Chapter 534 Thousand-Handed Buddha
The immeasurable divine light seemed to fall from the Nine Heavens God Realm, and shone on the body of the great Buddha. For a moment, the chaotic glow filled the air, and the great Buddha was lifelike, as if it had been revived.

"Om, me, me..."

The thick Sanskrit sound aroused the resonance of Dao.

The light of the Buddha in the nine heavens and ten earths filled the heaven and the earth, full of extreme divine power. The Buddha clasped his hands together, with benevolent brows and kind eyes, as manifest as that god.

The Buddha is skinny, but extremely majestic, and every inch of his skin is translucent, making him look extraordinary and dignified.

Under the radiance of the gods and Buddhas, the sky and the earth became crystal clear, all the darkness disappeared, hostility and murderous intent were resolved...everything seemed to be purified.

What is a Taoist, this great Buddha gives the best interpretation, standing in front of you, without a trace of mortal aura, as if you are detached from the world.

"The Buddha has appeared?"

Looking up at the sky, Long Hao felt as small as Sun Houzi facing Tathagata Buddha, and the vast Buddha light seemed to extend across the heavens and worlds, which is beyond human imagination.

Long Hao had never seen such an astonishing vision in his life.

"Thousand-handed Buddha, I never thought you were her descendant!" Yun Hongfeng's pupils were also filled with shock.

Thousand-handed Buddha is an ancient Buddha in ancient times. He has the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth. He is known as one of the Buddhas in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas. He has endless inheritance and countless legends.

Although the Thousand-Armed Buddha has long since ascended to immortality, many unique learnings created by her are still passed down to the world. Among them, the "Great Thousand-Armed Buddha Heart Sutra" is the most miraculous, and it is the natal exercise of the Thousand-Armed Buddha.

When this technique is cultivated to the extreme, it can evolve into thousands of faces, thousands of hands, and thousands of eyes...Looking all over the sky, overlooking all generations, and finally realizing the way of heaven.

Obviously, Master Shenxiu was able to display the Dharma image of the Thousand-Handed Buddha, which must have been cultivated to an extremely high level.

"According to the memory of Demon Emperor Fentian, no one has been able to practice this exercise for thousands of years. He thought it was lost, but he didn't expect it to reappear in the world today!"

From the beginning to the end, Long Hao never underestimated Master Shenxiu, and he was even more shocked at this moment.


Calmly looking at Yun Hongfeng, Master Shenxiu had a compassionate face, and advised: "The benefactor, please stop, this poor monk has not fully mastered this method. If you accidentally hurt the benefactor, it will be a sin."

Hearing this, the shock in Yun Hongfeng's pupils was quickly replaced by anger.

"Hurt me?"

With a sneer, Yun Hongfeng sternly yelled: "Just relying on your incomplete Dharma image to try to hurt me? What a joke, no one in this Dharma image realm can hurt me!"

"Alas..." Master Shenxiu sighed, then turned to Long Hao and said, "If the poor monk can't pull back later, please ask the benefactor to save him."

Long Hao was dumbfounded.

This master Shenxiu is really forgiving, Long Hao and Yun Hongfeng are sworn enemies.

save him?

Just kidding, according to Long Hao's personality, he must beat the drums and beat him up, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.


Yun Hongfeng couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and said with a long roar, "You said that you seemed to be able to kill me at any time, but now I will let you die!"

hold head high!
Dragon and Tiger Faxiang seemed to have sensed Yun Hongfeng's anger, and suddenly let out a long roar, and an infinite stern light burst out from his whole body, the terrifying ferocity covering the sky like a black cloud.

The howling sound didn't stop, the dragon and tiger dharma suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a stream of rapid light, and rushed towards Master Shenxiu.

When he was still in the air, Long Hao saw the raging wind rolling up on the tiger's body, like a tide, and the endless dark clouds spit out from the dragon's mouth, like the flames of purgatory.

The fire borrows the wind, and the wind helps the fire.

The moment the other party rushed, the black flames were wrapped in a strong wind, and half of the sky had already been burned down.

For a moment, the time and space here became extremely chaotic. The order of the heavens and the earth, the laws of the avenue, seemed to be cut off at once, and the roar of dragons and tigers shook the heavens.


At the same time, the blurry big Buddha breathed out the spirit of mountains and rivers, looking down at the world, unable to see his real body, only a pair of eyes bursting out with mysterious brilliance, shining in the darkness, looking at it makes people feel chills, and the soul can hardly bear it. Can't stop sinking!

The immeasurable Buddha's light illuminated the sky and the earth, and each occupied half of the sky with the dark clouds in front of it, forming a strong contrast, as if day and night descended at the same time.

This is a shocking duel between two Dharma Aspect Realm Dzogchen powerhouses. The terrifying coercion makes this world a little unbearable, as if it is about to explode at any time.


Yun Hongfeng was inside the Dragon and Tiger Dharma, and charged out of nowhere, yelling: "This way I'll send you to the west!"

The billowing dark clouds swept along with the strong wind, and there was a terrible trend of sweeping the sky and destroying the world.

"Amitabha, good is good."

Master Shenxiu clasped his palms together and recited scriptures silently. At the same time, a mysterious Sanskrit sound shook the world.

And the majestic Buddha, like an eternal rock, remained motionless. He put his hands together, and a circle of Buddha's light appeared behind his head, like an old monk entering meditation.

But suddenly, the thousand-handed Buddha suddenly opened his eyes, emitting immeasurable Buddha light, and his magic power is unmatched.

One arm was lifted up, like the sky-shaking sledgehammer, the whole body was poured with divine gold, containing the divine power to suppress everything.

With a punch, like a golden shooting star, it immediately shattered the sky, the large dark clouds were shattered, and the strong wind collapsed, and there was a rough scream from it.

The collision of the two forces brought about a deafening roar, and the destructive force emitted turned into ripples and raged around.

At this time, the deep Sanskrit sound spread throughout the heavens again, like the collision of gods and gold, emitting brilliant Buddha light, oppressing people.

A golden arm stretched out again, suppressing it with unmatched momentum.

One after another...

In an instant, above the chaotic high sky, it seemed that the starry sky had been destroyed, and the endless stars were covered with golden brilliance, and fell down one after another.

The four poles of the sky and the earth are covered with mist, the sky is collapsing, and the earth is sinking. It seems that the long river of time has been cut off at once, and the shackles of space have been broken...

At this moment, Long Hao only felt that he was in another world, the world was collapsing, and time and space were disordered.


After a long time, when a ray of Buddha's light illuminated the world, the Great Buddha reappeared in the world, still so merciful, like a god.

However, the strong wind and dark clouds that filled the sky had already dissipated, and Yun Hongfeng's body was lying in the collapsed void storm, covered with blood, almost inhuman.


Even Long Hao couldn't help but gasped and lit up.

The power of those divine fists is too strong, with the potential to move mountains and suppress seas.

"Just over 100 shots, if all of them..."

Looking at the thousand-handed Buddha, Long Hao shook his head in shock, not daring to imagine.


Master Shenxiu spit out a mouthful of reverse blood without warning after receiving his supernatural powers, and his face turned pale.


Long Hao stepped forward, but was blocked by a strong precious light.

The precious light contains pure Buddha power, which is actually repairing the damage of Master Shenxiu.

(End of this chapter)

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