Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 216 The Phantom Demon Boy Appears

Chapter 216 The Phantom Demon Boy Appears (Part [-])
Long Xiaomiao, who was protecting the little girl and fighting with a group of supernatural powers, was also stunned by this scene.

It looked back at the little girl curiously, and found that there were strands of disillusioned light in the other's eyes, as beautiful as chaotic glass.

But it was gone in a flash.


Scratching her head, Long Xiaomiao wondered if she had read it wrong.

"Quick, the cat is here, grab it."

"Smelly girl, where are you going? I suppressed you!"

"Damn Thief, watch me slash you with a sword!"


Mutations seem to be contagious.

Not only the two powerhouses in the sky, but even the soldiers of the Tianqi Kingdom and the powerhouses of the Tianqi Sect who surrounded the inn also lost their minds.

There was fierce murderous intent in their eyes, and they swung their swords to attack and kill their companions.

In an instant, the scene was chaotic, and countless strong men died under the swords of their own people, but they themselves did not notice it.

"Phantom boy!"

"Phantom boy!"

Almost at the same time, Pu Bucheng and Qianqiu, who had been staring at the spirit tray, both exclaimed.

On the spirit-finding disk that was shining brightly in the sun, the pointer turned quickly, as if catching a target, and finally pointed to the lobby on the second floor of Qixing Inn.

"Haha, in such a big scene, I knew that the Phantom Demon Boy would definitely appear, let's see where he is going this time!" Pu Bucheng trembled with his hand holding the Spirit Pan.

He was even more excited because he didn't have enough money. He stared at the Qixing Inn with fiery eyes, and he was very excited: "Hey, now our two brothers are prosperous. As long as we catch the phantom boy, we will have no worries about eating and drinking from now on."

With an excited laugh, the two of them immediately turned into swift streamers, followed the direction specified by the Tanling Pan, and headed straight for the Qixing Inn.

At the same time, Long Hao also reacted.

"The illusion that can control the strong in the Faxiang Realm must be the illusion of the legendary Illusory Demon Clan..." Long Hao was shocked when he glanced at Elder Hu and the mountain monk who were fighting each other in the sky.

He came to Jiangyue City to chase and kill Huanmo Boy to make meritorious deeds, but he never thought that it was Huanmo Boy who saved him at the critical moment.

In this Jiangyue city, there is no one else who can use the magic trick, except for the magic boy.

call out!call out!
Two rapid piercing sounds sounded behind him, and Long Hao found out the excited Pu Bucheng and the lack of money in a blink of an eye.

"These two bastards...huh!"

A cold light flashed in Long Hao's eyes, and he rushed over immediately.

The appearance of the mountain monk, although it was an accident.

But today's crisis is mainly caused by these two bastards. Long Hao, who has withdrawn, will let them go?

Pu Bucheng and Qianqiu's movements were extremely fast, especially in order to catch the phantom boy, the two of them almost used all their strength, and rushed to the street outside the Qixing Inn in an instant.

Looking at the Tianqi Sect strongman and the Tianqi Kingdom soldiers attacking and killing each other, extremely powerful mana fluctuations swelled from the two of them.

In an instant, a large number of strong men standing in front of him were blown away.

There was a strange light in the eyes of the pair of copper coins that didn't have enough money, and the smile was extremely wretched: "Hey, these idiots actually started fighting by themselves, so the final winner isn't..."

"That's right, it's down!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came, followed by a young man in white robes roaring with fighting spirit, appearing on the roof behind them.


Hearing that familiar yet murderous voice, Pu Bucheng and Qian Bucheng shrank their necks subconsciously, with embarrassment and fear in their eyes.

"Ha ha……"

"Junior Brother Long displayed his supernatural power just now, sweeping away Jindan, and rivaling Fa Xiang's heroic posture, it is quite wonderful."

"That's right, especially the Sky Burning Fire Lotus, the supernatural power really destroys the world!"

Glancing at the two flattering faces, Long Hao couldn't help but sneer.

"I also think it's good, so I want you to experience it too."

After finishing speaking, fire erupted from Long Hao's hands, and as they turned around, a miniature red fire lotus was condensed, exuding a divine brilliance comparable to the sun.

"Junior Brother Long, don't get excited, don't get excited."

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, we are from the same school, how could we cheat you?"

Feeling that the terrifying power of destroying everything in the red fire lotus was about to pour out, Pu Bucheng and Qian Bucheng finally changed their expressions, and kept waving their hands in salute.

"Huh? The stinky girl and the cat are there!"

Suddenly, the people who were fighting together just now stopped in unison, and shot one after another a look full of evil spirits, and cast them on Pu Bucheng and Qianshou.

"Brothers, kill me!"

"Kill, avenge the brother."

"Kill them and avenge the Ninth Princess!"

At both ends of the street, densely packed soldiers, led by a group of supernatural powers, charged towards Pu Bucheng and Qianbu Bucheng instead.

Obviously, their minds were controlled again and they switched targets.

"It turned out to be it?"

At this moment, Pu Bucheng noticed the movement of the Lingpan, and immediately fixed his eyes on Long Xiaomiao who was by the window on the second floor.

Because the dark golden light that shot out from Long Xiaomiao's big eyes was staring at him, giving him a terrible sense of soul oppression.

That is a special coercion belonging to the Heaven-swallowing Demon Dragon Clan, and it does contain a strange magical power.

"Brother Qian, hurry up, that cat was transformed by Huanmo Boy!" Pu Bucheng roared with incomparable certainty.

"You idiot, you're blind..."

Qian Bucheng slapped Pu Bucheng on the forehead, stared at him like an idiot, and said angrily, "It's that little girl."

Pu Bucheng rubbed his head, only to realize that the chaotic glass-like light bursting out from the little girl's eyes really possessed a terrifying magical power.

It's just that the little girl has been holding Long Xiaomiao in the same position as the locked position of the spirit disc, which made him misunderstand.

"Brother Qian, you block them, I'll go and capture the phantom boy."

Pu Bucheng, who was a little ashamed and angry, snarled, and rushed towards the little girl, but his handsome face was full of wretched smiles.

"I'm with you..."

Glancing at the man rushing over fiercely, he shrank his neck because he didn't have enough money, and wanted to jump up to the second floor.

"Hmph, none of you can leave!"

Long Hao, who has been watching coldly, is quite surprised by the identity of the little girl, but he will not let the two bastards, Pu Bucheng and Qianqiu, get their way.

"Supernatural power - burning sky fire lotus!"

With a press of Long Hao's big hand, he knocked out the scarlet fire lotus that had already condensed.


The fire lotus is in full bloom, emitting a brilliance like the divine light of the sun.

In order not to hurt Long Xiaomiao and the little girl in the opposite inn, Long Hao precisely controlled the power range of the Burning Sky Fire Lotus, only burning in the streets and alleys.

That being the case, the destructive power produced should not be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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