Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 202 The plot of the mysterious city lord

Chapter 202 The plot of the mysterious city lord

Compared with it, Long Hao's Prisoner's Ring is simply worthless.

Even if the white jade seal in front of him is not a magic weapon of the immortal way, it is still a real treasure of the cave, with a world inside.

This kind of treasure is extremely longed for even by saints and even great emperors, but unfortunately it is too rare.

Although the specific cultivation level of the mysterious city lord cannot be seen, he does not have a trace of a king, nor does he have the aura of Nirvana.

His white jade seal must have been obtained from the remains of the Great Thunder Sound Sect.

I have to say, this guy is really lucky, even Long Hao is quite envious.

At this moment, the mysterious city lord urges under the great seal of white jade.

Soon, figures flew out of it, some were huge, some were thin, and some were oddly shaped...

"Humans, monsters...there are even abyssal demons!"

Some of those creatures have already died, and some still have a sigh of relief.

Being thrown into that terrible basin, under the pressure of the powerful Lei Daowei, he couldn't even stand up.

In the void, from time to time, white divine lightning strikes down.

Immediately afterwards, Long Hao saw in horror that a human corpse hit by the white divine lightning had undergone an astonishing mutation.

Although his flesh was scorched black, the mysterious white thunder power filled his body and quickly transformed it.

After a while, the corpse stood up abruptly, with white hairs all over its swollen body, exactly like those mountain ghosts.

However, the newborn mountain ghosts are still very weak, but as they absorb more and more white thunder power, their strength is also increasing day by day.

Slowly, one by one, the creatures turned into mountain ghosts one after another, even the abyssal demons were no exception.

After doing all this, the mysterious city lord took back the white jade seal with satisfaction, and let the mountain ghosts move freely, while he himself rushed towards the distance along the foot of the mountain.

"This guy is so vicious, he actually made a mountain ghost by himself, what is it for?"

Out of curiosity, Long Hao also quietly followed.

Anyway, he has the bodyguard of the Great Thunder Sound Order, so as long as he doesn't go deep into the basin, he won't be in too much danger.

As expected of a mid-grade magic weapon, the Suppressing Fazhu suppressed Long Hao's aura without letting it out. He quietly followed behind the mysterious city lord, but the other party didn't even notice.

The mysterious city lord never imagined that someone could break into this dangerous forbidden area alive.

The speed of the mysterious city lord is very fast.

Following the edge of the basin, after making a small half circle, before coming to a huge crack, he jumped down without hesitation.

The cracks are more than a hundred feet long and several feet wide. Although there are some bumps on both sides, the overall is fairly smooth. It is actually made of stones, and there are still some weird thunder patterns on it.

According to Long Hao's observation, this place used to be an underground palace, and the scale was not small, but after it was destroyed, only this big crack remained.

"Could it be that the treasure of the Great Thunder Sound Sect is hidden in it?"

"Meow meow!"

As soon as the treasure was mentioned, Long Xiaomiao's eyes lit up, and she straightened her neck, as if sensing something.

Walking along the crack to the end, Long Hao finally found the trace of the mysterious city lord.


Taking a deep breath, Long Hao felt a tightness in his chest. After entering the basin, the pressure increased sharply.

"Could it be that this mysterious city lord also owns a Great Thunder Token?"

The Great Thunder Sound Token is the inheritance treasure of the Great Thunder Sound Sect, and there must be more than one piece. The mysterious city lord even got the white jade seal, so it is not surprising to have a Great Thunder Sound Token.

What surprised Long Hao was that after the mysterious city lord came here, he activated the White Jade Seal again.

However, what floated out of it this time was not the corpse of a living being, but the corpse of a mountain ghost.

They are densely packed, almost piled up into a bag of earth, and it seems that every one of them has at least the strong strength of Jindan realm.

Then, the mysterious city lord suddenly formed seals with both hands.

As one after another of mysterious dharma seals were issued, the ground under his feet suddenly lit up, and while rumbling, an altar rose from the ground.

On the altar, there is a white ball of light, the size of a washbasin.

"Practice for me!"

The mysterious city lord once again cast the magic seal, and a thunderous purgatory-like magic circle appeared on the altar. Under the rumbling rotation, all the power in the corpses of those mountain ghosts was sucked out and poured into the white light ball .

With the infusion of majestic energy, the altar also lit up, and the countless inscriptions carved on the ground seemed to come alive, and began to pour into the white light ball.

The white ball of light exploded with thunder, unexpectedly displaying a terrifying power to suppress the world and refine the world.

"What a tyrannical power of thunder!"

Long Hao's heart trembled violently, as if he saw the evolution of Lei Dao's rules, which was even stronger than his Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand.


Seeing the thunder light on the white ball of light getting brighter and stronger, the mysterious city lord suddenly let out an excited laugh.

"It's coming, it's coming soon..."

"Continuing on like this, it only takes two or three more sacrificial exercises, and the Lightning Origin Dao Fruit will be fully mature, and then I will be able to master the supreme supernatural power in it!"

Although the mysterious city lord's voice was weird, and he couldn't hear men, women, or children, his tone was hot and greedy, but he didn't hide it.

"Thunder source Dao fruit? Supreme supernatural power!"

Long Hao's heart trembled again.

It was the first time he heard of Lei Yuan Dao Guo.

But the four words of supreme supernatural power are like a thunderbolt hitting the soul directly.

Long Hao had so many miraculous encounters, obtained all the inheritance from the Burning Demon Emperor, and refined several kinds of heaven and earth strange fires, but until now he only mastered one supreme supernatural power.

A core disciple of Zixiao Holy Land like Yi Jianyun, a strong man in the Faxiang Realm, couldn't even master a single supreme supernatural power.

However, the mysterious city lord has been creating and killing mountain ghosts for many years in order to use the white divine thunder in them to sacrifice the so-called Thunder Source Dao Fruit.

The conspiracy is indeed not small.

"Lightning Source Dao Fruit! It's really a good thing, if I can get it..."

Looking at the ever-growing white ball of light, Long Hao's heart suddenly became hot.

Supreme supernatural power, who doesn't want to master it?
Even saints and supreme emperors are not exempt.


Suddenly there was a shout, and the mysterious city lord suddenly stared at Long Hao who was hiding in the dark, and shot out murderous gazes from the two small holes in the mask.

This guy's insight is astonishing.

Long Hao just had a drastic change in his inner emotions, but he was noticed by the other party unexpectedly.

"Where are you bastards, how dare you covet my fortune!"

The mysterious city lord let out a loud shout again, unleashing a berserk spell, and bombarded him instantly.

Gravel splashed and smoke and dust raged.

A medium-sized teenager with a strange fat cat on his shoulders emerged from it.

"Hehe, I am the Great Ancestral Dragon!"

"The sky and the earth are all created by me, and everything in the world should belong to me, don't you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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