Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 456 Domineering Shock

Chapter 456 Domineering Shock
More than 1 Holy Land disciples fell in this battle, and one hundred thousand demons were wiped out. The treasures that have been completely preserved are a terrifying number. Even a powerful king will be envious.

However, standing there, Long Hao looked like a divine king looking down on the heavens, with a tyrannical murderous aura emerging from his body.

Everyone was terrified, subconsciously backed away, and the bright eyes of the sun and the moon shot over, hiding endless domineering, which made the holy land talents present in awe.

Especially those disciples of Zixiao and Four Elephant Holy Land felt that the souls of the dead were dying, and a threat of death shrouded them.

"Senior Sister Mu..."

Xiaoyao and some disciples of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land were still very unconvinced, and looked at Mu Tianyan high in the sky, hoping that she would uphold justice.

"Everyone is from the same sect of Taoism. Long Hao's actions are too much. As the head of the inner disciples of Dongtu, Senior Sister Mu, please uphold justice." Zhuo Xingwen clasped his fists on his back and spoke righteously.

"I invite Senior Sister Mu to uphold justice." Jiang Jianfeng also spoke.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Mu Tianyan, full of Qiji.

Long Hao also turned his head and looked over. Among the people present, the only one who could rival him was probably Mu Tianyan.

However, Mu Tianyan's response was beyond everyone's expectations.

She glanced at the crowd coldly, her cold face was full of impatience: "Shut up, don't disturb my cultivation!"

For Mu Tianyan, everything in the world is just a floating cloud, and only the Dao of Heaven and Earth is her eternal pursuit.

After a battle with the woman in purple, she had a new understanding of her way, and now she was concentrating on comprehending it, but was disturbed repeatedly, and she was really treated as a nanny.

"Li Yuandao."

Hearing Mu Tianyan calling him, Li Yuandao was slightly taken aback.

"No matter who it is, if you dare to disturb my cultivation, I will suppress it immediately."

Mu Tianyan said something full of evil spirits, which immediately caused changes in the situation, and a huge display of heaven's power made people's souls shake.

Even Li Yuandao shrank his pupils and quickly agreed, "Yes, Senior Sister."

Seeing this, Zhuo Xingwen, Jiang Jianfeng and the others were stunned, and they didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.

Whether it's Long Hao or Mu Tianyan, neither of them can afford to offend them.

As for Long Hao, he glanced at Mu Tianyan unexpectedly, not knowing whether the other party was helping him, or whether he didn't want to be disturbed by these mundane things at all.

But no matter what, the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao is an ally, and he will not treat him badly.

"You and you, you can go."

Long Hao casually pointed at Tang Linfeng, Jian Lingyun and others, turned his gaze to Zixiao and the disciples of Sixiang Holy Land, and became fierce again: "Have you thought about it, do you want your life or money?"

Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, but they also knew that if Long Hao hadn't been born in today's battle, it would have shattered the Great Formation of Earth Fiend and suppressed it again. The top powerhouse of countless abyssal demons.

Let alone competing for treasures, whether they can stand here to breathe is a problem.

And the most important thing is, if Long Hao hadn't made a move, not only would they all die, but even the seal of the space-time channel would be broken.

At that time, a group of demons will be dispatched to wreak havoc on Xuanhuang!
That's the real catastrophe.

In the final analysis, Long Hao not only saved them, but also destroyed the plan of the Demon Race. For the whole Xuanhuang Great World, that would be of great merit.

There is nothing wrong with these treasures as his trophies.

Moreover, Long Hao had no grievances with them, and he did not treat them excessively. Otherwise, who would dare to say anything if they were taken away together?
After all, this is the battlefield for core disciple assessment, and the assessment is not over yet.

After figuring this out, Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun led their own people and began to collect the dead bodies of their fellow disciples, and then left without saying a word.

There are still a few days before the end of the assessment, and they still want to get as many demon hunting points as possible.

The demon army has been disintegrated, and the remaining small groups have no threat to them and can only be reduced to prey.

The only ones left are Zixiao and the disciples of the Four Elephant Holy Land.

They were not willing to let others slaughter them, and wanted to disperse and escape.

After all, no matter how strong Long Hao is alone, he has no ability to separate himself. No matter how bad it is, they can crush the token and escape, which is better than handing over the treasure to Long Hao.

"Hmph, don't give up yet."

Long Hao had already noticed this, and after sneering twice, he winked at Lu Qianyuan.

Lu Qianyuan understood immediately, and led Yunrong and others to activate the five elements to seal the sky, sealing all the disciples of Zixiao and Sixiang.


The five-color divine light hangs down, reflecting the world and isolating the world.

"Damn Long Hao!"

"Is he trying to catch us all?"

The bronze token in his hand became useless, Zi Xiao and the disciples of the Four Elephant Holy Land were all trembling with anger.

It's a pity that no one pities them.

The Jidao disciples and Yaoguang disciples around looked at each other covetously, wishing to slaughter them all and avenge their dead fellow disciples.

"We hand over the storage bag and demon hunting points, you'd better not break your promise."

Under the threat of death, the arrogance of Zixiao and the disciples of Sixiang Holy Land dissipated, and they were ready to be good men.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

"Of course, I am the most trustworthy person." Long Hao smiled.

Hearing this, Lu Qianyuan, Xiao Liu and others not far away couldn't help curling their lips. Long Hao has nothing to do with this word at all.

But this time, Long Hao did not intend to kill them.

Anyway, Bai Yutang, Xiang Kuanglong and the others were dead, the two holy places suffered heavy losses, their anger was exhausted, and their things were robbed.

If they were to kill them all again, they would be truly immortal.

The current Shaklight Holy Land is not yet ready to go to war with the two Holy Lands at the same time.


After the idlers left, the crowd surrounded the entire treasure mountain, all shocked speechless.

Although everyone had a concept in their hearts, they still couldn't help but gasp after seeing the massive treasures.

Especially Long Xiaomiao, drooling all over the floor, wishing to pounce on it immediately and take it all away, but it's a pity that its small storage bag can't hold it at all.

Soon, everyone divided up this treasure mountain.

Originally, Long Hao wanted to give more to the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao, but Li Yuandao was too decent and insisted on getting paid according to his work. In the end, only [-]% was required, and the remaining [-]% went to Long Hao.

Long Hao is not stingy either.

The demon hunting points were distributed to every Fluctlight disciple, and at the same time, those treasures can be taken away by anyone who needs them.

Even so, the treasures obtained by Long Hao can be called massive.

Among other things, the tens of thousands of magic beads, except for some Lingshu who practiced alchemy and others took a small part, the rest were in the hands of Long Hao and Long Xiaomiao.

After all, ordinary people cannot directly refine magic beads.

(End of this chapter)

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