Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 420 One-sided massacre

Chapter 420 One-sided massacre
Jian Lingyun guessed correctly, everything was calculated by Long Hao.

That sword was also chopped off by Long Hao on purpose. Although it was exaggerated on the surface and almost tore half of his body, but a closer inspection revealed that it was just some skin trauma, and Long Hao's own combat power was not damaged at all.

Now, the goal was achieved, Long Hao finally showed his fangs.

Under the boost of the divine pattern of power, the Burning Sky Fire Lotus instantly burst into super power, even igniting the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, reaching the level of the Dharma Realm all at once.


The void has been completely engulfed, and the flames are like a magic cloud, mighty and mighty, I don't know how many miles, falling forward, the terrifying aura makes one's hair stand on end.

And a moment later, the powerful blow that Bai Yutang and others struck was engulfed and ignited, and turned into calamity ashes under the calcination of Fentian Zhenyan.

"It's... so powerful!"

Jian Lingyun felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart.

It turned out that from the very beginning, Long Hao didn't regard him as an enemy at all, it was just a small test.

However, it was Bai Yutang and others who were more shocked and terrified at the moment.

The most powerful blows launched by so many strong men were instantly burned out, which showed that Long Hao's strength had reached an unbelievable level, enough to suppress all of them.

"Hey, a bunch of idiots, let's be fooled, meow!"

Long Xiaomiao excitedly waved the flag and shouted, very contemptuous of Bai Yutang and others.

The last time he was almost stripped by Bai Yutang, the little guy still holds a grudge, and now he kept clamoring: "Now let's see the horror of meow!"

Immediately, Long Xiaomiao opened his mouth and took a breath, and dense inscription patterns emerged and condensed into a melting pot that swallowed the sky, sweeping away the escaping energy around him.

Then it slapped its belly violently, and opened its mouth to spit out hundreds of sword lights, like a machine gun, shooting into the void.

Puff puff……

The nearest White Tiger Battle Formation and Xuanwu Battle Formation were pierced by countless sword lights in an instant. The fierce swords had the potential to penetrate everything, and the two battle formations were instantly defeated.

And the more than a hundred disciples of Zi Xiao and Si Xiang in the battle formation were exposed in front of Long Hao in an instant.

Long Hao didn't talk nonsense, he drew out his golden knife and swept away.

The strong sword glow, like the sun startling the flock, spread across tens of miles, and the terrifying destructive force engulfed them instantly like a frenzy.

People only saw pieces of blood exploding, and then a large number of corpses and broken arms fell like raindrops, smashing to the ground.

Under one blow, more than a hundred disciples of Zixiao and Sixiang were almost killed or injured.

The attack was so fast that they didn't even have the chance to crush the token and teleport for their lives.


Many people gasped and felt their scalps go numb.

As for the Yaoguang disciple hiding in the mountain, the anxiety on his face turned into excitement and surprise.

They also didn't expect that in a short period of time, Long Hao's combat power had grown to such an astonishing level that he could fight against the two holy places alone.

"I said that Junior Brother Long must have been prepared long ago, as expected." Xiao Liuzhi said complacently.

"Junior Brother Long is really good at tricks. He was wounded on purpose to lure Bai Yutang and others out of the city to pursue them. Without the protection of the big formation protecting the city, they could only be slaughtered by Junior Brother Long."

Many Yaoguang disciples looked uplifted, and they all admired Long Hao.

But when Bai Yutang and the others found out that they had been tricked, they immediately became angry from embarrassment.

Especially Bai Yutang, whose face was flushed red at this moment, was greatly humiliated. He glared at Long Hao and roared: "Despicable, shameless!"

"Hehe, so what?"

Long Hao didn't refute, just sneered.

Tangtang is going to suffer when dealing with vicious villains like Bai Yutang. Only when he is more ruthless and poisonous than them can he completely defeat them.

What Long Hao did was just repaying him with his way.

"Now you can go die."

Long Hao didn't talk nonsense, soaring into the sky in an instant, he rushed towards Bai Yutang and the others, and the inscription patterns on his body flashed, arousing the majestic thunder power, and evolved into an immemorial thunder dragon that oppressed the sky.

At the moment Long Hao jumped into the crowd, the Taikoo Thunder Dragon showed its power, roaring for nine days, and at the same time stretched out its dragon claws to press down.

It's like a catastrophe.

More than a hundred Thunder Dragon Claws, like bright stars, descended from the sky, constantly smashing down the crowd.

As for the rushing Long Hao, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. He blasted out like a sun rising into the sky with his punch, and instantly blasted a green dragon with its teeth and claws open.

bang bang bang...

At the same time, Thunder Dragon Claws bombarded down, densely packed and hard to guard against.

Before the battle formations had time to evade, they were smashed to pieces by the dragon claws.

The scene was like falling stars, so shocking.

With a slap of the palm, it was like a giant dragon bombarding the nine heavens. Dozens of Zixiao disciples who had lost the protection of the battle formation were beaten to death, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

This scene was too shocking. All the people who witnessed this scene were stunned, their backs felt cold, and their whole bodies were drenched in cold sweat.

"My God, is this the real strength of Long Hao?"

Many people exclaimed that the power of the Faxiang Realm is nothing more than that.


The screams came one after another, like the roar of a ghost.

The powerful big hand slapped down again, like a divine mountain falling from the sky, unmatched, the battle formation composed of dozens of Sixiang disciples collapsed in the air, and then a petite white shadow flashed, everyone was torn in half by sharp claws .

Long Xiaomiao, who was crouching in the void, licked his paws, and a dark golden light burst out from his eyes, like a waking dragon, appearing from time to time around the battle formations that were shattered by the Thunder Dragon Claws, with lightning speed He strangled and killed the disciples of the two holy places.

One person and one cat cooperated seamlessly, and in an instant, twenty or thirty large formations were defeated, and two or three hundred people died tragically.

Everyone felt creepy.

This is not a fight.

But one-sided slaughter.


Bai Yutang joined forces with Sikong Sheng and more than a dozen top powerhouses to mobilize the Zijin Pagoda's full strength in an attempt to suppress Long Hao.

However, a domineering sword glow whizzed past, instantly splitting the purple pagoda into the air.

The flying pagoda collided with a Suzaku battle formation. With its own power and the speed of being split, it instantly blasted the battle formation and everyone in it into blood mist.

This time, the mentality of Bai Yutang and the others was completely shattered.

"Back, quickly back to the magic city!"

Everyone lost their fighting spirit and ran towards the magic city in panic. The retreat turned into a rout in an instant.

But Long Hao managed to lure them out, so naturally he wouldn't let them go easily, and chased after them relentlessly.

With one palm, he knocked away the oncoming Zijin Pagoda again, and Long Hao took out the Dark Dragon Bow with his hands, and instantly condensed three golden light arrows full of vigor.

Whoosh whoosh!
The golden arrow roared out, and the next moment, the three battle formations exploded.

Carrying the flag, Long Xiaomiao chased and fought fiercely, his body flickered in the void strangely, and he shot out many hidden weapons, mercilessly harvesting one life after another.

Where the banner is located, the sky and the earth are dyed red and turned into purgatory.

(End of this chapter)

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