Chapter 478
The thunderclouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, like black mountains connecting together, oppressing the heaven and the earth.

At the beginning, people thought it was a catastrophe coming, because it was too swift and violent, and there was no sign of man-made at all, and even the strong heavenly power was genuine.

The speed of Lei Yin's shot was so fast that people couldn't see how she acted, and the terrible thunder fell in an instant.

The terrifying thunder turned into a gorgeous ocean, submerging the entire battlefield. The terrifying waves were turbulent and suffocating.

If there is no powerful guardian formation, it is conceivable that just this blow can completely destroy the world within a radius of a hundred miles.

The power of great supernatural powers can change the world, it is not fake at all.

dang dang...

Facing the bombardment of the powerful thunder, the Jiyang Tianfu burst into bursts of crisp sounds.

People can clearly see that on the surface of the Jiyang Tianfu, a large piece of precious light collapsed, and the inscriptions began to dissipate in smoke.

"My God, Senior Brother Tang's Faxiang is about to fail."

Many Xiaoyao Holy Land disciples' eyes widened at this moment, and their eyes were full of worry and shock.

The saints above the sky are also paying attention to the battlefield at this moment, and their deep eyes are constantly shining with Taoism.

"It's not right, this is not an ordinary supernatural power." A strange look appeared in the eyes of the Great Sage Feiyu.

"It's easy to trigger the sky thunder without using seals. It looks like a supernatural power." Another saint said, stroking his beard.

In the battlefield, the thunder rolled like a tidal wave.

Just when Jiyang Tianfu was about to collapse, Tang Linfeng put away his folding fan and slapped it with his palm.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth came like a torrent, and it was blessed on the extremely sun furnace, and it swelled more than a circle.

"It's so dangerous, I finally blocked it."

The disciples of Happy Holy Land breathed a sigh of relief.

"The thunder just now was too terrifying. I thought it was a catastrophe." Zhuo Xingwen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his eyes were a little solemn.

"Hmph." Liu Yunyan glared at him, full of sarcasm.

At this time, Xiao Liu and Fang Tianhua suddenly looked over, laughed proudly and said, "My fellow Taoists in Happy Holy Land, don't get excited, this is just the basic operation of the eldest sister, haha."

"These two live treasures are really abominable." Xiaoyao's disciples glared angrily.

"Don't be complacent, it's up to Senior Brother Tang to fight back."

Before he finished speaking, the world around Tang Linfeng suddenly boiled, and several inscription patterns lit up in his hands, gathering into a chi-long glow.

The energy shot out, and the people outside the field immediately felt a strong energy, surging towards them, making their bodies a little unsteady.

chi chi chi...

That radiant light, like the sun flashing by, is extremely fast, and has the terrifying power to destroy everything.

"Innate Six Yang Fingers!"

"Brother Tang finally fought back."

The Xiaoyao disciples were shocked.

Standing in mid-air, Lei Yin raised his eyelids, took a deep breath, and suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar.


The violent roar shook the world.

Heavy sound waves, rolled up a strong wind, turned into a turbulent ocean and raged, and the surrounding void exploded in an instant.

Tang Linfeng's sharp fingers were gradually dispelled under the impact of heavy sound waves.

"Ah! This is... what..."

Countless spectators roared with headshots at this moment, their bloodshot eyeballs seemed about to explode.

There were also some weaker ones who fell to the ground and twitched non-stop.

The large array laid down can counteract the domineering power of heaven and earth and the extremely destructive magical powers, but it cannot counteract the attack of the sound wave.


At the critical moment, King Huang Ji personally took action, pointing to the void in all directions with his fingers, and once again built a square light curtain around the periphery of the battlefield, which offset the terrifying sound waves.


Xiao Liu and Fang Tianhua looked at each other: "The thunder god roaring on the head of the eldest sister is still so terrifying!"

Even Long Hao's eyes changed, he felt that Lei Yin after breaking through the Faxiang Realm was a real thunder dragon, with boundless terror.

"Junior Sister's methods are astonishing. In my opinion, she is not inferior to Long Hao at all."

Tang Linfeng still stood steadily in the void.

"Hehe, but in my opinion, you are much worse than him." Lei Yin yawned and said lazily.

As soon as these words came out, even Tang Linfeng, who was well-cultivated, was a little warm and angry, his eyes were condensed, and an astonishing light burst out.

"Then I have no choice but to defeat you before challenging him."

Although Tang Linfeng's temperament is not as competitive as Jian Lingyun's, he is also extremely lonely in his heart.

An aurora flashed by, and Tang Linfeng's figure disappeared instantly.

"What a fast speed!" Xiao Liu was startled.

"Big sister, be careful."

As soon as Fang Tianhua gave a reminder, he found six Tang Linfengs appearing around Lei Yin.

Those six Tang Linfeng are exactly the same, even the aura on their bodies is the same, as if they are all real bodies, which makes people dazzled.

The eyes of Feiyu Dasheng in the sky lit up, and he said with a smile: "It seems that he has already grasped the essence of the innate six-yang finger."

"Hehe, no matter the innate extreme yang skill or the innate six yang fingers, the essence lies in the word 'extreme'. This kid is not simple." The gray-robed old man said a lot in a very rare way. Appreciation is added.


In an instant, six Tang Linfengs shot at the same time.

"Human Yang Finger!"

"Diyang finger!"


"Shaoyang finger!"


The speed of the first five finger strengths skyrocketed one after another, and their power also multiplied, like gradually increasing suns, bombarding one point from all directions at the same time.

"Extreme Yang Finger!"

By the time of the last finger, the speed has reached the extreme, there is no trace of movement, and there is no fluctuation to check.

The moment the strength of the finger broke out, it merged with the strength of the other five fingers.

Boom boom boom...

The violent fluctuations and blazing light caused the world to distort.

In people's eyes, it seems that five suns appeared in the sky at the same time, colliding with each other from all directions.

What a sight it was!
Even the kings and elders present were all moved by it.

"Okay, now Lei Yin will definitely lose!"

The congenital six suns refers to the supreme supernatural power in a super sacred art, its domineering power is completely beyond people's imagination.

For the first time, people felt that supreme supernatural powers seemed to be divided into strengths and weaknesses.

"The Five Thunders of the Heavenly Gang, shatter all dharmas!"

At this moment, Lei Yin's body shook, and a large number of inscription patterns appeared, together with the surrounding turbulent power of heaven and earth, they condensed into brightly colored thunder dragons, which instantly rose into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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