Chapter 537
This caused Yun Hongfeng, who was still ecstatic just now, to be poured down with a basin of cold water.

This small world is not big, but it is definitely not small.

Moreover, there are many unknown dangers and terrifying places of death, so even if you are a strong person in the realm of law, you have to spend a lot of time and energy if you want to visit it.

Under the terrible pressure of Lei Dao, the divine sense is also suppressed. If there is no induction of the Thunder Binding Seal, if you want to find a trace of a person in it, it can be said that you are looking for a needle in a haystack.

In particular, Long Hao's talent made Yun Hongfeng feel a great threat.

Just relying on the cultivation base of the third level of the Faxiang Realm, he can make two moves with him. After a long delay, once Long Hao's cultivation level is raised, or if he gets some extraordinary adventure, he may be able to challenge him up.

"Damn, damn..."

"How could he, an ant in the third level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, resolve the Thunder Bonding Seal?"

Yun Hongfeng was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

The soul is inherently mysterious, and it is also the most vulnerable place of living beings.

Except for those who are powerful in the holy way to comprehend the way of heaven and condense the holy soul, the souls of ordinary creatures are elusive at all, so how can they dissolve the power of the blood soul.

But Yun Hongfeng tried several times, but she still couldn't sense the breath of Lei Fuyin, and completely disappeared without a trace.

He counted thousands of calculations, but he missed one person.

It was Master Shenxiu who resolved the thunder binding seal.


At this moment, Long Hao, who had calmed down, felt incomparably amazed at Master Shenxiu, who was bathed in the Buddha's light and looked like a living Bodhisattva.

Even if he used the Taixuan Heart Method to refine the Thunder Binding Seal, which was like the poison of the tarsus bone, it would take several days.

However, Master Shenxiu, just read the Buddhist scriptures once, and he easily resolved it, which is amazing.

"How did you do it?"

Master Shenxiu knew everything about Long Hao's question: "There are three generations of Buddhas, and so are humans. I have been exploring the reincarnation of the heavens and the Dao, so I have done some research on the soul. Although the power is directly attached to the soul, as long as the pure Buddha power is injected, it is not difficult to dissolve..."


Whether there is really reincarnation has been puzzling countless creatures, and even the Supreme Emperor cannot give an accurate answer.

But the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas has already conducted extremely in-depth research on this.

The Buddha often said that suffering in this life will bring blessings in the next life.

In the Western Regions, there have always been legends about the reincarnation of living Buddhas.

"Perhaps, past and present lives really exist, maybe."

Frowning, Long Hao also discovered that there is another force in that pure Buddha power.

A more magical, more terrifying force.

"Terror is not only the Buddha's power, but also the mind power of all living beings, right?"

The power of thought is the power of faith.

Legend has it that after absorbing the power of faith, many Buddhist powers will get twice the result with half the effort, whether it is the understanding of the way of heaven or the mastery of supernatural powers.

Everything in the world is the evolution of the way of heaven, and the power of thoughts of all beings is naturally the power of the way of heaven.

After being absorbed by Buddhist cultivators, they will even be deified, possessing the power of the gods.

Long Hao felt more and more that this Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas was not simple.

"Amitabha, Lord Long is really a wise eye, and he can sense the power of thoughts, which also shows that the Lord is indeed destined to be with my Buddha..."

This time, Master Shenxiu was interrupted by Long Hao waving his hand before he finished speaking.

"Don't get me wrong, I've only heard of it before."

"Oh? Has Master Long ever been to the Western Regions?" Master Shenxiu asked.

"No." Long Hao shook his head directly.

With his current cultivation strength, it would take him more than ten years to travel across the eastern land and the secular world to the western regions. How could he have the thought and energy.

It's just that the world he lived in before also had Buddhism and mind power, so he had heard of it.

"It seems that Lord Long has many secrets." Master Shenxiu obviously understood this, so he smiled mysteriously.

"Why not the master."

Glancing at the other party, Long Hao didn't say any more.

The Thunder Bonding Seal has disappeared, and his threat has been temporarily lifted. Finally, he can find a quiet place and improve his cultivation.


Long Hao was retreating, and Master Shenxiu was also cultivating not far away, and he had no intention of leaving.

Long Hao didn't bother to pay attention to this, anyway, this master Shenxiu was merciful, and he didn't have any bad intentions other than wanting to save him for refuge.

After laying out a magic circle casually, Long Hao carefully took out the Buddha bone relic, with a trace of fiery look in his eyes.

After infusing a little mana, the stone-like Buddha bone relic, which was originally gray, finally revived.

A strong Buddha's light, like the rising sun, illuminated the entire cave.

The pure Buddha power bathed Long Hao's body, like the mist of a fairy spring, flowing into the body along the pores to cleanse the body.

Soon, Long Hao's body was full of radiance, and his precious appearance became solemn, those who didn't know thought it was the living Buddha's manifestation.


"Such pure and majestic Buddha power, I am afraid that if I absorb half of it, I will be able to reach the Dharma Realm Dzogchen!"

However, Long Hao was not happy for long, and the smile on his face froze suddenly.

The moment the Buddha bone relic was revived, a blue lantern flew out from his prisoner dragon ring, shooting out a halo of green light, and captured the Buddha bone relic at once.

The originally dim light seemed to be going out at any moment, but gradually became more vigorous, turning into a blue flame.

"It is absorbing the energy of the Buddha bone relic."

In an instant, Long Hao noticed the abnormality, his forehead went dark, and he immediately mobilized his mana to separate the two.

However, the halo emitted by the blue lantern is illusory, as if it doesn't exist in this world, and Long Hao's mana can't shake it at all.

But when he transferred his mana to the Buddha bone relic, the opponent did not move like a mountain, but instead released a strong Buddha power, shaking his mana away.

After several attempts, Long Hao was stunned.

I watched the Buddha bone relic getting smaller and smaller, and the energy became thinner, but there was nothing I could do.

"Damn it, what kind of plane are you doing?"

Long Hao was completely angry, wishing he could throw that blue lantern on the ground and step on it hard.

The green lantern was the trophy he got from the mountain monk back then.

After obtaining this treasure, he has been trying to refine it, but it is of no avail at all, even the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art has no effect.

At first, he didn't care, and just threw it into the prisoner's ring.

But he never expected that the green lamp, which had been lifeless all this time, was actually attracted by the energy in the Buddha bone relic and revived.

And once recovered, it will be so powerful that even he cannot control it.


The Buddha's power became stronger and stronger, and the flames on the blue lantern were beating violently, and black smoke was coming out repeatedly.

Just when Long Hao was about to mobilize the Dao Orb to suppress the green lantern, the black smoke suddenly spread out, like a black curtain, hazy covering the entire cave.

In the black mist, there is an extremely terrifying force of death, as if the gate of the underworld of the underworld has been opened.

And in the fog, a hazy figure, with its back to Long Hao, let out a sigh.

In an instant, Long Hao's body froze in place, and his soul froze.
(End of this chapter)

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