Chapter 567

The majestic Buddha, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, radiated wisdom in his eyes. As soon as he appeared, he immediately became the focus of everyone.

It was the first time for the vast majority of people to see such miraculous Dharma images, and they were deeply shocked.

As for Yun Hongfeng, it was a conditioned reflex to move sideways, recalling the fear of being dominated by the Thousand-Handed Buddha.


After receiving the blessing of the power of the Three Thousand Immortals and Buddhas, Master Shenxiu's offensive became fierce.

She fixed the heaven and the earth with Buddhist beads, restrained the expansion of the sky wheel, and at the same time urged the golden sea of ​​bitterness to rush forward quickly.

The golden brilliance rolled towards Gao Tian, ​​and dragged one dragon blood warrior after another into it, but the sky wheel evolved from the Ten Thousand Dragon Devouring Formation was also extremely powerful, forcibly resisting the coercion of the world's barriers, and constantly counterattacked. To hit the sea of ​​bitterness.

The two most powerful forces collided continuously, and the sky and the earth were full of huge roaring sounds.

Even though those dragon blood warriors had long since fallen, they still did not forget their mission of guarding the Heavenly Sect, and they all fought hard to resist.

Master Shenxiu, with a clear state of mind, vowed to save the souls of the dead and save all sentient beings.

The wills of the two are opposed to each other, but they are both extremely strong, so that in a stalemate, neither of them is willing to give in.

"In the Faxiang Realm, the only person who can have this kind of strength is probably only Master Shenxiu."

Although he can't understand the opponent, Ji Xingkong still admires Master Shenxiu's astonishing combat power.

Fighting alone against the Dragon Devouring Formation, on the surface, the two sides are evenly matched, but no one with a discerning eye knows that every time a dragon blood warrior is dragged into the sea of ​​suffering, the power of the formation will be weakened by a point.

As for Master Shenxiu, he just consumed some mana.

If the battle continues, Master Shenxiu will undoubtedly win in the end.

"The mind power of the three thousand immortals and Buddhas in the Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas can continuously replenish her consumption. There is no suspense in this battle." Long Hao said secretly.

At the same time, he also made Ji Xingkong ready to rush into the Tianmen at any time.

Time passed minute by minute.

Soon, a large number of dragon blood warriors were dragged into the sea of ​​suffering, their souls died and their bodies were corrupted.

Under the impact of the boundless Buddha's power, only a few hundred dragon blood warriors are still struggling in the ten thousand dragon devouring the sky formation, but the evolved sky wheel not only did not expand, but shrunk under the heavy pressure of the world barrier a lot.

"It's now, go!"

Just when people were still admiring Master Shenxiu's powerful means, Long Hao suddenly moved.

This movement is like a dragon flying across the sky, moving thousands of feet in an instant.

Ji Xingkong followed closely behind, turning into a dark lightning bolt, piercing the pale golden sky suddenly.

This sudden scene shocked everyone.

"Young people just can't hold their breath." Elder Xue Ping chuckled with a haughty expression.

Not to mention the hundreds of dragon blood warriors left on the scene, just the destructive force erupted by the collision of two powerful forces is enough to obliterate any strong person in the state of law.

In his opinion, rushing over now is no different from courting death.

"Hmph, an idiot looking for his own death." Yun Hongfeng gave Long Hao a vicious look, wishing that Long Hao would be dismembered by dragon blood warriors sooner.

call out!call out!
Two streams of rapid light flew across the sky, and rushed under the Heavenly Gate in an instant.

In front of his eyes, the golden sea of ​​bitterness kept rushing forward, bursting out with a tyrannical impact, colliding violently with the sky wheel, and there were hundreds of dragon blood warriors behind him, staring at him.

However, Long Hao didn't flinch, and continued to charge forward while making seals with his hands.

"Be careful, those dragon blood warriors have already locked us, and they will attack at any time." Ji Xingkong, who was following behind, felt his scalp tingle in the face of those hundreds of pairs of hideous pupils.

"Follow me."

With a sharp shout, Long Hao's speed not only did not slow down at all, but increased suddenly.


At the same time, those dragon blood warriors also discovered Long Hao's intentions, and instantly became furious.

Puff puff……

Although they were in the formation, they still launched a long-distance attack, spraying out fires, cold lights and thunders from their mouths...

In an instant, there were hundreds of powerful attacks, which turned into a torrent and crushed them.

"Hiss..." Ji Xingkong's expression was serious, he took a deep breath, his eyes burst out with determination, and he immediately struck out a lot of magic seals, mobilizing the power of Zhou Tian, ​​turning into billowing dark thunder, shattering a large area of ​​void.

"Quick, shoot!"

After the actual fight, Ji Xingkong deeply felt the tyranny of the dragon blood warrior, more than a hundred powerful attacks have exceeded the limit he can resist.

Facing Ji Xingkong's exclamation, Long Hao didn't panic, there were one after another mysterious inscription patterns flashing around his body, like a sky full of stars.

When the power of Zhou Tian swept in, filling each inscription pattern, a huge phantom of a dragon was quickly drawn.

That divine dragon is resplendent and resplendent, like watered by divine gold, and each dragon scale is like the manifestation of the law of the Dao, containing the magical rhyme of the Dao.

The most important thing is that under the belly of that dragon, there are five glittering dragon claws, like five shocking swords, bursting out with a sharp edge that can tear the sky and the earth.

"Five-clawed dragon?"

"How can he condense a perfect Dharma image when he's an ordinary man?"

The purple-haired blood-robed man looked up at the sky, stunned.

"Chaos ancestor dragon, suppress everything!"

In an instant, Long Hao pushed the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art to the extreme, combined with the majestic power he had accumulated, the divine dragon's dharma instantly awakened, raised his head to the sky and roared, bursting out with extremely powerful dragon power.

hold head high--

This divine dragon chant shook the heavens and spread throughout the world.

In the mighty sound waves, there are strands of divine brilliance belonging to the dragon, like a big wave washing the sand, shaking all the hundreds of attacks from the dragon blood warrior head on.


The sound wave is invisible, but when it hits the sky wheel, it is as thunderous as a comet hitting the ground.

At the same time as the sky wheel trembled violently, even the veins of the inscription patterns in it flashed, showing a tendency to collapse.


In the big formation, all the dragon blood warriors spat out a mouthful of blood, as if they had been hit by an innate soul, each of them looked sluggish, and even the white thunder in their eyes dimmed a bit.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Long Hao swooped directly in front of the Tianmen.

The resplendent and resplendent Tianmen stands above the head, and under close observation, you can clearly find the traces of time imprinted on the body surface, just like the lines of the avenue, which makes people afraid to look directly at it.

The moment your feet step on the stone steps, there is a mysterious force that rushes straight to the soul, as if you have been baptized, and you are refreshed.

hoo hoo...

Suddenly, under the peaceful Tianmen, there was another violent roar, accompanied by a strong evil spirit.


Under the horrified eyes of the people, the phantoms of the divine beasts carved on the four stone pillars under the Tianmen suddenly came back to life.

"This is……"

Ji Xingkong's body was frozen in place, his pupils trembling uncontrollably.

In front of him, there are four supernatural dragons, wrapped around the stone pillars, with blazing eyes like the sun and the moon, bringing him enormous coercion.

(End of this chapter)

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