Chapter 248
In the hall, looking at the fearless Long Hao, Gou Shengjun suddenly laughed.

But few people could feel that that warm, spring-like smile was filled with incomparably fierce murderous intent.

"Junior Brother Long, it looks like he doesn't cry when he sees the coffin."

Smiling, Gou Shengjun put away the folding fan, put his hands behind his back, and his eyes became disdainful.

"If you want evidence, then I will give you evidence!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was quite surprised. They didn't expect that Gou Shengjun would have a second hand. Even the great sage Zhenyun, whose face was flushed with anger, couldn't help but look over.

Da da……

Gou Shengjun walked towards Long Hao with his hands behind his back.

The temperament of the whole person began to change, becoming deep, vast, and extremely domineering.

With every step down, there seems to be an endless aura of grandeur emerging, united with the avenue of heaven and earth, like the rising sun, and like the aurora shining brightly, like standing in the vast starry sky, looking down at all the spirits in the world, making people feel an irresistible trend!

"The king's momentum!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked at Gou Shengjun in horror, with an expression of awe.

"It has already broken through to the king realm, Gou Shengjun is really powerful!"

The always ruthless Ji Hanshuang couldn't help but look at Gou Shengjun a few more times, feeling the shock from his soul.

As we all know, when Gou Shengjun was promoted to a true disciple not long ago, he was only at the level of Nirvana, but now he has become a king in less than two years.

Although there is the help of the giants of the holy way behind him, his own talent can be described as earth-shattering.

"It really is a ruthless character."

But what Long Hao didn't understand was, how did the other party come up with ironclad evidence, did they want to suppress him with the power of a king, and force him to admit it?
Long Hao licked his lips, the supernatural power of the primal chaos dragon reappeared, and he was not weak in the slightest against the opponent's king.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome..."

Gou Shengjun's eyes are like disillusioned space, as if he can see through people's thoughts.

He smiled lightly, although it was like a breeze blowing on his face, it made Long Hao feel a terrible sense of threat.

"I recently developed a new secret technique. As long as I perform it on Junior Brother Long, everything will come to light. It's better than our endless arguments here."

"Secret technique? What kind of secret technique is so magical?" Everyone was puzzled.

But Long Hao suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly focused on Gou Shengjun, full of hostility.

"You want to search my soul?"

When everyone heard it, they were all shocked.

"Soul search?"

"Isn't that the secret method of the Hades in the Yellow Springs of the Western Regions?"

Everyone's pupils trembled. The Netherworld Nadir is definitely a taboo in the entire Xuanhuang Great World.

Their methods are extremely strange. It is said that offering blood sacrifices can kill people invisible hundreds of millions of miles away. This is the ultimate curse that even the Great Sage cannot escape.

Obsessed with illusions, manipulated corpses, resurrected the dead...

The Netherworld Mingzu has countless strange methods and the power to disrupt the world and swallow the world.

The Four Great Sacred Lands, including the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, guarded here all the year round, and they were only worthy of confronting them.

Its horror and destructive power are no less than that of the abyssal demons.

And the soul-searching secret technique is the untold secret of the Netherworld Mingzu, which can easily explore the secrets deep in a person's soul.

No matter how deep it is hidden, under this secret technique, there is nothing to hide.

With this secret technique, the Netherworld Mingzu could easily detect the human secrets of the Xuanhuang Great World, which almost brought disaster to the Xuanhuang Great World.

Later, this secret technique was later mastered by a Buddhist emperor, and this helped the Xuanhuang Great World to gradually reverse its decline.

However, this secret technique is extremely difficult to master, and it is too vicious. Once it is tricked, it will hurt the spiritual consciousness at least, and it will directly destroy the soul, so it was listed as a forbidden technique by the Buddhist emperor.

Even Emperor Burning Heaven coveted it.

No one would have thought that Gou Shengjun could master this secret technique!

Long Hao knew very well that no matter how strong the will is, he could not resist this vicious secret technique, and his whole body would become transparent in an instant.

Once he is recruited, not to mention his memory will be read out.

Even the matter of his soul traveling through and devouring the Burning Devil Emperor, the magic of the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, and even the secret of the dragon-shaped jade pendant will be hidden.

As such.

Not only Gou Shengjun and others, all creatures in the world, regardless of human beings, monsters, even demons and Hades, will chase and kill him at all costs.

He will become the enemy of the world!

"Senior brother Shengjun, Long Hao is only suspected now. This method is too vicious. Once he uses it, no matter whether he is guilty or not, he will become a useless person in this life. Brother, please think again."

Ji Hanshuang suddenly stepped forward, trying to dissuade him.

Long Hao was quite astonished.

No one could have imagined that Ji Hanshuang, who was about to tear his mouth out angrily just now, would plead for him.

Ji Hanshuang herself didn't know.

Perhaps it was because Long Hao's performance was too against the sky, and he didn't want to lose a genius to Yaoguang Holy Land.

"Junior Sister Ji is worrying too much. Now that I have used this method, I am sure that the most serious crimes committed by Long Hao are true..." Gou Shengjun has no intention of letting go.

"Take a ten thousand step back, if Long Hao is really wronged, then even if I travel all over Xuanhuang, go deep into the underworld for him, what's the point in finding immortal medicine for him?"

Gou Shengjun had already talked about this, Ji Hanshuang's face changed, and he could only look at his master.

The Lord of Law Enforcement Palace also felt that something was wrong.

Of course, as long as Long Hao showed enough talent just now, it would be a pity to become a useless person once his soul foundation is damaged.

Otherwise, if he were an ordinary inner disciple, he wouldn't even frown.

"Mr. Sheng..."

It's a pity that he was interrupted by Zhenyun Dasheng just as he opened his mouth.

At this moment, the Great Sage Zhenyun's eyes became darker, and he released an incomparably tyrannical coercion. He locked on the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall like the might of the sky, and threatened: "Qin Yuansheng, in front of this sage, do you still want to cover him up?"

The face of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Palace became serious.

Looking at Gou Shengjun and Zhenyun Dasheng, it was obvious that they wanted to overwhelm others and destroy Long Hao.

But with him alone, it is already the limit to deal with the Great Sage Zhenyun.

Gou Shengjun's status is extraordinary, and there is also a saint master behind him.

Offending two saints all at once for the sake of an inner sect disciple who had never met before, even the Master of the Law Enforcement Hall could not bear the pressure.

At this time, Gou Shengjun had already stepped forward, and the aura of the supreme king protruding from his body, like a mountain of gods, shocked everyone present.

And the Lord of Law Enforcement Palace was locked by the Great Sage Zhenyun.

How can Long Hao, who is only in the supernatural realm, be able to resist Gou Shengjun's kingly power.

From the depths of Gou Shengjun's eyes, Long Hao saw his heart.

"If I say you are guilty, you are guilty!"

"I said search for souls, so search for souls!"

"You are an ant-like figure, you can't resist my invincible momentum!"

This is the way of the real king and hegemony, with the power to suppress everything!
(End of this chapter)

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