Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 411 On the Tao

Chapter 411 On the Tao
After the war, people had just calmed down from the intense and exciting emotions. When they saw Zongxiu and others trapped in zongzi, their enthusiasm soon became high.

Throw yourself into a battle of trials and vengeance.

Zong Xiu, Han Zhen and the others were terrified in the face of the vicious and spitting Yaoguang disciples. Some of them were of poor psychological quality, and even vomited three liters of blood on the spot, and passed out.

Zong Xiu and Han Zhen lost their previous splendor and arrogance. Under the threat of death, they both knelt down like dead dogs and begged for mercy.

A person who can be a traitor naturally has no backbone.

As for traitors who were hated by others, disciples of Yaoguang would naturally treat them in the simplest and rudest way.

First, he scolded them severely, counting out their countless crimes, and then suppressed and killed them all under their desperate begging for mercy.

As for the two leaders Zong Xiu and Han Zhen, the special treatment of [-] knives is naturally indispensable.

As for Zong Xiu and Han Zhen, the two top powerhouses, their vitality is quite tenacious. Each of the hundreds of Yaoguang disciples present went up and cut five or six knives, leaving almost only the skeleton and internal organs, but still not dead.

In the end, Fang Tianhua and Xiao Liu directly chopped off his head, and the end was not bad.

Regarding this, Long Hao didn't care about it and didn't ask, and let everyone toss and vent the anger accumulated in their hearts.

Looking at Lingshu and Yunrong at the side, who were healing Lei Yin, Long Hao didn't step forward to disturb him, but found Lu Qianyuan and sat down with him to discuss the matter.

The mysterious strong man who pretended to be Fengyang before left him with countless questions.

And one of them is about the cultivation of the Five Elements Treasure Body.

Yes, not only the water spirit treasure body, but also the mysterious Dao pattern that the mysterious strong man injected into Long Hao's body without hesitating to expend his original power, is the practice method of the five elements treasure body.

Because he happened to have a treasure of water attribute like Cangming Xuanling Water on his body, the mysterious strongman helped him directly cultivate the water spirit treasure body.

But this is only the first step.

The Five Elements Treasure Body is more than ten times stronger than the single Water Spirit Treasure Body. Of course, Long Hao will not be satisfied with this, but according to the experience of Emperor Fentian, the cultivation of the Five Elements Treasure Body is extremely dangerous, and no one has ever succeeded in history.

After expressing his question, Lu Qianyuan opened his mouth dumbly, and looked at Long Hao with a bit of shock.

"Are you crazy? The power of the five elements is the way. Just mixing two kinds of power is enough to explode the body of a practitioner, let alone the power of the five attributes?"

"Is there no chance at all?" Long Hao asked, frowning.

And Lu Qianyuan shook his head decisively, and solemnly reminded: "Whether it is the Five Elements Treasure Physique or the Holy Physique, this kind of special physique with a mixture of multiple attributes, unless it is born, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate it the day after tomorrow."

To this, Long Hao nodded, what Lu Qianyuan said was basically the same as the experience of the Burning Demon Emperor.

After all, Lu Qianyuan himself is practicing the Five Elements Dao, and there are super strong people in this way to point out, so it is naturally very clear.

Moreover, in the history of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao alone, there have been many amazing and brilliant geniuses who attempted to break this taboo, but they all failed, and most of them died by exploding.

There is only one person, who got some kind of adventure against the heavens, and cultivated a treasure body with dual attributes of water and fire, but that's all. If he condenses the power of one more attribute, he will surely die.

"Is anyone really successful?" The last sentence made Long Hao's eyes light up.

Seeing that Long Hao still didn't give up, Lu Qianyuan solemnly reminded: "Junior Brother Long, I have to remind you that those seniors in history were not inferior to you in terms of talent and combat power, and there were even some who were stronger than you, but their In the end, they all exploded and died, and the only one who had cultivated the Water and Fire Precious Body was nothing more than a narrow escape, so you can't do it recklessly."

Long Hao nodded, but Lu Qianyuan felt that it was a bit perfunctory no matter how he looked at it.

He knew that Long Hao was an extremely crazy person, and he was also very stubborn, and he didn't know if his persuasion would be useful, but he also fulfilled his duty as a friend.

Long Hao certainly understands this.

He is crazy, but he will never kill himself.

He would never do anything without a glimmer of hope, but as long as there was even a glimmer of hope, he wanted to give it a try.

Others can do it, why can't I?

Others can fuse two, why can't I fuse five?

Long Hao's arrogant thoughts are not because of his conceit, but because he has some capital.

The mysterious Dao pattern imprinted on his body by the mysterious powerhouse is the method of the Five Elements Treasure Body, and the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art he cultivated can be compatible with any power...

Even so, there are still huge risks.

But for Long Hao, if the risk outweighs the benefit, he doesn't mind doing it.

If the risk is great and the reward is greater, then it is worth taking the risk.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a matter of trade-offs.

The water spirit body has been cultivated to the extreme, although it can also be cultivated into the water spirit body.

But the method he obtained is not just as simple as the Five Elements Treasure Physique, but the supreme avenue that directly points to the Xuanhuang Holy Physique!
Facing the number one Xuanhuang Saint Physique in the world, no one in the world would be able to resist this kind of temptation.

After making the decision, Long Hao thanked him, and then found a quiet place to practice.

When he woke up, it coincided with the fierce battle, so he hadn't had time to stabilize his cultivation.

Now is just the time for everyone to recuperate and heal their injuries to completely stabilize the Shui Ling Bao body, and then the strength will skyrocket again.

During this period of time, he got a lot of loot. Although there were not many water-type treasures, after refining them all, his treasure body could grow again.

When Long Hao was cultivating, the other Yaoguang disciples took care of Zong Xiu and the others first, and then buried the fellow students who fell in this battle.

Looking at the familiar classmates, they turned into cold corpses in front of their eyes.

While the disciples of Yaoguang felt desolate, they also ignited their fighting spirit soaringly.

Soon, they also took advantage of this short time to hurry up and practice.

This experience from life to death, and from death to life, made everyone feel as if they had been baptized. Coupled with the large amount of resources they plundered before, everyone made considerable progress.

A few days later, Long Hao took the lead to leave the customs, and the force of the water spirit poured into his body again like a vast ocean.

Now, his flesh body is crystal clear with azure blue luster, his blood is more vigorous and full, and he looks more like a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex. Just standing there can bring great pressure to people.

Clenching his fists tightly, Long Hao's eyes became bright as he carefully sensed the continuously surging power in his body.

"Now, I can compete against the Dharma Realm with the strength of my physical body alone. With the power of the divine pattern and many supernatural powers, it is not impossible to kill the Dharma Realm!"

Suddenly, Long Hao leaped into the void, and cast his gaze in the direction of the Demon City, revealing a strong murderous intent.

If he fights with Bai Yutang again, he is fully sure that he can kill him easily!

(End of this chapter)

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