Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 598: Dragon Pond Baptism

Chapter 598: Dragon Pond Baptism
"I'm warning you, this is the last time, otherwise I will risk my life and die with you!" Throwing the spar to Long Hao, Long Si said with a vicious expression.

Although relying on the celestial root and the divine pattern of strength, he managed to grab back a spar, but Long Si was almost dried out by the terrifying high temperature, and now his whole body was black, like charcoal.

However, Long Hao didn't even look at him, he nodded while staring at the spar in front of him, and murmured: "The grade of this flame is very high, it's no less than the heavenly fire, let's have another condensed burning sky flame..."

Then, Long Hao couldn't help but kicked up and sent Long Si back.

"Extraordinary, I will fight with you!"

Feeling the terrifying high temperature getting closer, Long Si was going crazy.

"You have the power of the underworld dragon, you can bring the dead back to life, what a fart you are." Long Hao said indifferently.

"When you are Chinese cabbage, you can have as much as you want?" Long Si wanted to cry but had no tears.

Under the terrible catastrophe and the white thunder, he almost exhausted the power of the underworld dragon to survive. Now the fourth fairy leaf on his head is only a little root, and he wants to recover.

Otherwise, he would not be afraid of the power of the sword master in the sword pill at all, and Long Hao could take advantage of it.

"Ann, at worst, I will pay you a pair of real dragon bones."

He didn't snatch the real dragon emperor's corpse, but he and Ji Xingkong unearthed a lot of the real dragon's sacred bone, and it's really not a problem to make a whole set.

"What the hell, if it wasn't for that evil spirit's dominance, how could this god need you to send it?" Long Si was very aggrieved.

His original plan was very good. After using Long Hao and others to deal with the evil spirits, he came to clean up the mess. He turned himself into the biggest winner. He never expected to meet such a fierce person as Long Hao.

But the grievances are grievances, for a pair of real dragon bones, he has to fight again.

After all, the remaining holy power in the real dragon's holy bone is the best supplement to his body of immortal medicine.

This time it was even worse, he ran back covered in black smoke, almost cooked.

"Holy bone!" Long Si stretched out his scorched palm, but his face was full of sternness, he completely forgot the vow to die with Long Hao just now.

This is another feature of Dragon Four, selective forgetting.

To put it bluntly, it is shameless and without limits.

However, Long Hao didn't break his promise, he took out a pair of sacred bones from the Prisoner's Ring and handed it to him, and then walked to Hualongchi with two crystal stones.

The spar was banned by Long Si's Xianye and Shenwen, and the energy did not disperse at all, which made it very convenient for Long Hao to refine.


Climbing to that illusory mountain, a large blood-red ocean came into view.

It is said to be a pool, but that is for the huge size of the Dragon Clan.

In the eyes of humans, this is completely a lake.

"What a pure energy, the fairylands in the Western Regions may not be able to compare with it." Long Hao praised, and immediately jumped off.

The body submerged in the crystal clear blood, not only did not have the slightest stench, on the contrary, bursts of fragrance rushed to the face, smelling it, refreshed.

"How do you feel?" Ji Xingkong walked up and asked curiously.

"Shuang—" Long Hao said in a drawn-out voice as he half-lyed in the pool water.

Originally, Ji Xingkong was still a little worried, but when he saw Long Hao's precious light rising from his body, wisps of strange energy washed over his body, and he became pure as if after thousands of tempers, he also jumped down quickly.

Covering the body with pool water, it was as gentle as jade at first, and extremely refreshing.

But with the operation of the exercises, more and more energy was absorbed, and the pool water began to become scorching hot.

Wisps of blood-colored glow, like fairy mist, soaked into the bone marrow through the skin, making people feel refreshed, but also accompanied by burning pain.

After a while, both of them seemed to have been baptized by fairy dew, and the body of the treasure became pure and crystal clear, even with a hint of holiness, just like a magic weapon that had just been shaped.

"Cleaning the essence and cutting the marrow, penetrating heaven and man, is just a general magic function of Hualongchi."

"Its most fundamental effect is to stimulate the blood potential of the living beings until they return to their ancestors!"

Long Si was floating in the pool, chattering triumphantly while refining the sacred bone of the real dragon.

The ancestor he was talking about was, of course, the God of Creation—the Primal Chaos Dragon!
That is the origin of all living beings, all things in the world, no matter human beings, monsters, demons or even vegetation crystals...all have the blood of the ancestor dragon.

"Stop bragging, this is not the real Hualongchi at all!" Long Hao glanced at him and said.

"How to say?" Ji Xingkong raised his head differently, he felt that the pool water here did have infinite magical effects, comparable to the dew of the fairy spring.

"The Dragon Transformation Pond was formed by the power of the blood soul of the Primal Chaos Dragon. It is said that it has long been deified, no different from a god."

"And in this dragon pond right now, the power of the ancestor dragon is extremely thin. It should be formed by the power of the blood soul of a divine dragon, and it has not yet been deified."

Speaking, Long Hao's eyes fell on the huge dragon corpse in the distance.

Long Hao, who practiced the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, was very familiar with the so-called power of the Ancestral Dragon. After soaking in the pool for a while, he immediately recognized it.

"Hehe, I know quite a lot, but the Dragon Lord of the East Extreme is extremely powerful, and the Dragon Transformation Pond formed by the power of his blood soul is no small matter, no worse than the Immortal Spring God Dew you mentioned."

Long Si was ruthlessly exposed, he laughed dryly, and then stopped talking.

But Long Hao looked at the two spars in front of him, and had a plan in mind.

"It should be safer to refine the fire in it first, and then use the fire control method of the Fentian Fortune Art to shape the treasure body."

"Fortunately, this Dragon Transformation Pool is also extraordinary, enough to neutralize the chaotic and violent power of water and fire."

Do it when you think of it.

When the Fentian Good Fortune Art started to work, the radiant fire seed in one of the crystals was quickly devoured and refined, and completely merged into the Fentian True Flame.

Although the spar is advanced, it is a dead thing after all, and it was banned by Xianye and the power divine pattern, and it was refined without any resistance.

After refining, the power of Fentian Zhenyan increased greatly, reflecting Long Hao like a king in fire, capable of burning everything in the world.

"Sure enough, it is more advanced than ordinary heavenly fires. If it is baptized by the laws of immortality, it will become immortal flames."

Only by refining a fire seed, Long Hao's Fen Tian Hao Hua Gong completed the evolution and turned into a pure golden color.

Fentian Zhenyan also rose to twenty blazes in an instant, a ray of flame comparable to five or six kinds of strange fires from heaven and earth put together.

Moreover, when Long Hao used the Fentian Zhenyan after fusing with a ray of light to control another spar, he was obviously much more comfortable.

"let's start!"

Taking a deep breath, Long Hao's expression became serious.

The risk of cultivating the double treasure body of water and fire is extremely high. Throughout the ages, countless geniuses and strong men have fallen on it, and eventually turned into dry bones.

Moreover, when cultivating the treasure body, Long Hao also had to be careful about whether there would be any changes in the Xuanhuang Dao Seed.

"Five elements shape the body, Xuanhuang is immortal!"

I don't know how many times Long Hao's mind has rehearsed the five-element treasure body cultivation method, and he is already familiar with it at this moment.

But when the blazing flames entered the body, before they collided with the power of the water spirit, they began to burn the body, causing Long Hao great pain.

(End of this chapter)

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