Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 584 The power of ants can shake the emperor's prestige

Chapter 584 The power of ants can shake the emperor's prestige

Sanskrit sound rumbling, shocking.

Master Shenxiu urges the power of the immortal Buddha's thoughts to increase his body, and it is easy to deal with those evil spirits of holy thoughts.

Long Hao took this opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of the evil spirit of the holy thought, turned into a wandering dragon, and roared towards the evil spirit of the emperor's thought.

bang bang bang...

Waves of violent energy tides erupted, mixed with destructive power, turning that piece of heaven and earth into a huge black hole.

Whenever the broken bell is rung, there will be mighty waves of golden light raging, shattering a large piece of Buddha light and thunder.

When Long Hao arrived, a large number of bergamot hands had been crushed, and Ji Xingkong was also swept by the light waves, he flew upside down and coughed up blood, and the Taiyin True Thunder Sword condensed in his hand was shattered several times.

"Nine Heavens and Clouds, evolve into real thunder, bless my body, and shatter all dharmas!"


The divine thunder descended from the sky, condensing on Long Hao's body like a law body, bringing him infinite power.

"Supernatural power - Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!"

Facing the terrifying evil spirit of Emperor Thought, Long Hao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and he used all his strength to strike.

hold head high--

The Thunder God of Tiangang surged out like a tidal wave, and transformed into a primordial thunder dragon, sweeping across the sky, its power was astonishing.

However, when a golden wave of light lit up, Thunder Dragon's body shook violently, as if being slashed by a thousand swords. With a sweep of Zhong Bo, it turned into a fog of light without any resistance.

This is the holy weapon of the ancient emperor, even though it was already damaged and almost useless, but a fragment as big as a palm still has such power, easily suppressing Long Hao's ultimate move.

"The emperor's holy weapon contains the power of heaven and earth. If all the fragments can be found and reassembled, and it can be completely repaired, when the bell rings, it can sweep across the four poles of the world!"

Ji Xingkong's expression was a little excited, if he mastered such a great emperor's holy weapon and hung it above his head, he would not be able to go anywhere, and there would be no opponent in the world.

Fortunately, there are only a few fragments, otherwise they would have been smashed to pieces.


At this moment, strands of mysterious halos lit up from the fragments of the broken clock, like endless rivers of stars flowing, and the lines of the dragon veins on the earth... mysterious and mysterious.

That is the manifestation of the power of law.

"Hurry up, the law of the emperor is about to recover."

Long Hao exclaimed, and quickly condensed an orange fire lotus between his palms and fingers, pushed it to the extreme, and punched it out.

"Supernatural power - burning sky fire lotus!"

This supreme supernatural power has always been Long Hao's big killer, and he would not use it easily, but at this moment he has no choice.

"Supernatural power - yin flourishes and yang destroys!"

The true thunder of Taiyin was urged to the extreme by Ji Xingkong, and it evolved into a slash with a heavenly sword. For a while, the world was in a daze, and only the endless dark thunder was roaring.

Boom boom boom!
The fire lotus rises into the sky, and the thunder destroys the world.

The extremely violent power of thunder and fire erupted with terrifying power at the same time, intertwined with each other, burning the void and collapsing the sky, and that space was completely turned into chaos.

Both of them are rare heroes in the world, carrying the top inheritance, mastering powerful supernatural powers, and each of them can display the ultimate combat power of the Faxiang Realm.

With the joint efforts, even a veteran powerhouse with profound background like Elder Xue Ping cannot compete with him.

Just as the evil spirit of Emperor Nian was about to mobilize the power of law in the emperor's holy soldiers to strangle the two of them, a majestic Buddha shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were clear and bright, as if they had turned into a pure land.

Under the endless flow of Buddha power, all Buddhas worship together, and the heaven and earth respect together!
"Isn't that the legendary Amitabha?" Ji Xingkong's mind was shocked, seeing the legendary Buddha manifest for the first time, his soul trembled.

Long Hao turned his head to look, and found that behind Master Shenxiu's disturbance, there was a tall shrine towering up, the shrine door was opened, and endless immortal Buddha power surged out of it, evolving the peerless figure of Amitabha Buddha.

In order to deal with this evil spirit of the emperor's thoughts, master Shenxiu has exhausted all means, and even mobilized the treasure of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

A vast Buddha's light is like a golden mountain, one hundred and eight thousand feet high, containing the heavens and worlds, endless creatures, like a small universe.

"Could it be the legendary Mount Sumeru?"

After being baptized by the Tianmen, Long Hao seemed to have opened the eyes of the sky, and he was able to see the manifestation of the laws, the operation of the order of the heavens, and many other miracles. At this moment, he was even more shocked by the infinite mountain.

The sacred mountain is falling like the sky, and the power of panic is unmatched.

On the newly revived Great Emperor's Soldier, the halo dissipated, the law collapsed, and the power disappeared. Several fragments that had been seriously damaged were also turned into dust under the huge pressure.


The evil spirit of Di Nian roared up to the sky, his blood-red eyes were full of fear and resentment, as if he had been struck by thousands of lightning, his already ferocious face became more serious at this moment, like a ghost king coming to the world.

Facing the violent explosion of thunder and fire, he let out a long roar, like the roar of a giant dragon, and the mighty sound wave shattered a large space in front of him.

"Shenlong Yin? You can even use the dragon's supernatural power..."

When Long Hao was horrified, seeing the shattered space cracks sweeping quickly, he immediately shouted: "No, go back."

The crack in the space was like a divine sword, and it exploded the sky and the earth, severely wounding the two of them.

"What a terrifying supernatural power. The real dragon flying fire shield shattered in an instant." Long Hao flew hundreds of feet horizontally before he stabilized his figure. His white clothes were already stained red with blood. With the double defense of the dharma body, he has already lost both body and spirit.

"Almost died." Ji Xingkong was not much better, his robe was blown to pieces and his whole body was cracked.

However, on top of his head, there was a big white jade seal, which burst into strange halos, offsetting most of the destructive power.


However, before they could catch their breath, the space not far away exploded one after another.

The evil spirit of Emperor Nian came like a giant spirit god, smashing the space, and the terrifying emperor's power swept out, sweeping nine heavens and ten earths.

Especially those devil-like eyes, sweeping across the three of them, made people die.

"You and other ants are all Lei Yin's remnants, and they should all die!"

The three of Long Hao have more or less received the inheritance of the Great Thunder Sound Sect, and in the eyes of the Emperor Nian Evil Spirit, they all naturally become the remnants of Lei Yin, and they are all immortal enemies.

"Damn it, fight!"

Seeing the opponent approaching step by step, Ji Xingkong gritted his teeth, the fighting blood in his body boiled completely, and a crazy look flickered in his pupils.

Long Hao also stood up abruptly, with a divine light blooming in his deep eyes: "So what about ants, the power of ants can also shake the emperor's prestige!"


A series of golden divine patterns were attracted by Long Hao, attached to his body, fused with flesh and blood and even meridians, instantly making his body become as solemn as divine gold poured on it.

"that is not……"

In the deepest part of the mist, the old bachelor with three fairy leaves on his head looked confused, and found a mysterious power from Long Hao's body that was of the same origin as himself: "The divine pattern of power!"

"Little Faxiang Realm has already mastered ten power lines, and the combat power has doubled!"

(End of this chapter)

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