Chapter 42

In the face of such a fierce siege, some other experts at the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm would have been killed on the spot.

Only the puppet master who is best at group attacks can resist it.

However, puppet masters generally concentrate all their efforts on the puppets they manipulate, but their own combat power is not that strong.

And Lin Jianqing is worthy of being a genius disciple of Zixiao Holy Land, with powerful qi and mysterious swordsmanship.

Every burst of sword energy can tear the air, with powerful destructive power, firmly suppressing the gray-clothed old man, and soon beating the opponent into danger.

If there is no accident, the old man in gray will be defeated in a short time.

But to Long Hao's surprise, under such a dangerous situation, the gray-clothed old man showed no fear, and even the blue-clothed boy Qin Wuji didn't look scared at all.

"Is there any hole card that can't be done?"

While Long Hao was muttering to himself, Lin Jianqing's sword became more and more fierce, beating the gray-clothed old man back every step of the way, and he laughed arrogantly.

"Master, do it!"

The old man in gray stopped drinking, and immediately flew backwards.

At this time, Qin Wuji faced Lin Jianqing's fierce attack alone, his face was expressionless, but a strange light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

"Huh?" Long Hao took a closer look, and found that the aura on Qin Wuji's body began to rise wildly, like a tsunami, as if some kind of shackles had been opened.


Then, Qin Wuji let out a long howl, his jacket was completely torn apart, and densely packed mysterious runes appeared on his skin.

The next moment the light blazed, Qin Wuji's body suddenly rose up, he was as tall as Zhang Xu, his whole body was covered with golden runes, just like the legendary golden arhat.

Suddenly, the golden arhat opened his eyes, showing a look that was not human, and then he slapped out without saying a word.


That huge palm print was as huge as seven or eight feet, and the whole body was densely covered with runes, as if poured from divine gold!

The moment he shot out, the huge cave was violently shaken, and even the air became extremely heavy, making it difficult to breathe.

The ferocious sword energy that Lin Jianqing slashed broke apart the moment it encountered the huge palm print, as fragile as glass.


The smile on Lin Jianqing's face disappeared, and his pupils trembled.

The terrifying power contained in that huge palm print seemed to have broken through the boundary of the Transcendent Realm and reached the level of the Supernatural Realm, posing a huge threat to him, and his scalp went numb for a moment.

"How can a mere physical body have such power?"

Lin Jianqing was shocked and angry, trembling all over, suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed: "Could it be that you made yourself into a puppet?"


On the other side, Long Hao suddenly took a deep breath.

"You turned yourself into a puppet?"

"Is there such a rude operation?"

Long Hao's eyes were shocked, he really learned a lot about what it means to be more ruthless to himself than others.

However, if there is a loss, there must be a gain. Qin Wuji, who is half human and half puppet, the power that erupts at this moment is absolutely comparable to the level of supernatural powers. It is extremely terrifying to suppress the world.

"Huh? Could it be the puppet heavenly skill secretly handed down by the Qin family?"

Long Hao remembered that the puppet heavenly skill secretly handed down by the Qin family was a peerless treasure that even the Demon Emperor Fentian praised repeatedly, and it was not weaker than his Fentian Good Fortune Kung Fu.

This is also the root cause of the Qin family's catastrophe of extermination.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty!
This reminded Long Hao, his Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art is a supreme skill, once it is exposed, not only the Lin family and Zixiao Holy Land, but people, demons and demons all over the world will fight over it.

To become a common enemy of the world, just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

"Good good..."

At this time, facing Qin Wuji's terrifying attack, Lin Jianqing actually laughed wildly, those who didn't know thought he was frightened.

But soon, the laughter disappeared, and Lin Jianqing's eyes revealed a strong passion and greed.

"It seems that the Puppet Heavenly Art must belong to you."

The legendary puppet Tiangong, the existence that can make the Supreme Emperor covet it, anyone who sees it will inevitably go crazy.

"You actually know the Puppet Heavenly Art?" The gray-clothed old man retreated to a distance, his face extremely shocked and angry: "It seems that the secret of the clan has been exposed..."

Puppet Heavenly Art has always been a secret of the Qin family, apart from the few descendants of the head of the Qin family, even the gray-clothed old man only knew it when he fled with Qin Wuji.

When this big secret is exposed, it is not difficult to understand the catastrophe of the Qin family's extermination.

"But as long as the young master is here, my Qin family will eventually recover..."

"The Lin family, and the Zixiao Holy Land, they will all pay the price!"

The vicissitudes of the eyes of the old man in gray radiated deep hatred.

"Hahaha...God helped me too!"

Lin Jianqing's laughter came again, and his eyes frenziedly said: "Qin Wuji, let's capture him without a fight!"

As he spoke, Lin Jianqing took out a crimson talisman paper from his bosom. It looked ordinary, but it contained terrifying energy fluctuations.

"That energy fluctuation, could it be..." The gray-clothed old man's eyes narrowed, and his expression suddenly became anxious.

"Mana, it turned out to be mana!"

Before the grey-clothed old man's exclamation fell, Lin Jianqing threw the talisman paper out, and at the same time pointed his sword and shouted loudly: "Break it for me!"

Immediately, the talisman spontaneously ignited out of thin air.

The next moment, the thick flames soared, and turned into a huge fire dragon, spinning crazily in the air, rapidly expanding and extending in a spiral shape towards the front.

The fire became more and more powerful, almost turning the entire cave into a sea of ​​flames.

Supernatural powers - fire dragon wrath!

Boom boom boom...

The menacing fire dragon swept in, and the flames billowed, bombarding the huge palm print in circles, causing a violent explosion immediately.

The entire cave mansion vibrated violently, countless rubble splashed on the mountain wall and cave roof, and turned into lava while still in the air, forming a shower of meteors and fire all over the sky.

The two terrifying attacks collided powerfully, and the terrifying shock wave formed spread out, breaking through the roof of the cave and shattering the entire mountain.

For a moment, the terrifying pillar of fire shot straight into the sky with a golden radiance, and the huge dragon demon collar could be clearly seen no matter where he was.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that the mysterious Transcendent Realm was discovered, and there was another battle with the dragon demon lord?"

In a hidden valley, Lu Qianyuan and Yun Rong, who were walking carefully, felt a sudden huge vibration and stopped in their tracks.

"In that direction?"

"Could it be Falling Demon Ridge?"

Lu Qianyuan was well aware of the horror of the forbidden place of death, so his pupils shrank.

"No wonder those demons couldn't find anyone anywhere, so they hid in the Falling Demon Ridge." The little girl Yunrong stuck out her tongue involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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