Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 515 Peeping Is False, Treasure Stealing Is True

Chapter 515 Peeping Is False, Treasure Stealing Is True

The moon in the sky seemed to grow bigger, and the pale moonlight illuminated the sky and the earth, and the chill was overwhelming.

No wonder Xing Hun asked him to hold his breath and concentrate. Lu Yao's insight was so sharp that even a single drop of precious blood still alarmed the other party.

Long Hao, who had just stood up, suddenly felt chills down his spine. The world seemed to be covered with ice and snow, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness. The moonlight and stars gathered here seemed to be frozen into glaciers, constantly squeezing towards him.

Long Hao shivered subconsciously.

A cold wind blew past, sharper than a blade.

"Prostitute, be bold!"

A jiao zha, like the voice of a goddess, is extremely sweet but shocking.

At the same time, an extremely cold sword's edge had already reached the back of Long Hao's heart, and the chill rushed straight to the top of his head.

"Lu, senior sister Lu, misunderstood, misunderstood..."

Long Hao smiled dryly, turned around slowly, and stared blankly again.

At this time, Lu Yao was wet all over, her snow-white gauze was tightly pressed to her chest, her white and rosy skin was faintly visible, like a lotus emerging from water, and the huge full moon behind her reflected her, full of a different kind of temptation.

Even though he touched the other person's body before, when he saw it again, he couldn't help but feel dry mouth.

"It's you?"

A trace of surprise and confusion flashed in Lu Yao's eyes, but then they became cold again, with boundless killing intent.

Long Hao swallowed, complaining incessantly.

Every time I saw each other, it was such an embarrassing scene, which made him, who was always eloquent, become clumsy and clumsy. I don't know how to explain it.

Especially when the corner of his eyes swept across his side and found that the star soul had disappeared without a trace, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

That's not enough buddy either.

However, there was a pair of eyes as cold as the cold moon fixedly staring at him in front of him, and the killing intent had already solidified, which made Long Hao feel terrified.

From the opponent's mobilization of Zhou Tian's power just now, and the envoy Yuehua Xinghui to suppress him, Long Hao can judge that the opponent's cultivation base has reached the peak of the Faxiang Realm.

In addition, the other party has cultivated the legendary Beidou Tiangong, his talent is unrivaled, and his strength is definitely a hundred times stronger than Ouyang Yan and his ilk.

After checking his eyes, Long Hao knew he was the one who couldn't beat him.

Thus, Long Hao prepared to be a hero.

Three inches of tongue skills, start again.

He hastily apologized with a sincere tone and expression, and firmly insisted that he had just been promoted to the True Inheritance and was not familiar with the Xingyun Mountain Range, so he entered this place by mistake.

A hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, and it's not a shame to admit cowardice in front of such a peerless goddess.

Lu Yao is not a naive little girl, so she naturally doesn't believe this kind of rhetoric.

But she, who has always been ruthless, found that she couldn't really kill the killer.

"Maybe it's because he saved me once." Lu Yao thought so, looked at Long Hao's sincere expression again, and retracted the sword with a sigh.

"Let's go, this place is my dojo, if you dare to force your way again, I will kill you!"

Lu Yao raised her eyebrows coldly, and put on a ruthless attitude, as cold as a fairy in the sky, making people afraid to approach.

Hearing this, Long Hao felt as if he had received an amnesty.

After saying thanks, he backed out without stopping.

Back outside the canyon, Long Hao held back his stomach, and when he was about to explode, he found that Xinghun was already sitting on the strange rock beside him, waiting for him.

He crossed his legs, held a wild flower in his mouth, and hummed a little tune, as if he didn't notice Long Hao's anger at all.

"This womanizer!"

Long Hao felt regretful again.

When Xinghun asked Ji Hanshuang bemusedly, he should have thought that this guy was by no means a good person.

And judging from his actions, this kind of thing must have been done a lot, maybe he even tried the idea of ​​the waving saint, so when Gou Shengjun mentioned the waving saint, he became so annoyed.

He has mastered the Star Origin Orb that can break the magic circle of the world, so it is probably not difficult to spy on the Holy Maiden of the Fluctuating Light.

After all, before Lu Yao was promoted to True Inheritance, the most famous person was naturally the Holy Maiden of Fluctuation.

"Third senior brother, isn't it too mean for you to do this?"

Long Hao stepped forward and asked angrily.

The majestic king of one party actually slipped away first when encountering troubles, and left him as the head of the vat, thinking about it makes him angry.

"Hey, fourth brother, brother, I took you to see the beauty with good intentions, why didn't you feel grateful at all, and instead blamed brother?" Xinghun smiled indifferently.

Then he said in a lewd tone: "How about this meeting ceremony, what is the figure of our first beauty, will you never forget it?"

When Long Hao heard this, his forehead was immediately covered with black lines: "Thank you so much."

According to the law of fluctuating light, even if you were beaten to death if you forcibly broke into the true preaching field, you deserved it.

Fortunately, he had saved Lu Yao once, otherwise, what he said today would be a disaster, at least he would not run away after being beaten up with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Seeing that Long Hao still had resentment, Xinghun changed the subject with a dry laugh, "Don't worry, I'm still afraid that she would really dare to hurt you, but I really didn't expect that without my help, you would be able to survive Come out unscathed, and say, do you two have any old feelings?"

Long Hao was speechless to the extreme, thinking that he must stay away from this unreliable third senior brother in the future, otherwise he would never know when he was tricked to death.

"Okay, okay, I'm the most loyal brother, I was just joking."

Suddenly, Xinghun put on a caring smile like a big brother, and mysteriously took out a jade box from the storage bag.

"Hey, this is the meeting gift for you."

Long Hao glanced at the other party in surprise, and after taking the jade box, he smelled a strange fragrance blowing towards his face.

"So familiar atmosphere..."

Suddenly, he raised his eyelids and remembered: "Isn't this the strange fragrance wafting from Senior Sister Lu Yao's dojo?"

After opening it, Long Hao was also stunned, and murmured: "Tianyuan Dharma Xiangguo!"

"Yo, the fourth child has extraordinary knowledge, he even recognizes the fruit of Tianyuan Dharma." Xinghun let out a surprise, and then laughed again: "This Tianyuan Dharma fruit contains a trace of the original power of the way of heaven, which can help you condense the perfect Dharma form, even a person who has already condensed the Dharma form, after refining, can greatly increase the power of the Dharma form..."

"How is it? Brother treats you well, right? Compared with this kind of treasure, the little grievance you suffered today is nothing."

Now Long Hao finally understood: "It's not that thin, so you used me to attract Senior Sister Lu Yao's attention, and you took the opportunity to sneak into her medicine garden and steal this precious fruit?"

Seeing Long Hao's clear words, Xing Hun's face was a little embarrassed.

"Hey, Junior Sister Lu Yao is an alchemist after all, and her medicine garden is extremely well-guarded. If you don't do this, you will be discovered easily, but Senior Brother is doing this for you."

(End of this chapter)

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