Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 205 Three Living Treasures

Chapter 205 Two Living Treasures (Fifth Change)

The ashamed people, frightened by Long Xiaomiao's ferocity, shrunk their necks subconsciously and hurriedly scattered.

"Little cat, thank you for saving me."

The little girl squatted down, stretched out her hand a little fearfully, and wanted to rub Long Xiaomiao's head, but she was a little scared.

But Long Xiaomiao stood upright, hugged her two front paws and said proudly and narcissistically: "I am a chivalrous man, and I hate these scumbags who bully others the most. It is just a matter of paws to deal with them, hehe..."

Long Xiaomiao seemed to have a good impression of the little girl, and accompanied her to the corpse of the old woman with white hair.

"Mother-in-law..." Seeing the miserable state of the old woman with white hair, the little girl collapsed and burst into tears.

Long Xiaomiao seemed to be touched, and there was some mist in her big eyes.

The little guy was born without a father and no mother, and he and the little girl shared the same illness.

"Give her a good burial."

Long Hao stepped forward and said softly.

"Why did you stop me just now?" Looking up at Long Hao, Long Xiaomiao was still a little annoyed.

Long Hao was speechless.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. After coming to this world, he saw and heard too much cold-blooded cruelty, and even himself became indifferent, treating the life and death of others as nothing.

If it had been his previous temper, he would definitely have shot some shit princess to death on the spot.

He didn't know that the thoughts of the Fentian Demon Emperor and the Fentian Good Fortune Kungfu he cultivated were subtly affecting him.

This is an extremely dangerous signal.

If things go on like this, Long Hao might have a split personality, or even die mentally.

But now his cultivation base is too weak, and the authorities are too confused to notice this at all.

Moreover, he came here to look for the phantom boy, and he didn't want to make troubles.

It's nothing to shoot a princess to death, but he can't kill Jiang Yuecheng, but the entire Tianqi Kingdom.

Shaking his head, Long Hao let out a light snort and said, "Why did you save her, you lazy cat?"

On weekdays, Long Xiaomiao eats and sleeps, even walking is tiring, and her temper is very perverse. Long Hao never imagined that she has a chivalrous heart.

"Hmph, this meow has always been a chivalrous hero, and it is my mission to save the common people..."

"to be frank."

Glancing at Long Xiaomiao, who was wagging his tail and looking arrogant, Long Hao said bluntly.

"Hee hee... I don't know, I feel sorry for her." Long Xiaomiao scratched her head and said.

Long Hao glanced at it in surprise, then looked at the little girl again, his eyes narrowed slightly, but after observing for a long time, he found nothing.

That little girl has no cultivation at all, and her behavior is completely normal.

Everything that was normal couldn't be normal anymore.

"Perhaps it was Xiao Miao's whim."

With a secret sigh in his heart, Long Hao didn't think about it any more, and helped the little girl bury the old woman with white hair.

After that, he gave the other party some low-grade spirit stones, and then left with Long Xiaomiao.

The little girl looked at Long Hao curiously, a little at a loss, but she didn't know where to go home.

After entering Jiangyue City, Long Hao found that the little girl was still following him, feeling a little depressed.

Although the little girl is very poor, they always meet by chance.

What's more, Long Hao wandered on the verge of life and death all day long, so he couldn't bring a small oil bottle by his side.

"Dad, help her, meow."

For some reason, after seeing the little girl, Long Xiaomiao suddenly became emotional.

Seeing the cute and pitiful appearance of the two little guys, Long Hao couldn't bear it, so he had no choice but to agree to take care of each other during this time in Jiangyue City.


Qixing Inn is the largest and most luxurious inn in Jiangyue City.

This is the most prosperous area in Jiangyue City, and the surrounding crowd is also the densest. Most of the strong people who come and go live here.

On the second floor by the window, Long Hao ordered a table of the signature dishes here, which were quite hearty.

The little girl who was already starving, and Long Xiaomiao, who was like a bottomless pit, quickly wiped them all out.

As for Long Hao, he just drank the wine silently, thinking about how to find the Magic Demon Boy.

Soon, Long Hao noticed that in the place next to them, there were two handsome young men with extraordinary bearing, chatting while toasting and drinking.

"Oh, it's so comfortable."

"I heard that Jiangyue City's Yingxian Building has two top cards, which are not bad. Brother Qian, come to see me at night?"

The reason why Long Hao noticed them was because although these two people were young and appeared frivolous, they had advanced cultivation bases at the ninth level of the Divine Ability Realm.

Although their auras were restrained, they did not have such treasures as Zhenfazhu on their bodies. With Long Hao's keen insight, it was naturally easy to detect them.

"Could it be a disciple of Tianqi Sect?"

However, the next conversation between the two of them surprised Long Hao even more.

"Brother Pu, how many days have you wandered around in Tianqi Kingdom, and you haven't even found the phantom boy's hair, are you still in the mood to go whoring?"

"Besides, what good things can there be in this secular country? You have to go by yourself."

One of them was a young man with plain clothes and mean lips, with a look of disdain on his face.

"It's not a disciple of Tianqi Sect, but it seems to be a disciple of the Holy Land." Long Hao became interested now, and looked at him curiously.

Strictly speaking, killing the phantom boy is not just a task for the Yaoguang Holy Land, but a task issued by the Heavenly Palace, and disciples from the top ten Holy Lands can accept it.

Because that phantom boy ran out of the abyss of suppressing demons, and he is an extremely powerful bloodline among the abyssal demons.

At that time, many town demon guards were helpless against him.

Even, this phantom boy played tricks on an inspector of the King Realm, and escaped calmly.

Angrily inspecting the Tiangong, this is the most wanted person in the world.

Obviously, since those two young men came for the Magic Demon Boy, they must have come from the Ten Great Holy Lands.

"Hey, brother Qian's words are wrong."

Another young man with a flirtatious expression and a free and easy posture, known as Brother Pu, said with a smile: "Even the master often says that life must be full of joy, so don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon."

"It doesn't matter whether he is a rouge vulgar fan or a banished fairy Linchen, we shouldn't let them stay in the empty boudoir."

"As for the phantom boy, that cunning guy even Du Tiancheng from Zixiao Holy Land was tricked. The two of us are just here to try our luck. Do you really think it's so easy to catch?"

But that brother Qian is not so easy to fool, and he knows the other person's personality very well, so he is not moved at all.

"Don't go, go and go by yourself."

"Go by yourself." Brother Pu was not angry, but just said with a dry smile: "It's just that my money is a little tight recently, and I hope Brother Qian will be generous."

"Huh, if you want money or not, you won't give it if you want to die. You can figure it out yourself."


Long Hao drank a glass of wine and couldn't help smiling.

One of these two people loves money like his life, and the other is lecherous and frivolous, and they are a perfect couple when they get together.

(End of this chapter)

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