Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 549 Dharma Phase Divine Power

Chapter 549 Dharma Phase Divine Power
"That's—an ancient prison-suppressing Buddha!"

Long Hao looked at Master Shenxiu in surprise, and found that in the Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas behind her, a big Buddha with a majestic face and a rough figure appeared vaguely, bursting out with powerful Buddha power, blessing Master Shenxiu.


The Ancient Prison-Suppressing Buddha fell across the sky, and the golden sea of ​​bitterness suddenly rolled up a thousand waves. Countless evil spirits were torn apart by this blow, and their spiritual consciousness was swept up by the sea of ​​bitterness and sent to the other shore.

"It actually aroused the power of the Prison-Suppressing Ancient Buddha, is it a coincidence or..."

Before Long Hao had time to think about it, the Prison-Suppressing Ancient Buddha once again burst out with tyrannical divine power, and the evil spirits of the holy thoughts were also suppressed unprecedentedly, and even the remaining sliver of divine power could not be exerted.

"it is good!"

Long Hao laughed loudly, and flew towards the evil spirit in front of him across the sky, and let out a sound that shook the world: "Evil animal, look at my supernatural power!"

Long Hao seized the opportunity and rushed directly into the evil spirit.

When the person was still in the air, he slapped it down with a palm.

hold head high--

In an instant, in the turbulent power of heaven and earth behind him, infinite five-color divine thunders flashed out, evolving into mighty thunder dragons, which blasted down with the force of divine punishment.

clack clack...

At the same time, thousands of thunder dragons blasted down, and each thunder dragon was like a vast river. When it rolled in the air, a strong thunder burst out, turning a large area of ​​evil spirits into ashes.


"Sky God Thunder is so terrifying!"

At this moment, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand far exceeded Long Hao's imagination.

Thunder dragons raged one after another, like thousands of heavenly catastrophes crashing down, and the destructive power erupted made the colorful world built by Master Shenxiu with Buddhist beads almost collapse.

The golden sea of ​​bitterness below was turbulent for thousands of miles, and countless evil spirits were wiped out by this blow.

woo woo woo...

The ear-piercing howling sound came, like the neighing of thousands of ghosts, which made people's soul unstable.

A sacred evil spirit attacked and killed them quickly, and their golden pupils shot out streaks of blood, and the inscriptions were densely covered, as if they could penetrate the chains of the law of the sky, and their power was astonishing.

Among other things, just a sliver of holy power carried in it is enough to suppress the strong in the Faxiang Realm so that they can't hold their heads up.

What's more, there are more than a hundred of those holy evil spirits.


At a critical moment, Master Shenxiu activated the power of the ancient Buddha of Suppressing Prison, and the light of a thousand Buddhas fell down like a sky-river impact, smashing all the attacks of the evil spirits of holy thoughts.

"it is good!"

Long Hao's spirit was lifted immediately, his body rushed out, and the majestic thunder entwined around him, vaguely evolving into a heavenly Emperor Linchen who looked down upon the heavens and all worlds.

"Law in heaven and earth!"

hold head high--

The dragon rises from the sea of ​​chaos, and the pure power and thunder merge into one, turning into a sword, opening up the world.

The strong sword light swept away, like the first ray of light from the beginning of chaos, cutting through chaos and dividing the universe.

This was the first time that Long Hao had used the power of Dharma Phrases, but the terrifying power made him feel extremely shocked and proud.

"The power of divine punishment?"

Master Shenxiu behind him also had a look of astonishment in his pure pupils: "The way of strength and the divine thunder of the Heavenly Gang have derived the real power of divine punishment!"

This is a power that only the ancient emperor of heaven controlled. The Great Thunder Sound Sect studied hard for thousands of years, and could not master it until it was destroyed.

Now, she finally understood why Tianxie Buddha Emperor, who is a powerful Buddhist, chose Long Hao, a Taoist disciple.

Although the power of Heaven's Punishment is still very weak, it is extremely pure, as if it still contains the original power.

Long Hao went out like a heavenly emperor, with a single sword sweep, hundreds of evil spirits of holy thoughts were wiped out.

It is conceivable that when Long Hao has cultivated his Dharma to the extreme, he will be able to burst out with extraordinary divine power.

"Damn human, court death!"

Suddenly, the rolling magic sound shook the world.

Watching helplessly the countless evil spirits under his command were wiped out, as well as those evil spirits of Holy Thought, which greatly challenged the majesty of the evil spirits of Emperor Thought.

When the emperor was angry, hundreds of millions of corpses floated, and the eight wastelands collapsed.


Roaring, accompanied by endless ferocity and evil spirit, the black ocean violently impacted on that colorful world.

bang bang bang...

The densely packed Buddha patterns all collapsed, and the brilliance of the [-] stars also dimmed, turning into Buddhist beads again, and flying out.

The world collapses, the sea of ​​bitterness annihilates...

The roar of the evil spirit of Di Nian was extremely terrifying.

Long Hao used the Dao Baozhu to protect his body, and retreated quickly, but his viscera were still displaced by the shock, and he coughed up blood.

"Such a terrifying emperor, this evil spirit may have devoured the spiritual consciousness of many emperor corpses. If he is completely refined and integrated with the emperor corpse, he will be able to arouse the ultimate power of the emperor. That will be true. fear!"

Returning back to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, Long Hao dragged the blue lantern in his hand, looked at Master Shenxiu solemnly and said, "Let's fight together, we must eradicate him as soon as possible!"

Unlike before, Master Shenxiu didn't hesitate at all, instantly formed mysterious seals with his hands, and uttered a mysterious Sanskrit sound from his mouth...


The next moment, there seemed to be a major earthquake in the world, and Long Hao's body trembled violently, almost falling into the void.

Turning his head, he saw the Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas rising up behind him, among which the three thousand immortal Buddhas seemed to have come to life, and from the radiant golden body, thousands of divine lights shot out and poured into the body of Master Shenxiu.

In an instant, master Shenxiu, who had been empowered by three thousand immortal Buddhas, suddenly became majestic, and his endless divine light turned into a six-foot-long golden body, which was poured like divine gold, impressing the heaven and the earth.

The Buddha's light is all over the sky, illuminating the heavens.

The originally gloomy and dark world suddenly became crystal clear and transparent. The turbulent evil spirit and black mist all evaporated, and a large number of evil spirits were purified under the Buddha's light.

In addition, the evil spirit of Emperor Nian was also greatly suppressed, and the power on his body was rapidly weakening.

Without even thinking about it, he directly possessed himself inside the emperor's corpse.

Suddenly, the immortal emperor corpse who had been sitting cross-legged for thousands of years opened his eyes, and there seemed to be endless resentment and murderous intent surging in the dark pupils.

He stood up, but his seven-foot body was like a giant that lifted the sky and pierced the earth. The terrifying emperor's power shattered the four poles of the universe.

Great Emperor, this is the Supreme Great!

Facing Wushenwei once again, Long Hao still felt that he was so insignificant, like the sand of the Ganges River, a drop in the ocean.

"Humans, die!"

The furious Emperor Nian evil spirit didn't have any extra nonsense, he urged the emperor's corpse to raise a withered right hand, in which densely packed Buddha patterns flashed, and finally turned into a huge golden palm print like a mountain.

"This is the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism - the Great Vajra Seal!"

"He has already been able to induce a trace of the power of the Great Emperor, be careful!"

Before Long Hao's voice fell, the sky suddenly changed drastically.

The rich golden light, like the scorching sun rising into the sky, contained terrifying power surging within it, just like a vajra's magic hand, when it fell down, it had the terrifying power to shatter the heavens and shatter the myriad worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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