Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 539 Heavenly Evil Buddha Emperor

Chapter 539 Heavenly Evil Buddha Emperor
"Du'er Great Compassion Curse!"

After listening carefully, Long Hao became even more surprised when he looked at Master Shenxiu.

This is a heart sutra of Buddhism, which can eliminate the heavy sins and obstacles of many kalpas, and obtain all happiness and perfection.

Although it is an auxiliary Heart Sutra, it does not have any offensive power, but it has extremely miraculous effects. It has always been secret in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and it is difficult for even many holy Buddhas to practice.

But Master Shenxiu, who is only in the Dharma Aspect Realm, has mastered it proficiently.

"The Heart Sutra of the Great Thousand Guanshi, the Great Compassion Mantra of Saving Evil... What is the origin of this person?"

Sometimes, Long Hao even couldn't help doubting that this master Shenxiu was a son of an emperor, who was passed on by the Buddha himself.

"Om well..."

Suddenly, a strange Sanskrit sound sounded, as if passed down from the nine heavens, with an indescribable mystery and holiness.

Long Hao turned his head to look, and found that the Sanskrit sound was actually transmitted from the manifested consciousness of Tianxie Buddha Emperor, and her face still had a strange smile like a devil, which made one's scalp tingle.

bang bang bang...

Under the sound of the Sanskrit sound, the chains of laws condensed by the Buddha pattern completely collapsed, and even the legendary Du'er Great Compassion Curse was easily broken.

Next to it, Long Hao's eyes were filled with shock. In his opinion, this is a demon figure that transcends the world and cannot be saved at all.

Master Shenxiu let out a muffled snort, with scarlet blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his whole spirit became extremely depressed, but he still looked at the figure on the blue lantern in shock and murmured: "Six-character mantra!"


The dense fog dissipated, and the figure turned into a rain of light, shining like stars, and disappeared before his eyes.

After the Sanskrit sound disappeared, Long Hao's consciousness slowly recovered.

Under the Sanskrit sound, his spirit seemed to be drawn into a big world of boundless purgatory, and he saw many vicious and tragic scenes, which shocked him greatly.

"Just now, was that the future?" Long Hao was startled, thinking about it carefully, that world was actually the same as the Xuanhuang Great World.

"The six-character mantra can indeed deduce the past, present and future, but it should have been lost long ago. Why is Tianxie Buddha Emperor... Amitabha."

Master Shenxiu seemed to have suffered a huge backlash, even the tone of his speech was extremely weak, and finally he had no strength to speak.

"How is Master, do you need help?"

Long Hao stepped forward and said with concern.

Master Shenxiu shook his head slightly, then took a deep breath, and after adjusting his breath for a while, his face regained a little rosiness.

"Lord Long, this evil weapon against the Buddha is extremely evil, please let the poor monk dispose of it, otherwise it will bring great disaster to the world."

Just after recovering a little bit, Master Shenxiu said solemnly to Long Hao.

"Why is this?"

"Since you respect her as the Buddha Emperor, why do you call her a rebellious Buddha?"

Qingdeng swallowed a Buddha bone relic from him, and it may also be attached to the spiritual consciousness of Emperor Tianxie Buddha. Maybe after this recovery, it will become a powerful magic weapon, and Long Hao will naturally not hand it over for nothing.

"Heavenly Evil Buddha Emperor..."

Master Shenxiu knew that Long Hao, who didn't understand the horror of the evil weapon, would definitely not hand over the green lantern directly, so he explained it eloquently.

"As Benefactor Long saw just now, she indeed came to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas after becoming a demon. If she can let go of her inner demons and choose to study Buddhism, my Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas will naturally help her with all my strength..."

"And she really has a strange root of wisdom. She soon became a Buddha under the ancient Bodhi tree. Since then, she has been merciful and has never used killing again..."

Hearing this, Long Hao couldn't help but wondered: "Isn't this very good, so why do you say that you are against the Buddha?"

"Amitabha, it was only later that the Buddhas discovered that the Heavenly Evil Buddha Emperor did not purify the evil thoughts in his heart. Instead, he practiced both the Buddha and the devil, and finally went into a state of madness. , so the Underworld changed, invaded the Western Regions, and all spirits were poisoned..."


Long Hao understood.

The reason why Tianxie Buddha Emperor is called an anti-Buddha is mainly because his behavior is against the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas pays attention to the equality of all living beings, and all have Buddha nature. They should be taught according to the Buddha's principles, not only for people, demons, and even ghosts... this is the case.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas pays attention to saving people's hearts, stopping killing, and following the law of heaven and reincarnation.

But Emperor Tianxie proposed that all Buddhas enter the world to eliminate demons, not save them.

She herself did the same. She went deep into the abyss of suppressing demons several times, attacked the abyssal demons, walked in the mundane world as an incarnation, eradicated rape and eliminated evil... and finally went to hell to eliminate all ghosts.


In many respects, compared with the teachings of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Tianxie Buddha Emperor is more extreme and fierce, always shouting and shouting.

Once the king of Senluo Kingdom extorted violently, Emperor Tianxie Buddha destroyed the Senluo king's family.

The Blood God Sect arbitrarily arrested living beings, absorbed the power of the blood soul to practice evil skills, and the Emperor Tianxie Buddha destroyed the entire Blood God Sect.

When the abyssal demons invaded, Emperor Tianxie entered the abyss and swept away the demons.


Therefore, it has also influenced a large number of Buddhist practitioners, inheriting her philosophy, not saving demons, but eliminating demons.

This is simply heresy in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

"Hehe, in my opinion, Emperor Tianxie Buddha didn't do anything wrong. It's our duty to eliminate demons and protect Taoism. Otherwise, Xuanhuang would have been destroyed long ago. How can we talk about studying Buddhism and saving people's hearts?"

After listening to Master Shenxiu's words, Long Hao saw another side of Tianxie Buddha Emperor, and couldn't help but be in awe.

"Long Benefactor's words are wrong. All spirits are fate, and they can be saved. They should correct evil and return to righteousness. They should not blindly kill, harm the peace of heaven, and destroy human nature..." Master Shenxiu retorted.

"Hmph, you saved them, is it fair to those creatures who have been hurt by them?"

Long Hao didn't take it seriously. The abyssal demons repeatedly invaded the Xuanhuang Great World, and the Eastern Land fell several times. When all spirits are poisoned, has the Buddha's teachings been realized?
Killing to stop killing is the way of heaven!
"Master has never experienced the life of Emperor Tianxie Buddha, so I'm afraid he is not qualified to make an evaluation."

If Long Hao had the same experience as Tianxie Buddha Emperor, I'm afraid it would not be impossible to kill the world like the Seven Killing Sword Emperor, let alone turning into a Buddha.


Master Shenxiu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Long Hao waving his hand: "This green lantern is mine, so please don't say too much, master."

Just when Long Hao reached out to grab the blue lantern, the light on the blue lantern suddenly ignited, bursting out a strong Buddha's light, straight into the sky.

At the same time, Long Hao's consciousness seemed to be attracted by something suddenly.

And what attracted him was the direction in which the Buddha's light was fleeing.

"What's going on? Is this Qingdeng really conscious?"

With a cry of astonishment, Long Hao felt the call from somewhere became stronger.

Although the origin of this blue lantern is a mystery and full of weirdness, Long Hao still plans to go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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