Chapter 439

High in the sky, the wind and cloud changed color, and soon a thousand waves rolled up and turned into a huge thundercloud.

The miraculous power of real thunder revived in the thunder cloud, shooting out a beam of thunder light, which seemed to descend from the Nine Heavens God Realm to Long Hao's body.

A violent fluctuation of power swept across, and Long Hao's body was covered with lightning, as if he had turned into an ancient thunder dragon.

"This breath..."

"It's actually another supreme supernatural power!"

"One Thunder Dao supernatural power, one Fire Dao supernatural power... Could it be that he has cultivated two powerful inheritances at the same time, how is this possible?"

For ordinary people, they will choose the supernatural powers they want to practice according to their own talents and the exercises they practice.

For example, a person who cultivates the thunder-attribute skill can grasp the lightning supernatural power faster, and the power of the explosion will be stronger.

As for the supernatural powers of other attributes, they can also be cultivated, but it takes time and effort, not to mention, and it is still unable to exert the true power of the supernatural power itself.

But Long Hao has no scruples at all, the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue has no attributes, or all attributes, and embraces everything.

No matter what kind of supernatural power he cultivates, the effect is the same.

At this moment, the Nine Heavens True Thunder Dharma Body was condensed, and Long Hao's combat power was raised to another level, which shocked everyone present.

Especially Xiang Kuanglong, Bai Yutang and the others, the sparks of jealousy almost burst out from their eyes.

"Little brother is really hiding something!"

The woman in purple still had a charming smile on her face, but there was a hint of surprise in the depths of her eyes.


Long Hao yelled, gathered the majestic power of thunder, and punched out.

The woman in purple had been trying to take advantage of Long Hao before, and although Long Hao had noticed a clue and was on guard, he was unknowingly put on by the other party.

It has to be said that the woman in purple is unparalleled in her scheming, making it hard to guard against.

Now that they met again, Long Hao really had nothing to say, so he started directly.

The golden Nine Heavens True Thunder emerged from the arm and turned into a huge thunder dragon, roaring nine days.

"It's really incomprehensible. If that's the case, then sister will teach you."

With a flick of the purple gauze skirt on her body, a jade hand of the woman in purple jumped forward, and the majestic energy began to gather crazily, and then a white sword was condensed, which collided with Long Hao's fist.


The strength of the two of them was too strong, and the surrounding void was shattered and collapsed continuously.

In an instant, the world with a radius of tens of miles became distorted and cracked, and the air was filled with chaotic and manic power.

"It's so powerful!"

After the actual fight, Long Hao realized just how terrifying the white sword condensed by the purple-clothed woman was, as if it contained endless destructive power and could destroy everything.

Even his water spirit treasure body can't compete.

The purple-clothed woman stood in the ever-collapsing void, covered in snow and ice, as beautiful as a fairy princess, with a variety of eyebrows and eyes, and a clear and pleasant voice. Combined with the charming fragrance blowing from above, she had a strong allure.

"The big formation is complete. After a while, the power of the dragon ball will explode completely, and the seal will be broken. There is no point in fighting. Why don't you calm down and have a good talk with your sister."

"Once the seal is broken, Dongtu and even the whole Xuanhuang will fall. You have a good talent, why don't you turn from the dark to the bright, my sister values ​​you very much."

Saying that, the woman in purple stretched out a jade hand, twisting her alluring body and walking over.

Her smile is full of weird magic power, which makes people want to pounce on her.

Long Hao also panicked for a moment, but fortunately, his Dao heart was still firm, and he soon came to his senses, knowing that this was a ruthless woman, and he must not be fooled by her charming appearance.

"Sorry, my bones are too hard to kneel down."

With a stern shout, Long Hao's long hair curled up, his whole body soared, like a terrifying killing god, mobilizing violent power from the palm of his hand, blasting the void.

chi chi chi...

The terrifying black hole spread rapidly, engulfing everything.


The woman in purple smiled lightly, not surprised, she had already figured out that Long Hao would not easily submit, so she had other preparations.

"Since that's the case, then sister can only use her strength."

As she said that, the woman in purple took a step forward, and a mysterious inscription pattern appeared, and when she swiped her jade finger forward, it was as sharp as a divine sword, forcibly cutting open the black hole.


Not only was the black hole cut open, but there was also a huge crack in place, constantly releasing terrifying and destructive power.

"The power of space!"

Long Hao frowned, he was very familiar with this kind of power.

"Some eyesight."

The pleasant and pleasant voice came along with a rushing sound of piercing through the air.

When the voice just came, the purple-clothed woman suddenly appeared in front of Long Hao, holding a solid white sword in her hand, which had already touched Long Hao's chest.


"What happened? I can't even see how she acts."

Many people couldn't help but gasp when they saw it. It all happened so suddenly.

"That's the power of space, teleportation supernatural power!" Li Yuandao also took a deep breath with a dignified expression.

Based on strength alone, the purple-clothed woman is no weaker than Long Hao, and at this moment she is showing a powerful spatial supernatural power, with strange movements and swift strikes, who can resist it.

If they had gone up, they would have been instantly killed in an instant.

"She didn't arouse the power of heaven and earth when she shot, which means she hasn't broken through the realm of magic, but why is she so powerful!"

Tang Linfeng, Jian Lingyun and others were also shocked at this moment.

Long Hao's sudden appearance was enough to shock people, and now there appeared another evildoer who could rival Long Hao, and might even be stronger than Long Hao.

"Let no one live." Tang Linfeng closed the folding fan, sighed and shook his head.

"Hey, why didn't you stab it?"

"Even if it is a water spirit treasure, it is impossible to resist the sharpness of the white sword, or is it that the witch really has a crush on Long Hao, so she can't do it?"

After a short while, people found that the woman in purple and Long Hao were both frozen in the air, and the surrounding space seemed to have stopped.


The hand of the purple-clothed woman holding the sword trembled slightly. She didn't hold back any hand from this blow, but she just couldn't penetrate it.

But then, he discovered the power of space that permeated the surroundings, freezing everything.

"Space ban!"

After murmuring, the woman in purple suddenly raised her head and found that Long Hao's figure had disappeared.

call out!
Long Hao jumped up, soaring above the sky like a dragon swimming, brilliant flames condensed in his palm, and soon condensed into an orange fire lotus, extremely dazzling.

And his goal is the Dragon Ball high in the sky.

"Long Hao wants to break through the formation."

"It must be successful!"

People are praying in their hearts, this may be their only hope of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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