Chapter 441

Even in the Xuanhuang Great World, the Nine Nether Service Spirit Seal is notoriously a sinister supernatural power.

Throughout the ages, there are not only many heroes who were controlled by this seal and became lackeys of the abyssal demon clan, and their fate was extremely miserable.

Therefore, when they heard the spirit seal of Jiuyouyong, everyone present was dumbfounded, even those strong demons showed a trace of fear.

"That whale monster, you also controlled it with this seal, right?"

The monster itself is very hostile, especially the monster that has evolved into a monster of the demon race, and its spiritual intelligence is almost completely lost. If it weren't for the insidious supernatural power of the Jiuyou slave spirit seal, it would be impossible to control it.

"That's right, so you have absolutely no chance of resisting."

The illusory existence of the soul is extremely fragile.

The magic seal that even the magic commander can't resist, and the practitioners in the Jindan realm can't compete.

"Although the potential will be limited after planting the spirit seal, it's all you asked for."

After the woman in purple finished speaking, her smiling face just now suddenly became as cold as ice, and a creepy and terrifying aura emanated from her palms and fingers.

"Supernatural powers—magic eyes!"

Facing the legendary spirit seal of Nine Serenities, Long Hao did not dare to be careless, and also displayed the magical power of soul attack.

The huge one-eyed monster condensed out, and circles of golden light burst out, like the growth rings of heaven and earth can distort everything.

"It's useless!"

The woman in purple shook her head, and then lightly tapped the void with her jade finger. The purple spiritual seal was like a boulder stirring up thousands of waves. After leaving circles of ripples in the void, the golden light waves were instantly dispersed.

Magic eyes and chaotic spirits are just great supernatural powers.

And the Nine Nether Service Spirit Seals are supreme supernatural powers.

In the case that the strength of the two is almost the same, the judgment will be judged.

The extremely domineering purple spirit seal shattered the flame shield of the real dragon flying, pierced through all obstacles, and was introduced into Long Hao's mind silently.

"It actually makes the soul magic power and defense magic power all invalid."

"What a terrifying spiritual seal, no wonder even the peerless geniuses in the legend can't resist it."

"No, if Long Hao is controlled, our end will come soon."

The disciples of the Holy Land are now at an absolute disadvantage, relying on Long Hao and a few others to hold on.

If Long Hao's powerful combat power is lost, the consequences will be self-evident.

"Hmph, stupid human beings, no creature can resist the Nine Nether slave spirit seals, and when he becomes a demon slave, let him get to know you with his own hands!"

The Baiyan female demon repelled Li Yuandao with a sword, glanced at the sky, and immediately sneered.

She swore in her heart that when Long Hao was refined into a demon slave, she would humiliate and torture him, and use the shame just now.

Long Hao's body trembled, and he immediately stood there in the air, his open eyes shot out a purple light, among which there were condensed magic patterns, which looked extremely strange.

"Come on, come to the master."

"Surrender to this princess, and you will gain eternal life!"

The corner of the purple-clothed woman's mouth curled into a strange arc, and then she stretched out a hand, walking slowly towards Long Hao.

At this time, Long Hao's body struggled a bit, but in the end he couldn't resist, swinging his mechanical arms, and walked forward slowly, giving people the feeling of a walking dead.

"It's over, Long Hao is really under control."

Countless people stared wide-eyed and stood on the spot.

"Long Hao, wake up, wake up!"

Li Yuandao yelled anxiously, almost breaking his throat, and the sound shook the world.

"Hmph, he has become a demon slave, a lackey of our clan, you can die too."

The Baiyan female demon sneered, and suddenly appeared beside Li Yuandao across a distance of hundreds of feet, and slashed out with her sword.

The magic sword in his hand aroused the power of heaven and earth, and it exploded with extreme power in an instant.

A circle of magical light waves gushed out from the sword body, turning into hundreds of sharp sword qi.

Puff puff……

Li Yuandao was caught off guard, his magical powers were shattered, and he was instantly overwhelmed by thousands of sword qi, and blood sprayed continuously from the chaotic void.

"Senior Brother Li..."

The disciples of the Ji Dao Holy Land shouted in astonishment, and stood on the spot one by one.

However, the house leak happened to be raining overnight, Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun couldn't resist the onslaught of the three magic commanders, and they were defeated one after another and suffered heavy losses.

"Even they... God is going to kill me!"

Everyone looked desperate.

They clenched their fists, but there was nothing they could do.

With their strength, not to mention fighting against the Demon Commander, just the escaping energy may kill them.

"Dad, meow..."

"Go away, big stupid fish, I won't play with you anymore."

Long Xiaomiao also became nervous at this moment, throwing away the bloody and bloody whale monster, and immediately rushed towards Long Hao.

However, a big purple hand covered with magic patterns suddenly appeared and grabbed it out of the void.

"Devil girl, let me go, or I'll dig my face!"

Long Xiaomiao struggled violently, kicking her four calves wildly, her whole face turned red, but that big hand contained extremely domineering space power, making it impossible to break free.

"Little guy, how can you be a human's magic pet as a family of swallowing dragons?"

The woman in purple suddenly smiled strangely: "How about this, go back with this princess, choose a few pure-blooded magic dragons, and restore the glory of your family?"

Seeing the strange expression of the woman in purple, Long Xiaomiao's face turned green.

This is to catch it back for breeding.

"Wake up, Dad, if you don't wake up, you will be a grandfather."

Long Xiaomiao cried and yelled, feeling extremely depressed.

"It's useless, he has become the princess' slave. If you don't behave well, you will end up like him."

However, the woman in purple gripped even tighter.

To her, a pure-blooded Sky-swallowing Demon Dragon is more important than a war pet.

If she is properly cultivated, she will be able to control the Heaven-swallowing Demon Dragon Clan in the future, and even rule the entire Abyss Demon Clan.

She was an ambitious woman.

"Hey, by the way, what kind of powerful offspring will be produced by the mating of the Heaven-swallowing Demon Dragon and the Nine Nether Demon Sparrow?"

The woman in purple had a smile on her eyes, as if she was dreaming about the future.

But at this moment, a cold wind hit, and the sharp claws pierced through the void, reaching her in an instant.

"You actually..."

The woman in purple was shocked.

Because the one who shot was none other than Long Hao.

A look of astonishment flashed in her beautiful eyes, and the woman in purple immediately twisted her delicate body, moving sideways like a water snake, causing the claws that were close at hand to deviate from the direction.

Then, she turned into a purple streamer and teleported away.


Long Hao's claws had already grabbed onto her dress, and being pulled by this powerful force, a large piece was torn from the purple-clothed woman's body.

Immediately, the woman in purple felt a chill all over, and a large piece of snow-white skin was exposed in broad daylight.

(End of this chapter)

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