Chapter 415 Let's Go Together

Cangjiao Island, underground palace.

The woman in the purple gauze dress was half lying on the wide throne, revealing half of her jade-like calf, and her beautiful face was very attractive.

The void buzzed, and a coquettish female demon in white clothes appeared in front of her, bowing respectfully: "Princess Qi, that human has already acted."

The woman in purple showed a triumphant smile, sat up straight and said with a smile: "The action is quite fast, the princess really saw him right."

But this time, Bai Yan's face was a little embarrassed, and she said bluntly after thinking about it: "According to the detailed report of our family in the magic city, he is the only one who attacks the magic city alone, and the disciples of Yaoguang and the Holy Land Did not show up."

"Alone?" The woman in purple frowned slightly, but soon relaxed again: "As expected, you still noticed it, but you are quite alert, but it doesn't matter, this princess has long been prepared..."

With a sweet smile, the purple-clothed woman suddenly stood up, showing her perfectly proportioned slender body, but her voice was full of endless domineering: "Notify the Demon General Earth Sha that the net can be collected."

"The Disha Demon General has already led our army to gather at Cangxin Island, Cangdi Island and Tianmang Mountain on Cangfang Island. They can surround the Demon City at any time, but..."

The female demon Baiyan glanced at the purple-clothed woman in fear, took a deep breath and said, "The Black Qiu Demon Commander led the four major demon generals to chase and kill Mu Tianyan. There has been no news, I'm afraid..."

She didn't dare to say any more, because an extremely powerful magic power had already enveloped the entire underground palace.

The dark purple magic power is filled with strange inscription patterns, like a dancing flame, possessing a terrifying power to annihilate the soul.

That is Nine Nether Demon Flame!

"Trash!" The purple-clothed woman's face turned cold, and she only said one sentence for a long time, but it was like five thunderbolts,
All of a sudden, including the Baiyan female demon, all the powerful demons in the underground palace knelt down in fear, feeling the suppression from the innate soul, which made them tremble with fear.

After a long while, the pressure of the terrifying Nine Nether Demon Flame slowly dissipated.

The face of the purple-clothed woman returned to normal, and she said coldly: "For the time being, I don't care about her. As long as the plan is successful, break the seal, and welcome the arrival of our powerful people, how much trouble can she create by herself."

"The princess is wise." The Baiyan female demon said in awe.

"Come on, let's go to Cangfang Island immediately."

"The princess wants to go in person?"

Although they have been planning for a long time and they have a chance of winning, after all, a big battle is about to break out, and anything can happen. The majestic demon princess should not put herself in danger.

The Baiyan female demon wanted to dissuade her, but she didn't have the courage.

"This operation is of great importance. If I don't personally preside over it, the princess is worried..."

The purple-clothed woman, who has always been strong and conceited, naturally refused to listen to dissuasion. She had already summoned the whale monster and was about to cross the strait and reach Cangfang Island.

Of course, when she went to Cangfang Island, she still had another purpose that she didn't say clearly, and that was to subdue Long Hao.


The Whale Monster flew across the sea, like a black dragon, as fast as lightning.

From Cangjiao Island to Cangfang Island, it needs to cross several islands, even for the strong ones who have completed the Golden Core Ten Majors, it will take several days to rush on the road without stopping.

But the Whale Warcraft is worthy of being the commander in chief, and it directly skims the sea, and it takes less than half a day to reach it.


Cangfang Island, a magic city.

There are a large number of disciples from the Four Great Sacred Grounds gathered here, tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, most of them gathered around the city wall, staring at the outside of the city with all their attention. No one realized that a terrifying black hand had opened towards them.

Outside the city, the cold-faced swordsman Jian Lingyun and the elegant son Tang Linfeng were all watching the white-robed youth in front of them, with fighting spirit rising in their eyes.

"Although you didn't take their lives, you can't pretend that it didn't happen. Our two holy places also want to save face." Tang Linfeng said.

Long Hao already understood the reason for their visit, and immediately said impatiently: "If that's the case, then draw a way, and I, Long Hao, will accompany you."

At this time, Jian Lingyun opened his mouth, and he stepped forward directly, his sword spirit soaring into the sky: "Fight with me, if you win, it will be written off, if you lose, then spit out everything before."

There is no irreconcilable enmity between the two parties, and they came here just to regain some ground, so they didn't mean to fight to the death.

"This is an empty-handed white wolf, I don't have the time to spare." Long Hao looked impatient, he was waiting to kill someone, and he really didn't want to get too entangled with these two people.

Hearing this, Tang Linfeng suddenly waved his hands and laughed. He had long heard that Long Hao was a master who never traded at a loss, so he was already prepared.

Lifting the bronze token in his hand, Tang Linfeng smiled and said, "There are 50 demon hunting points here, and if you win, it will be yours."

As he spoke, he glanced at Jian Lingyun beside him, who also nodded.

"One million demon hunting points, yes."

Nodding in his heart, Long Hao's expression suddenly changed, he glanced at the two of them contemptuously and said: "Then stop dawdling, you two go up together!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun were taken aback.


Too embarrassing!

On the tower, Xiaoyao and Tianjian disciples were filled with righteous indignation.

"Who does he think he is, and he wants to single out Senior Brother Tang and Senior Brother Jian?"

"I have heard that this person is arrogant and fearless, but now it seems that he is just arrogant and ignorant."

Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun are both contemporary disciple leader-level powerhouses.

In particular, Jian Lingyun is even more stunningly talented. Among his contemporaries in the Great Eastern Land, there are few who can match him.

"Does he think he's the one who can't make up the sky?"

"Hmph, just watch, the two senior brothers will soon let him know why the flowers are so popular!"

Everyone was very angry.

As for Bai Yutang, he just sneered, he hoped that Long Hao would be more arrogant, and when Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun severely injured him, it would be much easier for him to strike again.

At the same time, Long Xiaomiao rushed over carrying the banner, shouting, "Come on, my gold bricks are already hungry and thirsty!"

However, Long Hao just glared at it: "Go and play."

As the words fell, a surge of mana surged straight into the sky like a tsunami, and azure blue brilliance flowed from Long Hao's body, as thick as a vast ocean, seemingly unfathomable.

Now that he has decided to make a move, Long Hao no longer speaks nonsense, his body rushes over, mana rises between his palms and fingers, and when he slaps him, it is like a stormy wave hitting the shore, with extremely tyrannical destructive power.

"The legendary water spirit body?" Tang Linfeng narrowed his eyes and recognized it immediately.

The taciturn Jian Lingyun obviously didn't want to say more, snorted coldly, and also swooped forward, the moment the sword was pulled out, the world was darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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