Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 475 Seven Treasures Gourd

Chapter 475 Seven Treasure Gourd
"not good!"

Zhuo Xingwen was shocked.

In his pupils, a berserk thunder dragon suddenly appeared, pounced with an unstoppable momentum, making the hairs all over his body stand on end.

After using Longyou Wanli, Long Hao made a step of hundreds of feet, the speed was too fast, far beyond Zhuo Xingwen's imagination, and he couldn't even escape.

The gourd on his head shook violently and instantly grew larger, like a colorless mountain.

At this moment, the ground below suddenly cracked a large piece, all because the treasure gourd in the sky was too heavy.

The invisible pressure penetrated all the way, and the strands sank down, breaking the ground and breaking the rocks.


Flying Feather Great Sage high in the sky showed a hint of surprise on his eternally unchanged face: "It has activated the extreme power of the Seven Treasure Gourd, and it seems that they are already connected by blood and in harmony with each other."

"Ha ha……"

The gray-robed old man at the side still didn't speak, but the smile on his face got stronger.

The treasure gourd is still getting bigger, showing the potential to crush the world.

This is an astonishing general trend. Before the treasure gourd that is comparable to the mountain of God is crushed, the heaven and earth are the first to fail and begin to collapse on a large scale.

"My God, Zhuo Xingwen actually has such a unique skill."

Even though they were far away, the people watching the battle could still feel the fearful pressure coming, and even their breathing became heavy.

Xiao Liu widened his eyes and said, "This guy is hiding very deeply."

Ling Shu also clenched his fists: "I guess he originally wanted to use up a lot of Junior Brother Long's mana to decide the outcome, but he didn't expect to be cornered so quickly by Junior Brother Long."

"It seems that everyone has some tricks to suppress the bottom of the box. We all have to be careful in this martial arts match."

Everyone's eyes looked a little dignified.


Surrounded by precious light, Long Hao stood alone on the ground, unmoving, the surrounding sky collapsed and the earth cracked, only the piece of ground under his feet did not crack.

hold head high--

Giant dragons rose up, coiled around his body, and quickly spun and burned the air, turning into a huge protective cover, protecting him and the ground under his feet.

Supernatural power - real dragon flying fire cover!

Boom boom boom...

A terrifying weight fell down, and the five-color gourd, which was comparable to the sacred mountain, was shining brightly. After a shock, it fell suddenly, trying to crush Long Hao into a pulp.

"Long Hao, I want to defeat you!" Zhuo Xingwen roared.

At this time, a golden divine pattern suddenly lit up, and at the same time, Long Hao's palm instantly slapped the sky, and he went up against the sky: "You are still very early!"

"Hey, what a mysterious inscription pattern, it actually increases the combat power by [-]% directly." A saint in the sky exclaimed in surprise.

After all, he was a saint with a unique vision, and instantly saw the extraordinaryness of the golden divine pattern.

Generally speaking, apart from some forbidden techniques, there are only some forbidden medicines that can increase combat power, but Long Hao can do it with only one inscription pattern.

"I don't see it, maybe it has something to do with the kung fu practiced by this kid."

The divine pattern of power on the orb of the Great Dao is extremely mysterious. Although the saint can see its extraordinary, he can't see through its essence.

"But it's nothing if you increase your combat power by [-] percent." Another saint glanced at it, then shook his head.

How did he know that Long Hao has only mastered a divine pattern of power now.

On the current Dao Orb, there are nearly a hundred power lines lit up. If you master all of them, you can increase your power by ten times.

Even some top forbidden techniques are hard to compare.

The golden big handprint, under the blessing of the divine pattern of power, has mana like a sea, full of majestic prehistoric power, like a magic hand, slapped on the treasure gourd.


The treasure gourd was like a bright sun with all kinds of lights, and it trembled after being hit, and a slap mark was clearly imprinted on it.

"Break it for me!"

Long Hao let out a loud shout, and his big golden hands slapped again, like a huge torrent, hitting the treasure gourd directly into the sky, drawing a gorgeous rainbow.


Zhuo Xingwen squirted blood, his grim face was full of unwillingness and madness.

Suddenly he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood to bless the seal. The gourd was shaken in the air, as if it had come to life, and ten thousand sword beams shot out from it, each of which was as thick as a bucket, hitting the ground with blazing light.

boom boom boom...

Like ten thousand thunders crashing down, this is a rather terrifying scene, the blazing sword lights scattered all over the sky, piercing through the entire battlefield.

It can be clearly seen on the ground that there are terrifying big holes that reach deep into the ground, making people feel cold.

There are tens of thousands of colorful sword glows, piercing through the sky and the earth. The scene is horrifying, as if there are pillars supporting the sky standing between the sky and the earth.

"My God, is this the battle of the powerful in the Faxiang Realm?"

"It's too scary! If it weren't for the great formation, I'm afraid that thousands of miles of heaven and earth would be shattered."

The intensity of this battle far exceeded that of the previous ones.

The supernatural powers played by the two of them all burst out with terrible destructive power, which made people fascinated and felt terrified.

chi chi chi...

The True Dragon Flying Flame Cover was driven to the extreme by Long Hao, and the whole body exuded a strong precious light, as if poured from divine gold.

ding ding dong...

A series of thick sword lights bombarded the mask. Although they failed to penetrate, the powerful impact still made Long Hao's blood churn.

However, he remained as motionless as a mountain, and slapped his palms together, shattering all spells with supreme divine power, and instantly wiped out the sword light all over the sky.

The big hand stretched across the sky, like a god manifesting, wherever it passed, even if the sword was as bright as the sea, it was defeated by force.

Boom boom boom...

The void trembled, and the sword lights that collapsed one after another, seemed to be burning with colorful flames, making the sky dazzling.

In the end, the two handprints made of divine gold shot down Bao Hulu and Zhuo Xingwen from a high altitude, and the battle ended.

"It's over, it's over?"

The roar in the battlefield continued for a long time, so that after a while, people still hadn't reacted.

Seeing Long Hao standing proudly in the void, and Zhuo Xingwen half kneeling on the ground panting fiercely, it was hard for people to believe that a shocking battle ended so suddenly.

"Number 30, Long Hao wins in six games!"

Before leaving the stage, Long Hao glanced at Zhuo Xingwen with a deep meaning. The sudden outburst of powerful means by the other party did bring him some trouble.

But that's all.

His 12 dragon veins are fully awakened, and his mana is boundless. Even after ten such fierce battles, he will not be exhausted.

But Zhuo Xingwen was reluctant to leave for a long time, staring at Long Hao's back with a sad gaze, full of unwillingness and anger.

In a short period of time, he was beaten three times by a single person. At this moment, Zhuo Xingwen wished he could find a piece of tofu and kill him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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