Chapter 449

The sound of thunder hangs high in the sky, triggering the thunder to kill the group of demons.

On the ground, Yaoguang's disciples attacked fiercely, cutting off the demon army from behind, splitting it into two.

This core disciple assessment was undoubtedly extremely cruel for Yaoguang disciples.

Countless fellow disciples died tragically under the butcher's knives of Zixiao and the disciples of Sixiang Holy Land, so they could only keep hiding in the east and west, desperate for their lives.

Until meeting Long Hao, everything was reversed.

Now, the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time erupted loudly, with momentum like a rainbow, as if it wanted to burn the heavens.

"Hmph, there are more than a thousand people in the area, and they still want to turn against the sky?"

"The army listened to the order and immediately strangled human beings, not letting anyone go!"

The female demon Baiyan obviously has a high reputation in the demon army. She raised her arms and shouted, and those strong demons immediately stabilized their positions, began to gather strength, and launched a large-scale counterattack.

After all, the demon army has [-] people. Facing thousands of Holy Land disciples, even if they are divided, they can still display extremely strong combat effectiveness.

For a while, the offensive of the Holy Land disciples was suppressed.

However, at this moment, there was a fierce murderous aura rushing towards the face from the distant sky, like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month, which made all the creatures shiver involuntarily.

A strong sword light suddenly came from outside the sky, the darkness was filled with the creepy power of death, extinguishing all life.


The screams sounded one after another.

The sword light swept across, like a frenzy engulfing everything.


"What a terrible sword!"

People were horrified to see that where the sword light passed, all life was cut off, even the earth lost its original color and became pitch black, and the blood dried up and became dim.

"This seems to be the life-killing swordsmanship secretly taught by the Yaoguang Holy Land!" Jian Lingyun's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Yuankong.

"Who is it?" Tang Linfeng was also very curious. From the remaining sword energy, he felt the threat of death.

clang clang...

At the same time, thousands of swords blared from far away, the sound was so loud that it hurt the eardrums.

The sword light flashed out, tearing out dark ripples in the void, and the jet-black halo came like a dragon, with extremely strong and destructive power, hundreds of demon generals froze in the air. It fell to the same place, and soon fell to the ground like a rotten tree.

The vitality in their bodies has been completely cut off.

"This power is..." Long Hao's eyes lit up high in the sky, showing surprise, he had already guessed who it was.

As if to verify what Long Hao was thinking, the sky in the distance suddenly split open, and a graceful figure stepped out from the thick cloud of death.

The black leather jacket and skirt wrapped her snow-white and proud body, her face was cold, her eyes were cold, without any emotion.

"Junior Sister Ji..." Xiao Liu turned his head, was stunned for a moment, and then showed ecstasy.

The person who came was Ji Hanshuang, the strong man who once resisted the Zixiao Holy Land alone in order to cover the escape of her classmates. Everyone thought she had fallen.

"It turned out that he didn't die, and he also got a great fortune."

"It's that cliff..."

Long Hao's eyes flickered with a strange light.

At this time, Ji Hanshuang was really a cold beauty worthy of the name. An extremely strong breath of death wrapped around her body, and everything she passed was extinct, as if the god of death had come.

The air of death is exactly the same as the abyss of death under the cliff of Tianmang Mountain.

"Humans, court death!"

Seeing a human woman striding forward, her cold eyes swept over as if she ignored the world's creatures, which made many strong demons extremely angry.

A large number of strong demons immediately broke away from the army formation, launched a fierce attack, and strangled Xiang Ji Hanshuang.

The dense sword energy constantly stirred up the sky, covering the sky like dark clouds.

Ji Hanshuang's expression didn't change a bit from the beginning to the end, he just swung his sword coldly.

However, where the sword energy passed, everything was extinct, and even the mana soldiers lost their luster, and soon dried up and decayed.

As long as the demons were swept away by the sword energy, the vitality in their bodies would be cut off immediately, and in an instant, the bodies of a large number of demon generals would fall down like raindrops.

The remaining demon generals were instantly terrified, roaring in terror and retreating.

"My God, it's so strong!"

"Her strength is definitely at the level of a disciple leader. This year's Shaking Light Holy Land is really full of monsters!"

The Holy Land disciples present were once again shocked.

In fact, the talents of Yaoguang disciples are not bad, what they lack are only resources and some chances.

When these are filled, they can also burst into a radiance.

With the addition of Ji Hanshuang, the strength of both humans and demons has been gradually approaching the balance of power, and the situation seems anxious.


In the sky battlefield, the group of demons tried their best, but they couldn't attack for a long time.

Long Hao's seemingly thin body seemed to contain endless prehistoric power.

At this moment, the mana on Long Hao's body suddenly became surging.

"Until now, he can still burst out with mana!" Demon General Shura's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Break it for me!"

In an instant, Long Hao's fierce offensive started.

With a loud roar, he transformed into a big sun and lifted into the sky, and condensed a cold sun fire wheel with his right hand, and attacked the one-eyed troll first by attacking left and right.

roar roar...

The one-eyed troll roared in fear, spewing out intense dark thunder.

It's a pity that the soul attack has no effect on Long Hao, so it became the first breakthrough.

The golden fist hit like a comet, covered with mysterious divine patterns.

The one-eyed troll only had time to cross his arm to resist, but the huge force destroyed everything.

In an instant, the void around the troll battle formation completely collapsed, and then there was a crackling sound, cracking and collapsing from the inside to the outside, and finally burst into pieces, forming a huge black hole.

The power of the black hole distorts space and strangles everything.

The dozen or so super demon generals who formed this troll battle formation were instantly swallowed by the black hole. They roared in horror, but their bodies were disintegrating into light spots at an extremely fast speed.

"too frightening!"

Smashing the battle formation of trolls with one punch, this level of divine power has already exceeded the imagination of the group of demons, and it broke their livers and gallbladders.

For a moment, the group of demons swallowed their saliva and reached a consensus in their hearts.

"Absolutely don't let him get close, otherwise he will definitely die!"

It is really rare for the abyssal demons, who have always been known for their strong physique and close combat, to be afraid of a human being close at hand.

There is no way, the power of a flying dragon, coupled with the blessing of the power of the gods, already has the power to kill the powerful in the magic realm. If this continues, they will be defeated one by one.

The Baiyan female devil's expression was extremely anxious, if they couldn't get rid of Long Hao here.

The thousand-year plan of the abyssal demons is not only shattered, even they will surely die, and the [-] army will be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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