Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 557 Fighting Yun Hongfeng Again

Chapter 557 Fighting Yun Hongfeng Again

In the last battle, he didn't even break through the opponent's defense. In the end, he was defeated by the Thousand-Handed Buddha Dharma Aspect in one fell swoop, and ended up running for his life in embarrassment.

This caused Yun Hongfeng, who had always had a high opinion of himself, to feel an unprecedented sense of frustration and humiliation.

Now, he has just digested the inheritance of a king, his strength has soared, and he wants to avenge his shame even in his dreams.

Especially Long Hao, that guy who took advantage of others, made him hate him even more.

"Hmph, what I expected was right, they really came, and it happened to be resolved together."

Just as Yun Hongfeng sneered secretly, a tall and straight figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although the man had been shrouded in a wide black cloak, the aura he exuded fluctuated like thunder, and even the dragon veins and earth aura between the heaven and the earth were revolving around him.

Indistinctly, a huge dragon that lifted the sky and pierced the earth appeared.

It was Long Hao who came. After his cultivation had improved greatly, he had always wanted to compete with Yun Hongfeng.

Staring at the other party with sharp eyes, the bellicose factor in Long Hao's blood is rising crazily.

"Arrogant boy, if that dead monk didn't get in the way, you would already be a dead person, and you dare to be arrogant in front of me, you really don't know what to do!"

Facing Long Hao who rushed up suddenly and provocatively with his eyes, Yun Hongfeng spoke sarcastically, with an extremely conceited expression.

"is it?"

"How did I forget at the beginning, who did not hesitate to use the Holy Path Shifting Talisman to escape in a hurry?"

Long Hao smiled strangely, and then asked coldly: "Do you want me to help you recall memories?"


The smile on Yun Hongfeng's face froze suddenly, as if he had been humiliated, the anger almost shot out from his eyes, and he yelled at Long Hao: "You want to die!"

In his rage, the boiling power of heaven and earth around him was like a raging storm. Behind him, a prehistoric beast with the body of a tiger and the tail of a dragon was vaguely transformed, releasing a terrifying ferocious power, which made people feel terrified.


"It's so scary. Brother Yun's strength has probably reached the limit of the Faxiang Realm. Even the void around him is distorted and is about to collapse."

The men and women in silver robes at the side, under the terrifying majesty, even had difficulty breathing, both shocked and terrified.

Long Hao's eyes were also slightly concentrated, he could clearly sense that Yun Hongfeng's aura was much stronger than before, no wonder he became so arrogant.

But he is not what he used to be, even facing the ferocious impact of wild beasts, wisps of rippling water mist flickered all over his body, and he remained motionless.

When he was only at the third level of the Faxiang Realm, he was only slightly weaker than the opponent.

Now that the level of cultivation has soared, and he has obtained the Tiangang Divine Thunder inherited from Emperor Tianxie Buddha, he is naturally full of confidence.

However, before he could make a move, a burst of strong Buddha's light suddenly lit up behind him, quickly extending over, calming down the ominous power between heaven and earth.


Master Shenxiu came with the light of the Buddha on his head and stepped on a lotus flower. His precious appearance is solemn, just like a great Buddha who has attained enlightenment.

But Long Hao shrank his pupils, and felt a trace of strong hostility from that solemn body, which was quite different from Master Shenxiu's temperament before.

"Dead monk, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Seeing Master Shenxiu come forward to stop him again, Yun Hongfeng's body was full of murderous intent.

However, when he and Master Shenxiu looked at each other again, his heart suddenly jumped for no reason, and he felt a coldness that originated from the soul.

It was a kind of ruthlessness, no desire, no joy or sorrow, and a cruelty that regarded everything in the world as worthless!

Logically speaking, this kind of temperament should not appear in the merciful and merciful master Shenxiu, so it seems particularly strange.

But in an instant, the coldness in her eyes disappeared, and she became compassionate again: "Amitabha, the three benefactors, please leave quickly. The poor monk is in a very unstable state of mind. It would be a sin if you accidentally hurt your lives." .”

Master Shenxiu spoke seriously, and his tone was very kind.

But after Yun Hongfeng heard it, he ran away in an instant.

"It's up to you to hurt my life..."

Too much to look down upon!

The provocative Long Hao with a stupefied green head on the side already made him angry, and Master Shenxiu's contempt and indifference from the bottom of his bones made him vomit blood even more.

Under the burst of spiritual light, a white cloud spear was grabbed by Yun Hongfeng out of thin air, and his aura instantly became as fierce as a gust of wind and thunder.

"Dead monk, watch me take your life!"

At first, Yun Hongfeng planned to humiliate them before killing them, and vented his anger.

But now he doesn't want to say one more nonsense, otherwise he will be pissed off before the fight.


Accompanied by the sound of piercing through the air, Yun Hongfeng charged across the sky, and a large number of inscription patterns flickered on the white cloud spear in his hand, moving the four poles of the world.

In the eyes of others, it is no longer a spear, but a fierce tiger that kills the world!
The endless wind moves with the spear, shining a little bit of cold light, like the aurora above the nine heavens, it has the power to penetrate the barriers of the world!

Seeing this, Long Hao's heart moved slightly. Yun Hongfeng's cultivation was at the limit of the Dharma Aspect Realm. At this moment, the power of the top-grade magic weapon was urged to the extreme, which made the power of this blow even more frightening.

However, in the face of such fierce attacks, Master Shenxiu remained motionless.

"Amitabha." Standing in the void, he chanted the Buddha's name, then raised one hand and struck forward.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles surged in, evolving into a mighty Vajra that lifted the heavens and pierced the earth, covering Master Shenxiu's body.

"Buddhism's supreme supernatural power - the powerful vajra cover!"

Long Hao's eyeballs almost popped out. In a short period of time, Master Shenxiu's various methods have evolved to the level of supreme supernatural powers.

chi chi chi...

The Baiyun Spear struck with the momentum of thunder, like a falling comet, with invincible force, bursting out with an ear-piercing roar, shaking the sky.

However, as soon as Long Hao's eyes recovered from the strong light, he saw in horror that countless series of inscription patterns lit up on the Vigorous Vajra Mask above his head, like chains of laws, endowing this mask with incomparable defense.

The gentle Buddha's light continuously emerged from Master Shenxiu, which made the transformed King Kong more solid, and even had a sense of immortality.

The power of the Baiyun Spear was exhausted very quickly, and not only was the Vigorous Vajra Cover intact, but there were strands of strong light bouncing back, knocking Yun Hongfeng back directly.

"With the blessing of the immortal Buddha's thought power, no wonder it is so tyrannical!"

If it was not known in advance that Master Shenxiu had obtained a powerful inheritance, this huge transformation would have been too sensational.

The Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas is worthy of being a Buddhist treasure cast by ancient immortals and Buddhas. It possesses various miraculous effects, which are far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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