Chapter 408

At this moment, Bai Yutang felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood, blood-colored baleful energy flowed all over his body, and he just casually made a magic seal, and a majestic force of heaven and earth swept over him.

"The power of heaven and earth has been mobilized."

"Faxiangjing, he stepped into the Faxiangjing."

"Oh my God……"

Mobilizing the power of heaven and earth is the sign of a strong person in the Faxiang Realm.

Everyone looked up at Bai Yutang, with shock and fear in their eyes.

Along the way of practice, the Faxiang Realm is a huge watershed.

No matter how strong a strong person in the Golden Core Realm is, they can only use manpower, but in the Faxiang Realm, they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to suppress powerful enemies.

How can human power rival the power of heaven and earth?
To put it bluntly, even a strong person in the Golden Core Realm's Ten Great Consummations is like an ant in front of a powerful person in the Faxiang Realm, and can be easily suppressed and killed.

The gap between them is like a gap between heaven and earth, which is difficult to bridge.

"Break it for me!"

Bai Yutang shouted hoarsely.

Immediately, under his control, the gigantic purple-gold tower spun rapidly, and streams of domineering power from heaven and earth came together, and soon the divine light shone brightly, forming a powerful storm.

chi chi chi...

It didn't take a moment for the burning sky flames all over the sky to be wiped out.

The sky was gray and dark, as if a layer of skin had been swept away, and it would take an unknown amount of time to heal.

Long Hao's eyes were like lightning, and his body moved sideways to escape the sweep of the storm.

He also didn't continue to release the Fentian Zhenyan attack, because he knew that it was useless in the face of the domineering power of heaven and earth.

"Long Hao!"

With a bang, the purple gold tower fell high in the sky, causing the sky to collapse, and a majestic voice came from it.

Bai Yutang stood on the spire of the pagoda, with the purple gold pagoda above his head, and strands of purple mist wrapped around him, reflecting him like a fairy.

"Your death is here!"

Bai Yutang's gaze became extremely ferocious, staring at Long Hao with killing intent: "If you can force me to use the Dragon Tiger Violence Pellet, you are enough to rest in peace."

After finishing the words, he pointed out that a series of mysterious inscription patterns emerged and were branded in the giant tower.

At the same time, the purple-gold giant tower suddenly emitted a rich purple haze, and the power of Zhou Tian swept in, and it flowed into the tower like a whale sucking in the sea.


The sky trembled violently, and an unprecedented terrifying trend swept across the world.

"Tianwei, Tianwei!"

Many people below seemed to be bitten by lightning, and their souls trembled.

Lu Qianyuan who was on the side hastily activated the Five Elements Seal to seal the sky to the extreme, isolating himself from the outside world, and felt a little relieved.

"It's troublesome, Bai Yutang actually broke the limit of the realm. A strong person in the Faxiang realm can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to suppress everything. Now Long Hao is in danger."

Yun Rong's face was also a little pale, and he clenched his fists and said: "Yes, no matter how strong the water spirit treasure is, it can only be invincible in the same realm. If you face the Faxiang realm..."

The two of them didn't dare to think about it anymore, they could only pray that Long Haoji would have his own vision.

However, to everyone's surprise, facing the raging Tianwei, Long Hao, standing in the center of the storm, did not panic in the slightest, with a sneer still hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really think that you can be invincible in the world?"

"What's more, it's just a false law."

Long Hao, a strong man in the Faxiang Realm, has seen many of them, and even killed several of them, although it was under extremely special circumstances.

But the real strong person in the Faxiang Realm, who can judge the sky and the earth, is truly powerful.

And the Bai Yutang in front of him barely reached that level by taking drugs, and could only mobilize a small part of the power of heaven and earth.

Being despised by Long Hao, Bai Yutang was even more annoyed, and the giant purple gold tower that manipulated the magic light suddenly suppressed it.

"Enough to kill you!"

"Ridiculous." Long Hao did not panic, and took out the Underworld Dragon Bow with his hands, and pulled it into a full moon shape.

And at the same time as the divine pattern of power in his body was revived, the [-] dragon veins unleashed the power of the prehistoric and blessed the Dark Dragon Bow.


With the infusion of majestic mana, the moment the golden light divine arrow condensed, huge power fluctuations immediately dissipated, causing a large area of ​​void to be distorted.

That momentum was no weaker than the power of heaven and earth induced by Bai Yutang.

"My God, he actually activated the ultimate power of the top-rank magic weapon?"

Generally, only those in the Dharma Realm can fully control top-grade magic weapons, but at this moment, all the inscription patterns on the Dark Dragon Bow have all recovered.

"Long Hao's own strength is very strong. With the double blessing of the water spirit treasure body and the power god pattern, it is not impossible to trigger the ultimate power of the top-grade magic weapon." Lu Qianyuan said in surprise.

Yunrong recalled the scene of fighting side by side with Long Hao in a daze, and smiled on his face: "This guy can always create miracles."



At the same time, the terrifying power fluctuation erupted suddenly, and Bai Yutang and Long Hao all made deadly moves, making ear-piercing long howls.


The Purple Gold Pagoda was suppressed, and the void exploded, triggering a huge storm, which was extremely destructive.

But Long Hao's divine sense had already locked on it, he let go of the bowstring abruptly, and the golden light arrow shot out in a mighty way, leaving a thick black hole between the sky and the earth like the sun startling a thunderbolt.


Words cannot describe the horror of that arrow.

But it gives people the feeling that it seems to be able to pierce the sky and drop the arrows into the stars.

Chi Chi Chi... Boom!

The two massive attacks collided in an instant, causing a violent explosion.

The sky and the earth were completely dark and completely lost their color.

People's eyes are fixed, and their ears are deaf.

At that moment, the world lost its sound, and there was only a terrible shock wave sweeping across the sky.


After a long time, the sky was torn apart.

The two beams of light flew backwards, leaving two huge gullies in the sky, like space cracks, which seemed to be evenly matched.

"My God, it actually blocked it."

"Long Hao, who is only at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm, can actually fight against the Magic Phase Realm. I am not dreaming."

Just now, Long Hao seemed to have really crossed the gap between heaven and earth, which gave everyone an extremely strong shock.

"how is this possible?"

Bai Yutang's ferocious face turned a little pale, and his cold eyes shrank suddenly.

He has crossed the limit of the realm and mastered the domineering power of heaven and earth, but he still failed to severely injure Long Hao.

In particular, the arrow just now was like a divine dragon that traversed the heavens and pierced the universe. It possessed terrifying destructive power and almost exploded the Purple Gold Pagoda.

It still haunts him to this day, and he will never forget it.

At this moment, the other Zixiao disciples in the battle formation also began to feel at a loss.

If even such an attack can't kill Long Hao, who else can match him?
Seeing everyone's depression, Bai Yutang's heart became flustered.

Although the dragon and tiger violence pill is powerful, it has a time limit. Once the potency is exhausted, the combat power will inevitably be greatly reduced.

But Long Hao is different, what he uses is completely his own power, almost unlimited.

If this continues, the consequences will be disastrous.

(End of this chapter)

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