Long Hao's eyes turned suddenly, and he fixed on Tong Yanlong who was fleeing crazily.

The matter of capturing the white teardrops remains to be considered.

But Tong Yanlong is sure to kill.


Seeing Long Hao rushing towards him like a flash of lightning, Tong Yanlong was frightened to death.

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw just now completely frightened him out of his wits.

Now, he has long lost his thoughts on dealing with Long Hao, and only thinks that the evil star will leave quickly so that he can escape.

Unfortunately, Long Hao's motto is to do everything right.

The distraught Tong Yanlong ran away in a panic, but the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching.


The change here quickly attracted the attention of other mountain ghosts.

All of a sudden, five black shadows sprang out from a distance, roaring and rushing towards them from all directions.

Tong Yanlong complained endlessly.

Before there was a mountain ghost blocking the way, and then there was an evil star coming, he was completely desperate.

"Since you let me die, then I won't let you live!"

Suddenly, Tong Yanlong's eyes became incomparably crazy, and his hands instantly made special magic seals one after another, and then the flow of mana in his body suddenly became extremely fast.

The boiling breath on his body also became more and more dangerous, like a time bomb.

"You actually want to explode your golden core?"

Long Hao was finally moved.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do such a crazy act of self-exploding a golden core.

Because once the golden core blew itself up, it would be completely wiped out from the world, and even the chance of reincarnation would be gone.

Of course, no one knows if the illusory legend of reincarnation is true.

But who can tell?
(End of this chapter)

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