Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 452 The Tsundere Fairy

Chapter 452 The Tsundere Fairy

In the sky, Mu Tianyan stepped forward.

An extremely terrifying coercion emanated from the invisible, causing the power of the surrounding heaven and earth to surround her independently, and even the temperament of her body became more fresh and refined, free from fireworks, ethereal and agile, as if she had transcended the world of mortals.

"Mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, this is the method of Faxiang Realm!"

"Mu Tianyan has broken through the realm of Dharma!"

People are shocked.

At the Golden Core Realm, Mu Tianyan had the powerful combat power to kill the Demon Commander by leaps and bounds. Now, after breaking through the Faxiang Realm, how strong will it be?

The space was disillusioned for a while, and the purple-clothed woman withdrew her concentrated power, and looked over with a different gaze.

Just one Long Hao can sweep away the group of demons and deal heavy damage to the demons.

Now, with the arrival of Mu Tianyan, the suspense of this battle was completely lost.

Mu Tianyan's tall and graceful body stood upright in the sky, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth automatically condensed under her feet to form a lotus, reflecting her like a fairy in the sky.

Moreover, the magic power surrounding her is full of the charm of law, like the incarnation of heaven.

Anyone under this mysterious and domineering heavenly power will be greatly suppressed.

"It was a miscalculation that I didn't kill you with my own hands."

The expression of the woman in purple is still calm, but there is a trace of coldness in her eyes.

She was too confident, thinking that everything was under control, but it was a pity that Long Hao and Mu Tianyan were missed in the end, making the plan completely thwarted.

"It's God's will, manpower can't do it." Mu Tianyan's voice was extremely cold.


The two peerless beauties looked at each other like the tip of a needle.

A temperament enchanting, full of style.

A cold as snow, otherworldly.

She has a different temperament, but possesses the same powerful talent and fortune. It is not an exaggeration to describe her as a girl of heaven.

Standing there, they immediately became the center of the world, like two stars competing for beauty.

"You can't represent the sky, and I'm not a human either!"

"Let's wait and see."

In the tone of the woman in purple, for the first time, she showed amazing domineering and fighting spirit.

For such a girl of the sky, experiencing a setback will not knock her down, but will bring her even greater motivation and become more and more terrifying.

"Sorry, you can't go."

When the purple-clothed woman was about to retreat, Long Hao resolutely rushed out of the demon group, stretched out a powerful hand, and grabbed her.

The body is like a swimming dragon, and the aura sweeps the world.

Wherever it passed, the group of demons backed away, as if a single person dared to block it.

"You're really cruel. Everyone else is already like this. You're really a heartless person."

The purple-clothed woman's eyebrows were expressive, and her voice was full of bone-melting charm.

However, Long Hao's killing intent was determined, and he did not show mercy.

The violent thunder turned into huge dragon claws, and suddenly grabbed it across the air, with such force that it shattered even the power of heaven and earth around it.

Seeing this, the woman in purple put away her charm, and her expression became fierce.

She stretched out a jade hand to count the void, and suddenly densely packed inscription patterns lit up, mobilizing terrifying power and bursting out.

"Supernatural power—space collapse!"

Boom boom boom...

The space in front of him began to collapse on a large scale, and a terrifying space storm raged out, engulfing the dragon's claws.

There was still a force of catastrophe that burst out from the shattered space and repelled the woman in purple.

A flash of spiritual light was accompanied by a refreshing fragrance.

"Supernatural power - Baolian seal!"

Mu Tianyan suddenly appeared in front of her, pointing out her ten fingers one after another, and immediately there were bright lotus flowers blooming in the void.

Each flower is beautiful and refined, and it is full of mysterious heavenly power.


The blossoming lotuses spun, emitting a strong aura, smoothing out the collapsed space at an astonishing speed.

"It can freeze the space!"

Long Hao's eyes lit up, and he found that the power of Baolian Seal was no different from his space seal.

"She is Mu Tianyan!"

Under close observation, the peerless face of the other party can be seen at a glance, making Long Hao dazed for a while.

"Sure enough, it is not inferior to Senior Sister Lu Yao."

When Long Hao observed her, Mu Tianyan also cast a glance at him.

In the cold and penetrating eyes, there is no time for crystals, without the slightest emotional fluctuation, as if looking at the air.

"Tsk tsk..."

"How should I put it, we are also a proud son of heaven, and we can be regarded as handsome and powerful."

The feeling of being ignored is very uncomfortable, Long Hao couldn't help but slander secretly twice.

"There is some talent, but he is far from handsome and martial."

Suddenly a transmission sounded, causing Long Hao to be slightly taken aback, and found that the other party's eyes became as bright as the sun and the moon, as if they could shine into people's hearts.

"Cough cough..."

His narcissistic thoughts were noticed, Long Hao couldn't help coughing a few times in embarrassment, and said angrily: "In my opinion, you are a bit worse than our senior sister Lu Yao."

Before the words fell, Long Hao suddenly felt that the surrounding air became icy cold, and a pair of terrifying eyes stared at him, sending chills down his spine.

"How am I worse than her?"

"I'm going, didn't I say that she is a fairy detached from the world of mortals, who doesn't care about the world's vision and evaluation at all?"

Turning his head and taking a look, staring at his Mu Tianyan like a tiger, ten thousand grass and mud horses floated by in Long Hao's heart.

He wished he could immediately arrest Xiao Liu, Yun Rong and others who had misled him and beat him up.

In fact, it doesn't matter to her no matter how others compare with her.

But only Lu Yao is an exception.

There is no way, who made both of them have a good reputation, and they are called the double masters of the east and the soil.

However, being stared at viciously by such a beautiful woman is really uncomfortable, and it seems that the other party will not give up easily without telling the reason.

But both of them are superb in terms of appearance, temperament, and talent, so it's really not easy to compare randomly.

"Aside from other things, our Senior Sister Lu Yao is already a true disciple, and you are not as good as her in this regard." Long Hao thought for a long time, and could only think of this one reason.

Who would have thought that a casual sentence would poke a hornet's nest.

Mu Tianyan's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and she said in a contemptuous tone: "What is the true biography? After this assessment, I can also be promoted to the true biography. I will definitely compete with her..."

"But before that, I also want to learn about your clever tricks."

Looking at the arrogant Mu Tianyan, Long Hao was speechless.

For no reason, he provoked a big enemy for himself.

But the one who was even more speechless was the woman in purple.

The two people in front of her chatted enthusiastically in front of her, didn't they take her too seriously?
But Mu Tianyan didn't forget her, and suddenly turned her eyes: "Then how am I compared to her?"

Mu Tianyan seemed to value Long Hao's opinion very much.

(End of this chapter)

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