Chapter 532
The supernatural power of Longyou Wanli, after Long Hao's years of practice, has reached the point of perfection, and the speed is so fast that the general Dharma Aspect Realm powerhouse can't match it.

However, Yun Hongfeng was an exception.

Because the skills and supernatural powers he practiced are also good at speed.

It can even be said that his strongest method is his super speed, whether it is fighting or chasing, he is hard to guard against.

At this moment, he is driving the wind and cloud to move in the void, and a flicker is more than a thousand feet, which is a few points faster than Long Hao's speed.

But in less than half an hour, Long Hao was overtaken.

"A cowardly person, will he just run away?"

Yun Hongfeng came stepping on the wind and cloud, his body flashed with spiritual light, he was as proud as a fairy, and the infinite power of heaven and earth gathered around him, majestic like a tide.

"Damn meow, isn't it just bullying people because of your high level, otherwise you won't even be a fart in front of me." Long Hao cursed, and continued to run away regardless of the other party's livid face.


The enraged Yun Hongfeng showed his murderous intent, stretched out his hand to grab it, and there was a bright auspicious cloud wrapped in a strong wind, condensing a colorful magic hand, and slammed towards Long Hao with the momentum of crushing the world.

Long Hao's heart tightened, knowing that he couldn't dodge, he quickly mobilized his strength and shot out a mighty dragon claw hand to fight against it.

Although the supernatural power of Thunder Dao will be greatly blessed here, but the difference in realm is too big, and Yun Hongfeng's natural combat power is obviously much stronger than the previous Qingchen.

In particular, the God's hand that is condensed by the wind and cloud looks soft and weak, but it is actually heavier than a mountain, and it is full of a destructive force.

The bombardments of the two met in the void, and the dragon claws exploded instantly.

And the colorful Fengyun magic hand slapped over and blasted Long Hao away.

"Cough cough..."

After spitting out a mouthful of blood foam, Long Hao didn't panic, and even sneered: "Hmph, you're nothing more than that."

Yun Hongfeng slightly raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

He didn't keep his hand from the blow just now. Although Long Hao's supernatural power was easily shattered, when it hit Long Hao, he didn't show his full power.

The double defense of the real dragon flying fire cover and the water spirit treasure body is quite tyrannical.

"Hmph, can you block this blow, can you block the next blow?"

Yun Hongfeng let out a cold snort, and once again burst into rapidity, attacking and killing Long Hao.

But Long Hao was running away while resisting the terrifying attack.


Just like that, the two of them fought for thousands of miles, fighting in the dark, one after another hills were blown down, and huge ravines criss-crossed all directions...

Until the next day, Long Hao's injuries gradually worsened, and he was already a little powerless.

Seeing Long Hao's speed drop sharply, Yun Hongfeng, who had already been impatient, cheered up immediately, and said in a contemptuous tone: "It is rumored that you are a rare talent in thousands of years, but in my opinion, you are only mediocre. .”

Facing the pressing Yun Hongfeng, Long Hao did not show any panic or fear.

He took a deep breath, ready to mobilize the Dao Orb to fight recklessly with the opponent.

If it doesn't work, then detonate the sword pill and drag the opponent to die together.

After thinking it over, Long Hao stopped running away, instead turned his direction and began to conclude the seal.


Wisps of bright rays of light rise slowly, and the misty fairy mist is accompanied by moon-white brilliance, carrying a pure power to purify the soul.

Appearing behind Long Hao, the shining crystal reflected him was like a god.

"Oh? Are you ready to use the forbidden technique to do your best?"

Yun Hongfeng narrowed his eyes, not surprised by this, everything was within his expectation, including Long Hao's death.

Ruthless and conceited.

This is his characteristic.

Yun Hongfeng was not surprised, but Long Hao was somewhat taken aback.

Because that power was not released by him at all, but he was very familiar with it.


Lang Lang's Sanskrit sound seemed to come from outside the sky, and then, a bald monk wearing a white Buddhist robe stepped forward from far away.

She was bathed in the light of Buddha, her body was pure and crystal clear, like a piece of flawless jade, when her footsteps landed in the void, a lotus appeared.

The most weird thing is that just now it was still in the sky, but after one step, it was near.

"Shrink to the ground!"

Long Hao's eyes froze, he didn't expect the other party to practice such a rare supernatural power at such a young age.

"Master Shenxiu, why is she here?"

Staring at the person coming, Yun Hongfeng temporarily stopped his hands. Under the pure Buddha's light, he found that his strength had actually weakened, and even his killing intent was weakening.

It is an extremely terrifying method to affect people's spiritual consciousness silently.

"The evil in the world lies in the heart, and the hatred and hatred lie in the ignorance... The two benefactors are also dragons and phoenixes among human beings. Why don't you let go of your obsessions, purify your mind, and study the Dharma intensively, so you can get the Dao."

Master Shenxiu still had a benevolent and compassionate expression, watching the two of them and said calmly.

Long Hao: "..."

Master Shenxiu spoke the truth of Buddhism, which made his ears tingle.

However, Yun Hongfeng's eyes were full of hostility, and he glanced at Master Shenxiu and said: "Hmph, people in our Taoist school pay attention to distinguishing between grievances and resentments, fighting with others, fighting with the earth, fighting with the sky... so I still take back your so-called Dharma." Make sense."

The meaning of his words is already obvious.

If you are sensible, get out, or you will be killed together.

Looking at Yun Hongfeng, who was full of hostility and murderous intent again, Master Shenxiu was neither anxious nor slow, neither arrogant nor angry: "All living beings are not easy, so why should the benefactor remain obsessed with it? Only by accumulating merits and virtues can one see the Dao.”

Now, Yun Hongfeng was completely impatient, pointing at Master Shenxiu and yelling, "Stop talking nonsense, no one can stop what I'm going to do, and no one can save the person I'm going to kill..."

"Warning you one last time, leave immediately, or you will bear the consequences!"


However, Master Shenxiu had no intention of backing down at all, and continued to persuade: "The benefactor is too hostile, and he is full of murderous evil, and he has signs of going crazy. Now put down the butcher knife, and you can become a Buddha immediately..."

Seeing that Master Shenxiu was still chattering, Yun Hongfeng was almost driven crazy.

"If you don't leave, you will die!"

This time, before Master Shenxiu finished speaking, he exploded completely.

A large number of inscription patterns flew out, connecting the heaven and the earth, and aroused the nine heavens. He was in the storm and the dark clouds, with loose hair and blood red eyes, like a violent beast.

I don't know, I really thought he was crazy.

"I'll be darling."

Seeing this, Long Hao was also shocked, the opponent's aura was much stronger than before.

He also had to admire this master Shenxiu. He didn't know what special power he had. With just a few words, he not only ignited the opponent's anger, but also strengthened the opponent's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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