Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 562 Great Emperor Level True Dragon Dojo

Chapter 562 Great Emperor Level True Dragon Dojo

When Ji Xingkong climbed up to the void carefully and looked down, he was immediately stunned on the spot.

The violently swaying primitive ridge, like a revived green dragon, released terrifying power fluctuations, raging the world.

All the great holy killing arrays in the ridge were activated, some evolved into heavenly knives, some evolved into divine swords piercing the heavens, and some evolved into the five elements of heaven and earth like fire and water...

All kinds of magical visions emerge endlessly in the world, making people feel as if they have come to a world of immortals and gods.

It was not only him who was deeply shocked, but also several purple-robed and silver-robed people who had heard the sound.

After the folded space was completely shattered, they seemed to be teleported thousands of miles away in an instant.


hold head high--

I don't know how long it has passed, but vaguely, there seems to be a high-pitched dragon's chant, which is directly transmitted to the depths of people's souls.

In an instant, everyone felt as if they were being bitten by a thunderbolt, vomiting blood and flying backwards with pale faces, and retreated to a very far distance before gradually stabilizing their bodies.

When people woke up from the shock, the world gradually stabilized.

There is no one intact part of the collapsed ground under the feet, there are bottomless cracks everywhere, and the turbulent sea water is constantly gushing out of it, turning into a column of water that soars into the sky...

The huge Dragon Island seems to be cut horizontally, only the lush and vibrant mountain ridge is alone in the mist of nothingness, which cannot be seen clearly.

Under that cloud, the naked eye cannot see through, but people can still scan all directions through the powerful divine sense.

"What is this place?"

Ji Xingkong was astonished, in the mist, the image of that mountain ridge suddenly changed greatly, there were ruins everywhere, and there were many ruins of palaces.

"My God, is it the ruins of the ancient powerhouse?"

The architectural style, materials used, and even the pattern of the magic circle in the ruins are quite different from what people realize, full of simple and mysterious connotations.

Ji Xingkong cautiously approached a little closer, and his powerful divine sense suddenly found a huge monster through the thick clouds, which shocked him in his heart.

There is a huge golden palace in front of it, it is so magnificent that it is almost comparable to a small city.

The whole body is made of golden striped boulders. It is majestic. I don’t know how many winds and rains it has experienced. It has not collapsed. With an extremely desolate feeling.

The surrounding ruins are all built around this golden palace, which is quite large in scale.

Although the prosperity is not there, people can still imagine that this place may have been full of mystery like the Celestial Immortal Palace.

But at this moment, a bleak blood light suddenly roared out from the misty mist, like a blood cocoon outlined by countless chains of laws.


People were horrified and felt their scalps tingling, thinking that something terrifying had been born.

"No, it's not a saint, but the breath of the holy talisman."

The blood cocoon exploded suddenly, and two figures in embarrassment fell from it, bloody all over, like evil spirits returning from hell.

"It's the two of them."

An old man in a silver robe recognized the two of them, walked up quickly, frowned and asked, "What happened here?"

The two blood-robed men recognized the silver-robed old man as the elder Xue Ping of the Tianlei Sect, and their eyes immediately became vigilant.

"We don't know what happened, but we were suddenly swept in by a terrifying force, followed by heaven and earth, and one of my arms was also strangled."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the Holy Dao Talisman, it would be dangerous this time."

The two blood-robed men were also extremely depressed.

They just accidentally triggered the damaged Great Saint Killing Formation, but they didn't expect to cause a series of huge changes, and all the folding spaces around the ridge were shattered.

It is conceivable how fragile this world is.

The damaged Great Saint Killing Formation was like a spark that ignited a powder keg, changing the world in an instant.

Although they avoid the important things and ignore the light ones, without Daoming that this is the place where dragon veins gather and there are heavy treasures to suppress luck, anyone can see that the majestic golden palace is like a huge cornucopia, attracting their hearts all the time. mind.

It is impossible to monopolize the treasure.


In the secluded valley, wisps of blood-colored brilliance continued to spread.

Among them, sitting cross-legged is a bloody figure, like a blood sun, shining on the nine heavens and ten earths.

Ang Ang Ang -

A resounding dragon chant sounded continuously from within the body.

Immediately, streaks of blood-colored brilliance lit up in the crystal clear treasure body, like the manifestation of the law of the great way, containing extremely pure power fluctuations.

After a long time, when the blood was gone, the man opened his bright eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The King Realm Flying Dragon is a precious medicine produced by the essence of blood energy, and three blood crystal dragon fruits have allowed me to evolve a hundred flying dragon veins!"

"The blood of this flying dragon is too bad, otherwise the effect would be even more astonishing." Long Hao smacked his lips.

If the blood of this flying dragon is pure enough, one blood crystal flying dragon fruit can evolve a hundred flying dragon veins.

If that's the case, he can go straight to the ninth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, and even face Master Shenxiu blessed by the power of the immortal Buddha, he can also fight.

Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake.

The originally quiet valley collapsed on a large scale with lightning speed, and instantly buried Long Hao alive.

But soon, a wave of violent power recovered, smashing countless huge rocks.

Long Hao soared into the sky, looking at the distant sky, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"What happened?" Master Shenxiu was also alarmed, stepped forward and asked curiously.

"I don't know." Long Hao shook his head, his eyes didn't move, and the light in it was even more intense: "But the breath of the real dragon is obviously much stronger, something big must have happened there."

Master Shenxiu closed his eyes and sensed for a while, then suddenly raised his head, and said in astonishment: "The aura of mountain ghosts appeared, many, many..."

Long Hao didn't know what was the relationship between the two, but the shock just now was obviously the explosion of Shengwei.

He was thousands of miles away, yet he was still affected.


While Long Hao was thinking, the messenger symbol lit up again.

"Could it be that Ji Xingkong is in some trouble?"

After entering Dragon Island, Ji Xingkong communicated with him much more frequently, but this time the summons seemed extremely urgent.

"There are a large number of ancient ruins on the island, suspected to be a great emperor-level real dragon dojo, come quickly!"

Ji Xingkong's tone was very excited.

But Long Hao was more excited than him.

"Emperor-level True Dragon?"

"Okay, okay, whatever you want!"

Just now he was worried that the effect of the blood crystal dragon fruit was mediocre, but now the dojo ruins of the emperor-level true dragon appeared,

(End of this chapter)

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