Chapter 44
"Congratulations... But you can come here alone, you are not easy to match." Qin Wuji also did not dare to underestimate Long Hao, he knew the horror of Falling Demon Ridge.

"Hey..." Long Hao grinned, and then continued: "With these trash, I won't be able to stay, so what good will it do for me to join hands with you?"

"After the matter is completed, I only want the ancestor's golden core, and all other treasures here belong to you!"

As soon as these words came out, even Long Hao was a little surprised.

This cave was at least opened up by a strong man in the Golden Core Realm, and the most precious thing must be the strong man's Golden Core.

The golden elixir not only contains extremely pure energy, but also contains many supernatural powers cultivated by that strong man, and even the perception and experience of cultivation...

It can be said that Jin Dan is the accumulation of a strong person's life.

After refining, the practitioner can not only improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also get the lifelong true biography of that strong man, and the many benefits of it are indescribable.

Long Hao must also be aiming at Jin Dan.

However, the treasures left by such a strong person after death are not trivial, and the total value must still be higher than the golden core.

"Master..." The old man in gray obviously knew the value of the treasures, so he was extremely reluctant to part with them.

But he was interrupted by Qin Wuji just as he opened his mouth, he seemed to have thought about it a long time ago.

The gray-clothed old man sighed secretly and didn't say anything. He also knew the current situation. If there was no one to help them, they would definitely die.

Although he didn't know what Long Hao's real strength was, he still chose to believe in his young master's vision in the end.

Seeing Long Hao's expressionless face, he didn't immediately agree.

Qin Wuji said again: "This cave was opened by the ancestors of our clan. It has a special mechanism. No one can open it except people from our clan..."

"You can only cooperate with me!"

Although Qin Wuji was not very old and his face was still immature, there was a maturity different from ordinary people in his deep eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jianqing and the others were shocked.

If it was true what Qin Wuji said, then they would have nothing to do this time.

Hearing this, Long Hao was also startled, glanced slightly, and found that the entire cave was empty, not to mention the strong man's body, there was not even a hair, it was obviously hidden.

It seemed that the situation was indeed as Qin Wuji said.

"Okay, I promise to cooperate with you." Long Hao made a decision immediately.

Although the strong golden core is precious, with Long Hao's current ability, he is indeed not sure to decipher that special mechanism.

The best thing to do is to settle for the next best thing, and it will not be a waste of time.


At this time, Lin Jianqing suddenly let out a sneer, cast a contemptuous glance at Long Hao and said, "Do you think this yellow-mouthed kid can save you?"

"Lin Hu, go and kill him."

"Yes, sir."

A middle-aged man in black with a sultry face immediately made a teasing sound, and rushed towards Long Hao with his true energy: "Little brat, die!"

At the same time, Lin Jianqing led the remaining men in black and surrounded Qin Wuji and the old man in gray.

"So what if there is an agency?"

"As long as I capture you, I have a hundred ways to make you speak!"

Lin Jianqing sneered, and the vigor and true energy in his body suddenly stirred up, becoming fierce and violent.

But at this moment, a shrill scream came, which immediately surprised everyone.


Lin Jianqing turned his head suddenly, and was surprised to find that the Lin Hu he sent to kill Long Hao flew out like a cannonball at this moment.

Immediately, there was a "boom" that hit the mountain wall heavily, shaking the whole mountain trembling.

And that Lin Hu was torn apart at this moment, scarlet blood staining the mountain wall.

On the other hand, Long Hao stood still, as if he hadn't moved at all.

"how is this possible?"

"Lin Hu is at the peak of the fifth level of the Transcendent Realm, yet he was instantly killed by one blow!"

"That kid must have hidden his cultivation..."

Those men in black were all shocked, and they looked at the boy in green in disbelief.

But all this happened too fast, Lin Hu was instantly killed in a flash, they didn't see how Long Hao made a move, and naturally they couldn't deduce how powerful the other party was.

Only Qin Wuji showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He had sensed before that although Long Hao's cultivation was still in the physical state, there was a terrifying power fluctuation all over his body, like a giant dragon.

That wave of power is definitely comparable to the average peak Old Demon, or even stronger.

One must know that an Earth Demon at the middle peak is equivalent to a human cultivator at the sixth level of the Transcendent Realm, and because of his innate blood, the strength of the demons is much stronger than that of humans at the same level.

Moreover, Long Hao was able to come here alone, and he definitely possessed some unusually powerful means.

Because of this, Qin Wuji dared to join forces with Long Hao, even at the expense of asking a sky-high price.

"Master..." Looking at Qin Wuji's back, the old man in gray showed surprise in his eyes, and had to admire his young master's foresight and courage.

"Hmph, Lin Xiong, Lin Bao, you guys deal with that kid together..."

"Others, catch that remnant of the Qin family with me!"

After a brief shock, Lin Jianqing quickly reacted and immediately issued orders.

"Shout, animal world!"

"Lin Hu, Lin Xiong, Lin Bao... Do you dare to be more casual with this name?"

At this moment, Long Hao suddenly sneered, and then he pointed his fingers at the men in black and said with contempt: "You don't need to be so troublesome, there are such forest cats and forest dogs... you should go together too. .”



"Little bastard who doesn't know how to live or die!"

Being provoked by Long Hao, those men in black suddenly jumped into a rage.

"Hmph, the more arrogant ones are yet to come."

With a sneer, Long Hao took the lead in slaying him with a leap, and immediately released a powerful wave of power, like a giant dragon roaring in the sky.

"Hmph, I don't know what to say!"

Lin Jianqing yelled violently, apparently also very angry.

When he stretched out his hand to grab it, the mighty zhenqi condensed into sharp flying swords, densely packed and innumerable.

Every flying sword has a strong luster on it, as if it were real.

Obviously, he wanted to directly kill Long Hao first, and then deal with Qin Wuji.

But at the same time, the gray-clothed old man also swung his saber and acted, releasing majestic zhenqi, and turned into a tiger-like monster. He rushed towards Lin Jianqing angrily, and directly shattered the flying sword that filled the sky.

"Lin Jianqing, come and fight this old man for another [-] rounds!"

"Old man, you are courting death!"

The attack was cut off, Lin Jianqing was so furious that he swung his sword and fought with the gray-clothed old man.

(End of this chapter)

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