Chapter 529
Between the lightning and the flint, the fist like the scorching sun has arrived in front of his eyes, feeling the power of the violent real thunder mixed in it, the purple-robed man suddenly lost his soul.

After receiving the blessing of the Nine Heavens True Thunder Dharma Body, Long Hao's speed increased a lot in an instant, far exceeding the Zipao man's expectations. It was too late to dodge now.

"Block me."

At a critical moment, the purple-robed man cast out a gleaming treasure talisman, and after being impacted by power, it burned instantly and turned into a huge light shield, like a mountain, filled with a large number of inscription patterns like thunder chains.

The fist like the scorching sun came down, and Lei Shan trembled violently, but he didn't shatter, and completely blocked Long Hao's killing blow.

You know, with the blessing of the [-] flying dragon veins and the True Lightning Dharma Body, Long Hao's punch is so powerful that even a ten thousand zhang mountain can be smashed with one punch.

"It's actually a high-grade defensive treasure talisman."

The top-grade defensive treasure talisman is the strongest that can withstand a blow from a powerful person in the Dharma Aspect Realm, and what the purple-robed man hit is the top of them, with amazing defensive power.

Turning his eyes, Long Hao quickly calmed down, staring at the purple-robed man and said in a cold tone: "How many treasures like this can you have, how many times can you block my punches?"

But Baofu, after all, is a one-time consumable, and it is not easy to make, and the price is high, even a true disciple cannot have many.

After all, Long Hao continued to attack without stopping.

"Stop looking down on people, let me show you my supernatural powers!"

The face of the purple-robed man turned red, his eyes became extremely blood-red, and he almost spewed out fire. He was gritting his teeth and pressing his bones, and at the same time, he opened his mouth to spit out a black light, which hung above his head, and thunder curtains hung down, and the whole person was protected inside. .

Taking a closer look, in the dark light, there is a small black knife, only an inch long, but has the sharpness of a divine sword and the rage of a sky thunder.

At this moment, even Long Hao felt a chill hit his heart.

He quickly stopped his figure, stretched his hands, and made a mysterious imprint, and suddenly there was a mighty power of heaven and earth gathered.

The purple-robed man was horrified to see that the ground under his feet was trembling violently, wisps of black brilliance flashed, as if a great dragon was about to burst out of the ground.

And above the sky, the power of Hunyuan washed down from the chaotic mist, containing the brilliance of the Great Dao.

When the two forces came together, the terrifying aura that would destroy the world would rage like a tide.

Obviously, this is another powerful supernatural power.

The purple-robed man was startled, his eyes turned sideways, and he was ready to strike first. From the massive power of heaven and earth gathered above his head, three streaks of black light shot out and merged together to form a black electric knife. The weight soared, reaching tens of feet.

Like a heavenly knife coming to the world, it cuts towards Long Hao.

"Three Yin True Thunder?"

The Three Yin Real Thunder is a special kind of thunder, similar to the heaven and earth strange fire, each strand can penetrate gold and crack stones, and the strong yin energy can extinguish the real fire, corrode the pure gold, and it is as heavy as ten thousand junctures.

At this moment, being sacrificed by the purple-robed man into the Sanyin True Lightning Saber, its power is unmatched.


Where the Heavenly Knife passed, the void collapsed, and everything was annihilated, just like a magic hand wiped it away and turned it into tiny atoms.

Even if it is as strong as the water spirit treasure body, if it is hit by the Sanyin True Lightning Saber, it will collapse instantly, so Long Hao will naturally not let it get close.

"Supernatural powers - Heaven and Earth Shuanglong Kill!"

In an instant, the two swimming fish in Long Hao's hands, which were condensed from a large number of supernatural inscription patterns, were washed away by the power of Hunyuan and the energy of the dragon veins of the earth, and the wind and clouds transformed into dragons, and the mighty power of the dragon shook the heavens.

hold head high--

The black and white twin dragons roared across the sky, as clear as the dividing line between heaven and earth, and the reflected sky and earth entered daylight at the same time.

A force that strangled everything and rebelled against yin and yang revived, and impacted on the Three Yin True Lightning Saber, causing the thick Yin Qi in it to completely decompose, and turned into an ordinary Thunder Saber, which was directly torn apart by the black and white dragons.


The purple-robed man turned pale with shock.

He never expected that the Sanyin True Lightning Saber, which he regarded as his strongest trump card, would be so vulnerable to the opponent.

"As expected of the unique art created by the ancient Dragon Emperor, its power is strong!"

Long Hao's mood was very uplifting, he spent a lot of energy and material resources in vain, this supernatural power did not let him down.

Legend has it that the ancient dragon emperor used this unique technique to reverse the universe and reverse yin and yang with one blow... If he can destroy a world, that is the real power!

"Long Hao, you don't have to be complacent, it will be your death soon."

The purple-robed man let out an unwilling roar, thinking of retreating.

But he wanted to escape, but Long Hao didn't agree.

Long Hao's body is like a thunder dragon, and he can leap more than a thousand feet in the air, as if teleporting.

The purple-robed man was so depressed that he reached out to grab a light talisman and was about to call for help.

"Hmph, you're too slow."

With a shout, a terrifying one-eyed monster suddenly appeared behind Long Hao, and golden light waves shot out from the spiral-shaped one-eyed eyes, instantly invading the purple-robed man's spiritual consciousness.

"Supernatural powers—magic eyes!"

Before the light talisman in his hand was shot out, the purple-robed man covered his head and rolled in the void, screaming like a pig being killed.

This supernatural power directly attacks the soul, and it is impossible to defend against it.

"You forced me, ah—"

But the purple-robed man was also a true disciple with a high level of cultivation, and his will was fairly strong, so he recovered quickly.

He stared fiercely at Long Hao with his blood-red eyes, like a bloodthirsty beast, at the same time he reached out and grabbed the jade talisman hanging on his chest, which was directly crushed by him.

In an instant, a strong holy light flickered, illuminating the world.

The terrifying Heavenly Power of the Holy Way was suppressed like a mountain of gods, causing Long Hao's physical body to collapse.

Vaguely, a tall holy figure revived from the holy light, and its whole body was as bright as a fairy.

"Holy Dao Dharma Body?"

Undoubtedly, this is the most powerful method of the Zipao man, and it was bestowed by his master, the Great Sage Jiuxiao. At critical moments, he can summon the Dharma Body of the Great Sage Jiuxiao to unleash the holy way attack.

Every true disciple is extremely precious, even a sage attaches great importance to it.

But Long Hao was also a true disciple, so he held a sword pill in his hand, ready to trigger a blow from the sword master at any time, beheading the Dharma Body of the Great Sage of Nine Heavens.

However, at this moment, there was a deafening thunder sound from above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling aurora fell from the sky, causing the world to lose its color, and even the six senses of human spirituality were completely lost.

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, as if a planet had exploded overhead, and the turbulent air waves toppled the surrounding mountains.

After a long time, the sky and the earth returned to clarity, and in the sky, the Dharma Body of the Nine Heavens Great Sage had already cracked, turning into a raging hurricane to wreak havoc.

"Hiss..." Long Hao gasped, and quickly put away the sword pill.

The purple-robed man was completely dumbfounded, he never thought that the outbreak of holy power would actually attract terrible divine punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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