Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 499 Summoned by the Juggernaut

Chapter 499 Summoned by the Juggernaut
Although Yang Jun is bold and unruly, he dared to kill the emperor himself, even a saint would not pay attention to him.

But in this vast and mysterious world, there is still one person whom he fears deeply, and it is his master——Sword Master of Absolute Heaven!
It was a kind of admiration and fear from the depths of the soul, so at the moment when the saint's decree came, his eyes rarely showed panic.

"It is said that the power of the holy way and heaven cannot be profaned. Could it be that a saint can perceive two bad words behind his back?" Yan Lin was quite shocked.

Soon, the three of them evaporated the spirit of alcohol with their magic power, stepped forward to salute solemnly, and respectfully welcomed the holy man's decree.

When the saint's decree was opened, there was a misty voice from the sky, the voice was magnetic, but full of coldness, without the slightest emotion.

"Take Long Hao to see me!"

In the decree of the saint, there is only this short sentence, but it is full of irresistible majesty, which makes people's hearts tremble.

It wasn't until the holy prestige dissipated and the world returned to the clear sky that the three of them came to their senses.

"Junior Brother Long, it's better to come early than coincidentally, let's go." Yang Jun shrank his neck and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Why did the Sword Master call me?" Long Hao was quite surprised, he was not familiar with the Sword Master Tianjue, and he had never even said a word.

Yang Jun was also a little puzzled, but the sage's decree was irresistible, and he said immediately: "Who knows, Master's mind cannot be fathomed, but it should not be a bad thing."

Afterwards, he said to Yan Lin: "Junior Brother Yan, sit here for a while, let's go back quickly."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Yan Lin who was stunned, Yang Jun led Long Hao out.


On Tianyunxing, there are many heavily guarded forbidden places, which cannot be approached by ordinary disciples.

The most fortified place among them is naturally the Sacred Star Mountain Range.

Because this is the dojo where all the saints practice.

Around the Sacred Star Mountain Range, there is a great formation of the Holy Dao, and the tyrannical holy power is like a vast river in front of him, forming a gap between heaven and earth. Except for the true disciples, even the kings of one party, without the decree of the saints, can never get close an inch.

Lord Yang naturally inspired his true disciple token, and suddenly a colorful auspicious cloud floated over, leading him across the Tianhe River.

As for Long Hao, holding the decree of the saint, he was also wrapped in a wave of holy power and crossed over.

Across the Tianhe River, a mighty prehistoric aura rushed over.

The auspicious aura of this mountain range soars into the sky, and it can be clearly sensed through the divine sense that the power of heaven and earth here is like thousands of great dragons hovering, which is very amazing.

Taking a deep breath, there is a feeling of sublimation all over the body, as if drinking fairy mist.

Looking around, the entire Sacred Star Mountain Range is full of Danya strange rocks. There are auspicious beasts lying alone, phoenixes flying and dancing, cranes flying across the sky, elixir growing on the cliffs for thousands of years, and fairy mushrooms accompanying the ancient trees...

There is an auspicious scene everywhere.

It makes people suspect that they have entered an ancient fairy world by mistake. The mountains are different and very miraculous. Yaozhi, Lingquan, Shoulu, Guya... are like a painting.

Especially above the sky, the sun hangs high, and the sky is dotted with starlight, which outlines a series of magical pictures, all of which have a mysterious Taoist rhyme.

This is the highest place in the entire sky. Standing on the top of a mountain, it gives people a feeling of being in the chaotic void, and you can pick up the stars with your hands.

"Brother Long is coming here for the first time?"

Seeing Long Hao's strange eyes, like a bumpkin entering the city, Yang Jun couldn't help but smile.

Recalling the first time I entered the Sacred Star Mountain Range, I was timid and frightened, like a little daughter-in-law who just passed the door, not like Long Hao at the moment.

"Such a spectacular scene is really something I have only seen in my life." Long Hao said bluntly without putting on an air.

On the planet where he lived in his previous life, he couldn't see these things.

"Haha, it's okay, after seeing the master, I will show you around for brother, and I will guarantee you a lot of benefits..." At this point, Yang Jun's expression became solemn again: "But you must remember, don't use God at will. Think about scanning, otherwise you will anger the saint, and you will be in trouble."

Long Hao nodded.

Saints are also human beings, they also have emotions and desires, and their tempers and temperaments are also different. Some people with eccentric tempers will find trouble for nothing and take the initiative to provoke saints, which is no different from courting death.

After all, not everyone is like Lord Yang, not to mention his own strength, but behind him is a tyrannical and messy sword master.

Ten steps and one view of this mountain range is beautiful and magnificent.

The two crossed mountains and rivers, and finally came to the foot of a mountain.

This mountain stands straight and steep, as if it was made by gods and axes. From a distance, it looks like a fairy sword that wants to pierce the sky and cut down the stars.

"Here we are, Ziyun Peak is the master's dojo."

Under the leadership of Yang Jun, the two of them soared into the sky cautiously, passing through the heavy clouds and mist, as if reaching the Heavenly Palace.

And above Ziyun Peak, there are no luxurious palaces, no magnificent palaces, only a quaint cave.

Outside the cave, a golden pine tree covers a small square like a canopy.

Other than that, there is nothing else, everything is so simple and outrageous.

On the way here, Long Hao also saw many palaces where saints lived. Most of them were like fairy palaces in the sky.

"I think you've also heard that although Master has a withdrawn personality, he doesn't care about trifles, so you don't have to be nervous. My brother is waiting for you outside the cave."

Yang Jun said kindly in relief.

Long Hao cast a grateful glance, then took a deep breath, walked to the front of the cave, clasped his fists and said loudly: "Disciple Long Hao pays homage to the Sword Master!"


A magnetic tenor bass sounded, and then a holy light flashed in front of the cave, and Long Hao stepped in.

The Dongfu is not big, only more than a hundred square meters, and it is equally simple.

Except for a row of bookshelves on one side of the wall, the other walls are densely covered with inscriptions left by the sword qi, and there are some mysterious scrolls.

These are obviously drawn by the sword master during his daily practice and when he has some insights. If a sword master sees it, it will definitely be like a treasure.

In addition to these, there is only a white jade altar about Zhang Xu in the cave, on which sits a young man in white clothes and white hair. On the hollow ceiling, sunlight and stars shine down, reflecting him like a holy man. Like a fairy.

This was the first time that Long Hao observed a saint up close, and he was also a world-renowned sword master.

The other person's appearance was clear at a glance, with a straight nose, a thin face, and eyebrows like swords. The moment he opened his eyes, even Long Hao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The man in front of him can only be described as extremely handsome, even a little evil.

Especially the melancholy and cold temperament, which is fatal to the opposite sex.

In short, it gave Long Hao a very special feeling, after he took a look at it, he would never forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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