Chapter 484
The sixth-grade lotus pressed across the void, as if entwined with laws, and the mysterious brilliance continued to sprinkle down, filling the void with great pressure, and even the void was frozen.

"Mu Tianyan deserves to be the strongest of the young generation of Dongtu. Just the sixth-grade treasure lotus, which integrates offense and defense, is hard to shake even the strongest in the Dharma Realm."

The people mourned.

Until now, they have only seen the tip of the iceberg of Mu Tianyan, but the people who have been oppressed by the powerful strength can't breathe.

Just when people thought the battle was over, a strange strong light suddenly burst out from under the lotus, like the divine brilliance that opened up the world, full of mysterious dao rhyme.


Dao Dao Shen Hui, transformed into a law of horses, soared into the sky and bombarded Baolian.

The sixth-grade lotus vibrated violently, a large number of cracks appeared on the surface, and even the inscription patterns began to dissipate, and it was about to collapse.

"That's the legendary innate emptiness!" Li Yuandao's eyes froze.

"How overbearing!"

Lu Qianyuan also opened his mouth and said: "The congenital Taixu Gangqi is formed by the fusion of the power of several attributes. Its power is far beyond ordinary magic power. After being tempered by the power of heaven and earth, it is comparable to a high-grade magic weapon."

At this time, Mu Tianyan's eyes changed, and he shouted loudly: "Town!"

Thousands of divine brilliance collapsed, causing the earth to shake violently.

The light above Baolian is generous, like the sun rising into the sky, with colorful divine light appearing.

Down below, Xiao Liu escaped from the predicament, his whole body was shrouded in the rays of light, the treasure looked solemn, like a fairy.

Only then did people realize that Mu Tianyan was strong but Xiao Liu was not powerless to fight back.

For offense, there is the Taixu Gang Sword, and for defense, there is the Gang Ling Battle Armor.

The current Xiao Liu is also a combination of offense and defense, almost invincible innately.


One hundred and eight immortal swords were dispatched again to evolve the Baolian sword array.

But Xiao Liu charged wildly with his sword, quickly broke through the blockade of the sword array, and rushed in front of Mu Tianyan.

"Hehe, senior sister, offended."

He smiled triumphantly, and then Xiao Liu's palms and fingers surged a large amount of Taixu Gangqi, and instantly condensed a huge heavenly sword, sweeping all directions with mighty heavenly power.

High in the sky, a huge Heavenly Sword hangs horizontally, with the power of destroying the sky and the earth, which makes people feel cold when they see it.

"As expected of the Xiantiangang spirit body, this level of combat power is indeed earth-shattering."

Li Yuandao sighed in admiration.

Before that, he didn't pay much attention to Xiao Liu at all, but it's different now.

After breaking through the Faxiang Realm, the power of the Xiantiangang spirit body was completely sublimated, and even Li Yuandao felt that it was not even weaker than himself.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, someone let out a hurried exclamation.

People followed the sound, and suddenly felt five thunders crashing, their dilated pupils were full of unbelievable expressions.

Mu Tianyan stood in the void, pinching the dharma seal with her hands, her precious appearance was solemn, like a goddess, her body was set against a piece of peace and crystal, and above her head, there was an extremely huge star falling down.

No, that is not a star, but a lotus flower.

It's just too huge, shrouded in brilliance, filled with a kind of vastness and majesty, rumbling down, crushing everything, like a real scourge.

People in the distance only felt a shadow passing by, and the whole world was shrouded in it.

bang bang bang...

The surrounding void couldn't bear such a terrible pressure at all, and collapsed immediately.

The Heavenly Sword, which came from the slash, collapsed in the form of atomic decomposition when it collided with the lotus flower.

"Is this the divine power of heaven?"

For a moment, everyone present felt that their souls were about to leave their bodies.

"It's Senior Sister Mu's supreme supernatural power—Heavenly Dao Treasure Lotus Seal!" Yun Rong's big eyes flashed brightly, full of admiration.

Regarding this scene, even the elders of the Holy Land looked solemn and said nothing.

But the saints above the sky all stared like torches in amazement.

"Being able to refine the Heavenly Dao Sutra at such a young age, this girl's talent is not inferior to that of the Supreme Dao Holy Master back then."

"Looking at her is like looking at Fairy Fuyao back then. She's amazingly talented and magnificent, tsk tsk..."

"If I were a few hundred years younger, maybe I would go after her, haha..."

The sages of the major holy places, who are rare, all praised Mu Tianyan.

In this regard, the saints of the extreme holy land all smiled and were very pleased.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the huge lotus quickly flooded the entire battlefield, the terrifying and destructive power surged like a tide, and the impacting formation was rumbling.

Xiao Liu's body was ruthlessly suppressed, and even the formidable defense of Gangling Armor was broken, and he was severely injured.


Everyone present took a deep breath, deeply shocked by the terrifying destructive power.

For a long time, Mu Tianyan could easily defeat the enemy only by relying on the Baolian Sword Formation. This is the first time that he has shown the terrifying supernatural power in front of people.

"She's stronger than before!" Ling Shu looked solemnly, turned around and took a deep look at Long Hao, feeling a little worried.

The surrounding disciples of Yaoguang also had dignified faces. During the war in the Demon City, Mu Tianyan was not so terrifying, but now they lost even the courage to fight against it.

"Fortunately, I didn't kill him, otherwise Xiao Liu would have been smashed to pieces with this blow." Fang Tianhua clenched his fists tightly, but his eyes were full of fighting intent.

The battle was over, Xiao Liu lay on the ground like a dead dog, and was carried back by someone.

And Mu Tianyan is still like the goddess who is not stained with mortal dust, floating in and out.

Before leaving, she glanced at Long Hao.

Long Hao took a deep breath, and felt a pressure from those beautiful eyes, but this pressure made his blood boil.

Such a powerful opponent is hard to come by.

"In the third round of the fourth round, Tianhua, the Holy Land of Shaking Light, will face Long Hao, the Holy Land of Shaking Light!"

As soon as Huang Jiwang's voice fell, the pot exploded below.

"Yo, fight against each other!"

"It's normal. After all, there are the largest number of Fluctlight disciples left, and it's easy to draw together."

"Fang Tianhua, the madman, and that Long Hao, are both fierce people, now there is a good show to watch."

Like other disciples of the Holy Land, even the disciples of Yaoguang have a relaxed expression and the mentality of watching a show at the moment.

"Haha, you dared to laugh at me just now, you must be punished now, ahem..." Even though Xiao Liu lay down on the ground, he still laughed happily.

"Junior Brother Long, this kid is thick-skinned, you must not put water on him, and give him a hard time, otherwise he won't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Regarding this, Long Hao smiled evilly, and then stepped onto the battlefield eagerly: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat him well."

(End of this chapter)

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