Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 580 Immortal House Treasure

Chapter 580 Immortal House Treasure
There was a loud noise in the Dragon Palace, and the war started again. It is not necessary to think that everyone is fighting again in order to compete for the elixir.

"Let's go in too." Ji Xingkong couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward first.

Long Hao looked suspiciously at the plaque hanging above his head, those four big characters were so touching.

"Dongji Dragon Palace!"

"Like the Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas, it must be a treasure."

Frowning, the treasure is in front, but how to control it is a problem.

Long Hao used various methods one after another to urge the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, and even mobilized the Dao Orb... However, the Dragon Palace in front of him remained motionless, which made him extremely depressed.

Seeing Master Shenxiu, there is no need to do anything, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace will automatically recognize the master.

As for him, he tried his best, but he could only be in a hurry.

"Could it be that the spirit of the Dragon Palace doesn't agree with me because I am a time traveler?"

"Or is the Dragon Palace not an ownerless thing?"

Long Hao was more inclined to the latter, after all he practiced Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue and even recognized the master of the Dao Orb, so there is no reason why the spirit of the Dragon Palace would turn a blind eye to him.

But if the owner of the Dragon Palace is still alive, once he enters it, he can be ruled by others.

However, with Baoshan in front, there is no reason not to take it empty-handed.

Wealth is in danger!
Lifting his head and sighing, Long Hao strode into the stone gate.

Crossing the stone gate is like traveling through time and space, and the eyes suddenly open up.

Although this dragon palace looks magnificent from the outside, it is not vast, but once you enter it, you will find that you are in another world, which is extremely vast.

"Sure enough, it is the same as the Wanfo Palace, with a built-in space."

Entering this cave, the aura surged, and Long Hao only felt that his whole body was being baptized, every inch of flesh and blood was full of strength.

The majestic and pure Dragon Vein Qi nourished his body like a precious medicine, pointing directly at the viscera, bone marrow and even cells.


Turning your head, there is a fairy garden in front of you, fragrant and fragrant, with green leaves supporting fairy flowers, radiant and dazzling, like a pure land in the sky.

The old bachelor stayed in it, surrounded by everyone.

"Hiss... so many precious medicines!"

Long Hao took a deep breath and couldn't help but exclaim.

The eyes of the others were even more red, and they gulped down their saliva. The precious medicines in the fairy garden have long been turned into priceless treasures by the suction of the dragon's veins all the year round. Just taking out a single plant is enough to make a saint's eyes warm.

In the pure land built with five-color divine jade, the fairy clouds are like mist, and the six ancient medicines are crystal clear, flowing with strange brilliance, and the fragrance they emit seems to have the effect of purifying the soul.

"Although they are not immortal medicines, these ancient medicines have been grown for tens of thousands of years, and they can be called the king of medicines!"

"Look, that three-color glazed fruit tree manifests its laws and blends into the nature of the world. Is it a holy medicine?"

The traces of the holy medicine were found, and many people's eyes were about to pop out.

A king of medicine is extremely rare, it can nourish the body, soul, and achieve the unity of man and nature, becoming a king and dominating one side.

And the holy medicine is even more rare, it contains the power of law, if the king takes it, it can help people to understand the heaven and the earth, have a great chance of mastering the law, and become holy.

Even a saint can use the holy medicine to sublimate his law power and greatly improve his cultivation.

Such rare treasures are extremely rare in the world of Xuanhuang, and it may not be possible for a single plant to appear in thousands of years, but there is a whole garden here, at least dozens of plants.

Possessing these rare treasures is enough to create several saints, and even a great saint!
The opportunity to become a saint is right in front of you. The crowd is restless, and no one can keep their minds calm.

"Haha, this medicine garden belongs to my Zixiao Holy Land, so leave quickly, or you will die!"

Yun Hongfeng yelled sharply, her eyebrows extremely arrogant.

However, in front of these rare treasures, no one is not envious, and the two blood-robed men took the lead in retorting: "The treasure of chance, the strong will get it, you say nothing!"

"Presumptuous!" Yun Hongfeng was furious, sacrificed the dragon and tiger amulets, and immediately suppressed the two blood-robed men.

Elder Xue Ping also made an instant move, hitting Ji Xingkong.

In a blink of an eye, people fought again.

"Hmph, a group of despicable scum, they killed each other without using their own gods." Seeing this, the old bachelor sneered and slipped away in the chaos.

In front of the treasure, the greedy and selfish nature of human beings is fully exposed.

This can't help but remind Long Hao of Master Shenxiu's sigh to the sky: When is the time to kill the evil, when is the heart to be saved!

However, Long Hao has no desire to save people's hearts, he just wants to be himself, so when people are vying for precious medicines and rare treasures, he goes straight to the old bachelor.

"What the hell, you two never finished."

As soon as the old bachelor slipped away, he found two tails following him, and he couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

At the same time, Master Shenxiu was also staring at him.

Master Shenxiu recited the Great Compassion Mantra while chasing him, which greatly suppressed the old bachelor's spirit and made him extremely manic.

"Little bald donkey, you should just wait."

The old bachelor let out a long cry, he did not know what magical power he had used, and his body fell into the hazy void and disappeared.

"I can't chase anymore."

Suddenly, Long Hao stopped Master Shenxiu, and stared solemnly at the large fog in front of him.

The mist contained majestic dragon vein aura, showing a light red color, as if stained with fairy blood, extremely thick, not only able to offset the invasion of mana, but also impenetrable to divine thoughts.

Unknowingly, they broke into this fog and lost their direction.

"Hey, you two stay honest. During the time when the god is recovering, you can talk about your heart and last words. You can even make a villain, haha..."

In the depths of the mist, the old bachelor's obscene laughter came, but he couldn't tell the direction.

"Damn it, that old bachelor must be trying to trick us on purpose." Finding that he was already trapped inside, Long Hao looked depressed.


Master Shenxiu didn't complain, and clasped his palms together, condensing a strong Buddha's light that continued to spread around, purifying the special energy in the mist.

However, the energy of the dragon's veins here is too strong, and there is even a trace of law power attached to it, and the purification speed of the Buddha's light is extremely slow.

If things go on like this, before the mist is purified, Master Shenxiu will be exhausted to death.

"The skills practiced by Master Long are unpredictable, may he find a way out?"

Hearing this, Long Hao calmly sat down cross-legged, mobilized the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, and released streams of pure energy to pounce in all directions.

Those pure energy horses are like swimming dragons, they have not been eroded by the mist, on the contrary, they are still at ease, wherever they pass, the strange mist has to be retreated.

I don't know how much time passed, Long Hao got up suddenly, opened his shining eyes, and stared at the direction deep in the mist.

"There, what kind of terrifying existence exists, the dragon's might is at its peak!"

(End of this chapter)

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