Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 458 Saint Killing Intent

Chapter 458 Saint Killing Intent

In the square of the island and reef palace complex, suddenly there was a violent spatial fluctuation, followed by a burst of spiritual light, like a thousand thunders falling from the sky.

"came back."

The eyes of the experts from all the holy lands who had been waiting around for a long time all came together, full of expectation and apprehension.


After the strong light passed, a series of figures appeared in the square, and the sparse ones seemed particularly loose.

"Why are these people?"

Soon, people's eyes became stunned, they kept scanning every corner of the square, and their eyes became more and more surprised.

"There are only more than 5000 people. Could it be that everyone else has fallen?"

Although people have already heard the news of the abyssal demon clan's large-scale dispatch, they have already prepared for the worst in their hearts.

However, when he actually faced it, he couldn't help being shocked.

Before the start of the assessment, nearly [-] elite disciples from the six great holy places were so energetic and majestic.

But now, these elite disciples in front of them are all listless, like a defeated rooster, with no momentum, and less than one-third of them came back alive.

"How could this be, what happened on the island?"

"My Xiaoyao disciples are less than a thousand!"

The powerhouses leading the teams from the major holy lands were extremely furious.

How many years!

There has never been such a huge loss in the core disciple assessment held by the six holy places in the east.

You know, those are all inner disciples that they carefully cultivated.

Many of them will become the mainstay of the Holy Land in the future, and even become the existence of suppressing the luck of the Holy Land.

But now, a large number of elite disciples have died, which is likely to cause a shortage of talents in the Holy Land.

"Sage Xiaotian, shouldn't you explain it?"

The Rising Sun Sword King from the Heavenly Sword Holy Land almost burst into flames from his gaze.

The six holy places jointly hold the core disciple assessment, even life and death is not limited, it is to let the disciples go through the tempering, and truly grow up in the competition and bloody fire.

Not to send them all to hell.

"This assessment was held by your Four Elephant Holy Land. Now that something like this happened, your Four Elephant Holy Land is to blame." A king from the Happy Holy Land also spoke.

Although it is said that the saint Tianwei cannot be profaned, but at this moment, facing the fall of countless disciples under their sect, they really can't control the anger in their hearts.

Facing the questions from the crowd, and the gloomy gaze cast by those saints, the expression on the face of the Great Sage Xiaotian became ugly.

He also never expected that he would suffer such a huge loss.

Moreover, their Four Elephant Holy Land was also extremely miserable. Not only did Xiang Kuanglong and other super geniuses fall, Huang Xuanming, Beitang Mo and others lost their qualifications to be promoted to the core, and there were only 800 disciples who came back alive.

However, the Great Sage Xiaotian quickly reacted and turned his finger on the Holy Land of Shaking Light.


The Great Sage Xiaotian opened his mouth, and his loud voice contained the power of the sky, which immediately calmed down the chaotic scene below.

"My sage can understand everyone's anger, but my Four Elephant Holy Land also suffered a heavy loss. All of these causes and effects were caused by the Yaoguang Holy Land. I have already found out that it is a disciple named Long Hao under the Yaoguang Sect. Colluding with the abyssal demons caused heavy losses to the holy places."


"Only relying on him to collude with the demons, can we kill more than ten thousand elites?"

Everyone was surprised, but the words of the sage are like the power of heaven, which cannot be doubted.

In the crowd, Ling Shu, Xiao Liu and the others felt as if they were being struck by lightning when they felt a series of powerful gazes shooting towards them.

"Too bad, they want to frame Junior Brother Long."

"It must be those bastards Huang Xuanming and Sikong Sheng. They should have killed them at all costs."

As for Long Hao, when he saw Huang Xuanming, Sikong Sheng and others, their eyes gleamed with venomous anger, and they looked like they were gloating about their misfortune, the ominous premonition in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

Many Yaoguang disciples felt extremely indignant, and just wanted to speak up to defend Long Hao, but a huge wave of holy power and heavenly power swept over immediately, like a nine-day divine thunder directly hitting the soul.

"Could it be that they dare to kill me in public?" Long Hao's heart shook, feeling the seriousness of the matter.

But at this moment, a killing intent surged, raging like a tide.

That peerless killing intent was extremely terrifying, as if it came from the Nine Serenity Hell.

Many people present were shocked, feeling that their bodies were about to crack, their internal organs were injured, their souls trembled, and their bones creaked.

"Collude with the demons and harm the channel, damn it!"

Immediately, a clear sky sounded, as if it came from the mouth of the thunder god, life and death were taken away, and the words followed.


A series of mysterious inscription patterns gathered together, aroused the terrifying power of heaven and earth, dazzled and dazzled, and finally turned into a nine-color divine thunder.

The strong killing intent instantly locked Long Hao in the crowd.

"The Great Sage of Nine Heavens!"

Long Hao saw that the other party's killing intent was fixed, and his mind was shocked: "It's so overbearing!"

With one blow from the saint, the heavens and earth were covered, and the destructive power generated by the nine-color divine thunder covered the sky.

The power of divine thunder shocks the world, its murderous aura is like a tide, as if thousands of catastrophes are coming, it will darken the stars and moon, crack the sky, and everything is unstoppable!

All the souls of the dead were terrified, and they quickly backed away in fear. The thunder of the gods descended, hiding endless killing intent, and it was as if the sky would collapse!

"Damn the Great Sage of Nine Heavens, he actually killed people indiscriminately!" Lei Yin couldn't help but cursed.


A cold snort came, as if it had brought the power of heaven's punishment, which made Lei Yin fall to the ground immediately as if being bitten by lightning, with blood continuously overflowing from the seven orifices.

The sage Tianwei cannot be profaned.

Even a word uttered from the mouth is a fatal blow to the ants under the holy way.

The people around all fled in horror.

But Long Hao was suppressed by the monstrous Shengwei, unable to move.

"Long Hao, run away, wow..."

Suddenly, a familiar figure came out from the tide-like receding crowd, and stood in front of Long Hao. As soon as he opened his mouth, a large amount of blood gushed out, and the three-color divine light on his body was completely shattered.

With the power of mere Golden Core Realm, forcibly blocking the power of the Holy Dao Tianwei, this is simply courting death.

"Senior Sister Lingshu..."

Long Hao was so angry that he roared to the sky, staring at the Great Sage Jiuxiao with endless killing intent.

However, with his current strength, no matter what means he uses, he is absolutely unable to compete against the might of the saint Tianwei.

This is not the Dharma body of the holy way, nor is it a projection, but a real saint. The endless murderous intent emanating from it can make the world shatter and make all spirits terrified.

chi chi chi...

The Nine-Colored Divine Thunder charged through the air, shattering the space in an instant.

The Great Sage Nine Heavens had obviously been prepared long ago, and when Long Hao showed up, he would instantly kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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