Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 237 The Season of Harvest

Chapter 237 The Season of Harvest

On top of the ruins, Long Hao and the mysterious city lord stood facing each other, like old friends for many years.

But after walking in, you will find that there is a hint of vigilance in their eyes.

"The treasure deep in the basin is no small matter, Tianlei Sect has been preparing for it for many years..."

Although the tone of the mysterious city lord was quite calm, Long Hao could feel the hatred hidden deep in the opponent's heart.

"Perhaps it won't be long before the Thunder Sect can find the seventh piece of the Great Thunder Token, and come to seize the treasure..." Speaking of this, the mysterious city lord's eyes also showed a trace of fiery: "At that time, how about you and me joining forces? "

Sure enough, this is the ultimate goal of the mysterious city lord.

After all, the Tianlei Sect is one of the Hundred Sects, and its strength is tyrannical.

They have prepared for this treasure for a long time, and they will definitely send many experts to come, and the mysterious city master alone is definitely not an opponent.

However, watching the treasure being seized by Tian Leizong, the mysterious city lord was naturally unwilling.

When he said the word "treasure", Long Hao's eyes also shone with a gleam.

The legendary inheritance of the Great Thunder Sound Sect is absolutely no small matter, even a saint would be envious, let alone him.

Moreover, Tianleizong, the son of Zixiao Holy Land, has been secretly planning to replace the Yaoguang Holy Land, and his ambition is clearly revealed.

If you can take away their good fortune, by the way, step on it hard.

This kind of thing, Long Hao is absolutely happy.

"On the matter of dealing with the Tianlei Sect, I can agree, but the treasure in it?"

The mysterious city lord had expected that Long Hao would agree, so he said bluntly: "Each according to his own ability."

Long Hao finally nodded.

After reaching a consensus, the mysterious city lord was about to leave.

"You don't want any of these treasures?" Long Hao was a little surprised.

The six Heavenly Thunder Sect powerhouses who fell were all in the Faxiang Realm and had strong financial resources.

Since the mysterious city lord has betrayed Tianlei Sect, he should not be rich. He thought the other party would fight.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious city lord was not moved at all, and still said in a cold tone: "All I want is to kill them all..."

"As for these, consider it your reward for helping me."

Long Hao didn't know that the mysterious city lord had spent many years in the ruins of the Great Thunder Sound Sect, and the treasures he unearthed were not only the Great Thunder Sound Token and the Great White Jade Seal.

Therefore, he naturally despised those ordinary belongings.

As for the golden elixir, it belonged to the enemy, even if he crushed it, he would not refine it.

This ruthless person does have a Taoist heart that is stronger than gold.

"Pay attention!"

Long Hao smiled lightly and was not polite.

Anyway, in this battle, he was the one who contributed the most. First, he broke through the Twelve Strange Gate Formation of Tiansha, and then stepped on and exploded the projection dharma body of the Great Sage Zhenyun.

Otherwise, the two of them would have gone to Huangquan hand in hand.


Long Xiaomiao excitedly collected all the treasures, took away what she needed and liked, and threw the rest to Long Hao.

And it itself, holding the golden elixir of the mountain monk, was extremely proud.

It was only then that Long Hao discovered that the golden elixir of the mountain monk was different from that of ordinary people, that Buddha power and magic power co-existed.

However, this golden elixir is indeed very suitable for Long Xiaomiao, a chinchilla hybrid, after all, it also has half of the bloodline of the Swallowing Demon Dragon.

Apart from the golden elixir and ordinary property, the biggest gain in this battle is naturally the set of the Twelve Strange Gates of Heavenly Fiend.

This Holy Formation was naturally refined by the Great Sage Zhenyun himself for his disciples. Each formation flag is an extremely high-level magic weapon, possessing powerful power beyond realms.

Although Long Hao is not a formation master, Demon Emperor Fentian has dabbled in the formation, so Long Hao can still do it simply by controlling the formation.

"With this large formation, you won't be afraid of being disturbed by others when you practice outside in the future."

The movement of Long Hao practicing Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue is really no small matter.

Twice in a row before, it was born as a rare treasure.

He was suppressed for no reason, although he didn't cause much trauma, but every time he was buried alive in disgrace, it also made Long Hao quite depressed.

Now that there is this Heavenly Fiend Twelve Odd Gate Formation, there is no need to care about these at all.

After sorting out these things, Long Hao realized that the little girl Huanli had been looking at him all the time, hesitant to speak.

"By the way, you helped me win the Lightning Source Dao Fruit before, but you haven't said what you want?"

With a faint smile, Long Hao took out all the treasures on his body and let the other party choose.

All kinds of natural and earthly treasures, spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and even kung fu cheats...floating in front of my eyes, dazzling, like a sky full of stars.

Blooming a strong precious light, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are blooming, which is really eye-catching.

If it wasn't for Long Hao grabbing Long Xiaomiao's hind legs, this guy couldn't help but go up and snatch it.

However, the little girl Huanli just glanced at it, but finally shook her head.

"No one you like?" Long Hao frowned slightly, feeling a little helpless.

"Then how about I send you back to the Demon Suppressing Abyss?"

Hearing this, the little girl's head shook even faster, and her little face was full of horror.

"No, no, no... If I don't go back, they will kill me."

When Long Xiaomiao heard this, she immediately became angry, stood upright, raised her paws and shouted, "Tell me whoever will kill you, and see if I don't swallow him."

However, Huanli shook his head, drooping his little head, and said bitterly: "I don't know, but grandma, grandpa and grandma...they were all killed."

"Damn it, it's the one who doesn't have eyes. I don't know if the little girl is covered by me?"

Long Hao pushed aside the dancing Long Xiaomiao, glared at it and said, "Since when did she become your sister?"

"I just recognized it." Long Xiaomiao said with a face of dissatisfaction.

Long Hao didn't bother to talk to it anymore, he just looked at Huanli with tears in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It seems that there is also constant internal fighting among the abyssal demons."

This is very similar to humans.

Once a foreign enemy invades, everyone will unite as one.

On weekdays, the various factions are also fighting endlessly for profit or hatred.

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

There is no way to go back to the Abyss of Zhenmo, and in the Xuanhuang Great World, Huanli is wanted by the patrolling Tiangong Tianxia again, which makes Long Hao feel difficult.


At this time, Huanli said timidly: "I want to practice with Brother Hao."

"Cultivation?" Long Hao was slightly surprised.

"If I were as strong as brother Hao, the human mother-in-law wouldn't die..." Huanli obviously blamed herself a little bit.

Their family's illusion method is only aimed at the soul, but she herself has no power at all.

"I want to become stronger, I want to avenge my parents..."

Huanli knelt down solemnly and begged bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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