Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 38 The Evil Spirit Possesses

Chapter 38 The Evil Spirit Possesses
The Falling Demon Ridge was dark, except for some strange crystals emitting a faint green light, which looked a bit intrusive.

Long Hao took a closer look, and immediately smelled a faint smell of blood, but Long Xiaomiao sneered, as if he didn't like this smell very much.

"It should be magic blood!"

"The green spar was formed when the terrible devil's blood was stained on the stone. After a long time, it should form a devil soul crystal."

The magic soul crystal is a kind of magic crystal, the grade is extremely high and quite strange.

It contains special spiritual power, which can enhance the spiritual awareness of practitioners, and is of great help to those who are above the Transcendent Realm.

It's a pity that this is made of the blood essence of a demon king. Even the supernatural powers do not dare to refine this kind of demon soul crystal, otherwise they will definitely be driven into insanity by the violent spiritual power in it and go crazy.

Regardless of any practitioner, the spiritual consciousness is extremely fragile and cannot tolerate the slightest damage.

But to Long Hao's surprise, there was still a trace of weird mental fluctuations in those green spar, which was extremely chaotic and full of chaotic meaning.

"No, isn't it the Demon Soul Crystal?"

According to the memory of Demon Emperor Fentian, before the magic soul crystal is fully formed, it will not emit mental fluctuations.

But the green spar in front of him is obviously different, and the mental fluctuations emanating from it are extremely strange, as if there are some living things contained in it.

And just when he was about to observe closely, the green spar suddenly flickered, and a strong suction was generated in an instant, trying to swallow Long Hao's spiritual consciousness.

Long Hao's scalp felt numb, and he retreated immediately, everything here was too weird.

But at this moment, a biting cold wind blew past, making Long Hao's back feel chilly.

Even Long Xiaomiao stood up, her hair stood up all over her body, and she grinned fiercely, as if she had discovered something, and immediately entered an attacking state.


Finding that Long Xiaomiao was staring straight behind him, with a dark golden light in his eyes, and a low growl, Long Hao suddenly thought of something, and suddenly felt terrified.

"I heard that a cat's eyes can see some unclean things..."

"Damn it, could it be that you really hit a ghost?"

Thinking of this, Long Hao once again strongly felt that the eyes staring at him were getting closer.

"No, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"36 counts is the best."

Without looking back, Long Hao ran away.

But still too late.

Just when Long Hao wanted to run away, the shadow that had been dormant in the darkness suddenly moved, flashing over with a swish, the speed was extremely fast.

Not only that, but almost at the same time, a shadow jumped out of that green spar, and rushed towards Long Xiaomiao at the same terrifying speed.

"Damn, it's fine for me to sprint, but you're still flashing!"

The speed of those weird shadows was really too fast, Long Hao couldn't help cursing secretly, feeling very anxious.

If he encountered a demon race, even a high-level earth demon, he would not run away in such a panic, at worst, he would just fight head-on.

But these things in front of me, invisible objects, are like ghosts and ghosts, and the fists hit them as if they were punching in the air.

In this situation, besides running away, he really didn't know what to do.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Those two weird shadows were indeed flashing, and they caught up with Long Hao in an instant.

Turning his head to look, Long Hao suddenly felt his scalp go numb, the strange shadow shone with a piercing green light, and also let out a strange stern laugh, which seemed to be no different from the legendary ghosts and evil spirits.

"Ma Dan, fight!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Long Hao's heart froze, he turned around and mobilized the two hundred dragon veins in his body, wanting to use his strongest trick to suppress and kill these strange evil spirits.

"Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw..."

However, the speed of the evil spirit was too fast, before Long Hao could make a move, he was shocked to see a hideous face covered in blood before his eyes, and then he lost consciousness.

That evil spirit actually got into Long Hao's body.

The next moment, Long Hao's eyes suddenly opened, leaving only the white of the eyes, and the eyeballs were replaced by a green light, his body was stiff, his face was pale...

That image is like being possessed by an evil spirit.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Chaotic negative emotions filled Long Hao's mind, making his consciousness extremely irritable, wanting to destroy everything.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Long Xiaomiao on his shoulder. The knuckles of his palm protruded like ghost claws.

"Meow..." Long Xiaomiao was taken aback, but in the end she was flexible and dodged with a single leap.

However, Long Hao still refused to give up. He stretched out his two sharp claws, like a walking corpse, bouncing towards Long Xiaomiao again.

In his eyes, Long Xiaomiao at this time is a vicious Old Demon, obviously completely confused.

When Long Xiaomiao saw Long Hao rushing towards him, she stood there at a loss, her big eyes burst into tears.

But at this moment, Long Hao's chest suddenly lit up with a misty chaotic divine light, completely illuminating Long Hao's body.

You can even see the awakened two hundred dragon veins, knotted together, and a shadow in your mind, fierce and evil, it is that evil spirit.

However, when the chaotic divine light shook violently, the evil spirit immediately let out a shrill scream, and then fell apart directly, turning into strands of black smoke, which emerged from Long Hao's head.

At the same time, Long Hao woke up suddenly, panting heavily, his eyes protruding, as if he had encountered some great horror.

Then, he stroked the dragon-shaped jade pendant on his chest, both puzzled and grateful.

The moment the evil spirit possessed him, even the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art stopped functioning. The chaotic and violent devil energy directly tore his flesh, and the evil spirit was eroding his consciousness...

If it hadn't been for the dragon-shaped jade pendant to manifest at the critical moment, Long Hao would really have fallen this time.

"It's the same as when devouring the Burning Demon Emperor, what kind of treasure is this dragon-shaped jade pendant?"

Even the remnant soul of the Supreme Emperor can be devoured, so it is easy to deal with mere evil spirits.

But what puzzled Long Hao was that although this dragon-shaped jade pendant was inherited from his ancestors, he knew nothing about the dragon-shaped jade pendant.

I only know that when he first appeared, he took his soul to travel to the Xuanhuang Great World.

During the second manifestation, he devoured the remnant soul of Emperor Fentian, and passed on to him a supreme divine skill——Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art.

Now it's the third apparition.

It seems that the dragon-shaped jade pendant is specially used for the soul, which is elusive.

At the same time, another shrill scream came, which immediately interrupted Long Hao's thoughts.

Looking back, Long Hao was surprised to find that the furious Long Xiaomiao opened his mouth and spit out a powerful dark golden vortex, which directly crushed and swallowed the evil spirits that rushed towards it.

The Sky Swallowing Demon Dragon swallows everything, it's really not built!

(End of this chapter)

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