Chapter 577
"With the power of mere ants, dare to fight against the god?" The old bachelor grinned and raised his hand slightly, triggering endless divine brilliance and condensing nine heavenly swords, showing sharpness and fierceness.


Everyone gasped. Thousands of feet away, the light from the Heavenly Sword was still like a strong wind blowing by, with the potential to destroy the dead.

People had no choice but to activate the mana body protection, but they still felt the pressure was great.

"What's the matter with this old guy, all kinds of methods seem ordinary, but they can burst out with divine power!" Ji Xingkong was shrouded in a dark thunder, his expression was extremely solemn.

"If the other party is really a fairy spirit, then no matter how ordinary the method is, it will also be blessed by the divine power of the heavens, and it is definitely not something that can be countered by ordinary power."

Speaking of this, Long Hao and Master Shenxiu looked at each other, and there was a strange light in their eyes.

The nine heavenly swords, like nine shining suns, came across the sky with the momentum of crushing everything, and their power was extremely terrifying.

"Fa Tian Xiang Di - Thousand-armed Buddha!"

"Law the sky and the earth—the five-clawed dragon!"

Two strong divine lights erupted, rising from the ground like a divine mountain, and in an instant, two majestic divine shadows emerged.

One, great compassion, shrouded in endless Buddha light, seems to have thousands of arms and faces!
One, the golden light shines in the world, with divine power added to the body, pressing across the sky, it seems to be the ruler of heaven and earth!
The two major Dharma appearances are both perfect Dharma appearances, amazingly miraculous, and blessed by the divine power of heaven.


Two strong forces erupted suddenly.

This time, Master Shenxiu didn't hold back his hands in the face of the enormous coercion, and all three thousand Buddha's hands were struck together, like a world squeezed by it, showing unparalleled divine power.

The dragon soared into the sky, and the five divine claws, all with the power to pick up the stars and the moon, grabbed the heavenly sword that was rushing towards him.

Everyone was horrified when they saw it.

"How did Senior Brother Yun survive such a terrifying appearance?" Another Zixiao true biography subconsciously asked in amazement.

Hearing this, Yun Hongfeng was so angry that he vomited blood, stared at him fiercely, and said with a ferocious expression, "Get lost!"

However, although Master Shenxiu's Dharma appearance is even more astonishing.

But the shining eyes of the old bachelor stared at Long Hao.

"It's mere mortals, but it can condense the appearance of a dragon. What kind of kung fu is this kid practicing? It even suppresses this god!"

Back then, the old bachelor was invincible in all the heavens. Even the ancient Emperor of Heaven who overpowered all realms never made him feel this kind of oppression stemming from innate instinct.

At this moment, a terrifying energy erupted, almost knocking everyone out.

Ji Xingkong was horrified to find that the dark thunder around him was collapsing rapidly, and the terrifying and destructive force was eroding his body, and the dead souls were frightened, and they burst back again and again.

Backing with him, there are Master Shenxiu and Long Hao.

In front of them, there was a majestic energy tide rushing in, with the momentum of crushing the world, it bombarded the two great dharma figures, and the endless Buddha's light and god's light collapsed one after another.

"How could this old guy's attack be so terrifying?" Ji Xingkong's scalp tingled as he watched.

In Long Hao's eyes, the nine-mouthed heavenly sword has changed its appearance at this moment, with golden divine patterns attached to it, and a faint chain of laws outlines a divine dragon with nine claws.

"This old bachelor's attainments in the way of power have reached the pinnacle. Even if he is suppressed in the same realm, the power he can explode is still multiplied!"

This is the horror of the divine pattern of power!
It is the manifestation of the most powerful power in the world. Once mastered, it will have the power to defy the sky.


This time, even Master Shenxiu was powerless to resist, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

"Hey, you two are not bad, why don't you just stay here and be a boy and girl for the god, haha..."

The old bachelor suddenly let out a maniacal laugh, and rushed forward with a fierce and ferocious power. The endless divine light unexpectedly evolved into a nine-clawed dragon, and grabbed the two of them.

In an instant, the void is locked and the world is blocked.

Huge pressure squeezed towards the two of them, making them inevitable.

"My mom beep..."

At the same time, Lang Lang's Sanskrit sound seemed to come from the nine heavens, with a mysterious and incomparable power, turning this world into a Buddhist kingdom.

"what is that?"

Someone exclaimed, vaguely saw the manifestation of majestic gods and shadows, they were all ancient immortals and Buddhas who were famous all over the world!
At this moment, the compassion in Master Shenxiu's eyes was completely replaced by coldness, and the evil spirit on his body was overwhelming, making everyone's backs shiver, as if they were being targeted by a god and demon.

Apart from dealing with the evil spirit of Emperor Mind in the Buddha Kingdom, it was the first time Long Hao saw Master Shenxiu being so serious.

And that old bachelor also had a murderous look on his face, as if he was at odds with Master Shenxiu.

"Although I don't know why that old bachelor hates Buddhism so much, Master Shenxiu seems to want to save him." Long Hao knew very well that in the eyes of Master Shenxiu, all souls in this world are transformed by evil thoughts , should be exceeded.

"Six-character Great Ming Mantra!"

At this moment, the eyes of the old bachelor became more ferocious and cold, scanning the three thousand immortals and Buddhas evolved in the Buddha Kingdom, his endless killing intent raged like a frenzy.

"The gods and demons of the heavens and the dead bones of the ten thousand realms were all harmed by you bald donkeys, and now you are here to harm this god, damn it!"

The old bachelor went crazy without warning.

In the short body, there seemed to be endless waves of divine power, rushing straight to the three branches and leaves above the head, and giant dragons grew out.

hold head high--

The mighty dragon chant shook the heavens.

"Damn, what's going on?"

In an instant, the universe was turned upside down, yin and yang were confused, and everyone was overturned from the void. Facing the scene of the sky collapsing and the earth roaring, their minds were shocked.

"That is--"

Long Hao took a deep breath, and saw an extremely strange scene.

A bloody giant dragon bowed and lay in the void, like a taut bowstring. As the old bachelor gently pulled it, the endless power of heaven and earth came together, condensing a divine arrow that shines in the world!

The most important thing is that there is also a jet-black magic flame attached to the divine arrow, like a terrifying dragon, exuding the power of devouring the sky and the earth.

"Ancestral Dragon Piercing Sky Arrow?"

Long Hao's head was confused, no matter the form or the power, the means displayed by the old bachelor were all incomparably similar to the supernatural power he had mastered - Zulong piercing the sky arrow.

However, in terms of power, I don't know how many times it is terrifying.

"The blood dragon is the bow, the dragon is the power, the dragon is the arrow, hiss..."

According to legend, the four great dragon clans are all descendants of the ancestor dragons.

The blood dragon inherits the secret method of the ancestral dragon, the divine dragon controls the way of power, the demon dragon devours and refines the heavens, and the dark dragon represents immortality!

Now, the old bachelor has evolved the powerful means of the three supreme dragon clans with only one supernatural power, which can be called a miracle.

"The consciousness of this old bachelor must be a powerful dragon soul!"

(End of this chapter)

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