Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 61 5 Lines Seal of Heaven

Chapter 61

"The sword moves with the rhythm, opens the sun and the world, destroys all laws..."

Feeling the wonderful rhythm from that sword, Junior Sister Yunrong muttered to herself as if she was listening to a beautiful piece of music.

"How could it be? Didn't Beidou Tiangong be lost very early?"

Lu Qianyuan's face was full of confusion. The huge shocking power brought by the immortal-level exercises is really no small matter.

"It was lost, but I heard from my grandfather that Yaoguang Holy Land paid a huge price later and found some fragments... I never thought that Senior Sister Lu would be able to cultivate it!"

The look of admiration on Junior Sister Yunrong's face became stronger. Immortal-level exercises are already very difficult to practice, and it is almost impossible for those who are incomplete to practice successfully.

The more advanced the kung fu, the more difficult it is to cultivate. The mysteries of the immortal kung fu are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Don't talk about cultivation, it's not bad if you can understand the fairy text above.

However, the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art is an exception. Although it is extremely difficult, it has no limit to the realm.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a peerless magic skill, and even gods are hard to find.

Hearing this, Lu Qianyuan suddenly realized, because he knew that Junior Sister Yunrong's grandfather was an extremely powerful existence in the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao, and he would definitely not target him indiscriminately.

"However, just the fragments are comparable to king-level exercises, and may even be higher..."

Speaking of this, Lu Qianyuan finally understood why Lu Yao, who was in the Transcendent Realm, dared to challenge the Heavenly Demon Lord Dragon Demon?
Without the support of such profound skills, even ten strong men at the tenth level of the Transcendent Realm would be killed by the dragon demon lord with one punch.

"It's just that the Heavenly Demon is really scary. Even with such a profound skill, Senior Sister Lu's true energy will not last long."

The more advanced the technique, the more terrifying the true energy consumed.

Not everyone is like Long Hao, who can awaken two hundred dragon veins in the physical state and create a perfect foundation, so that after breaking through the extraordinary state, the sea of ​​energy in his body is more than a hundred times wider than that of ordinary people.

"Let's hurry over and help Senior Sister Lu."

Seeing that the demon army in the other direction had stabilized and was about to kill them, Lu Qianyuan also became anxious.

Fortunately, Lu Yao had already beheaded the two Demon Race teams before, and the two of them were unimpeded all the way, and they rushed to the front soon.

"Bitch, last time I was carelessly attacked by you, now I will let you see the real horror of this seat!"

The offensive was blocked one after another, making the vengeful dragon demon lord suddenly become irritable.

Before the words fell, a wave of magical power surged in his body, which was as powerful as the sea, and the green aurora emitted made the whole world fall into a haze.

The terrifying magic power surged like a tide, gradually converging into one point, and it was about to burst out with the power to destroy the earth.

"No, he's about to use his supernatural powers!"

Junior Sister Yunrong turned pale with shock, but in a blink of an eye, the mighty demon army also came to slay them. The long team stretched endlessly, like a huge dragon.

At this time, Lu Yao was already under tremendous pressure facing the dragon demon lord alone.

If he was flanked by the demon army again, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I come!"

Lu Qianyuan, who rushed to the front, didn't care to take a breath, took out a big five-color seal in his hand, and threw it over the dragon demon lord.

At the same time, he quickly formed seals with both hands, and shouted sharply: "Five Elements Dao, seal the world!"

Following the Dao Dao seal, the five-color seal shook suddenly in the void, and immediately emitted five-color divine light, washing down from the sky like water ripples...

The five elements circulate, seamlessly!
In an instant, a huge mask was formed, completely covering the space of Lu Yao and the dragon demon lord with a radius of hundreds of feet.

"Protect the Lord!"

"Kill it!"

A large number of demons rushed up screaming, or unleashed a powerful attack, or directly shot out demon soldiers, like a torrent, powerful and powerful.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die!"

With a stern voice, Lu Qianyuan pushed the five-color seal with all his strength, and the dazzling five-color divine light washed down, like five colorful dragons, or violent like fire, or fierce like a sword, or heavy like a mountain...

clap la la...

The five-color divine light surged forward, and whether it was the approaching demons or their attacks, they all melted and fell apart.

The five-color divine light has extremely strong destructive power, and even the hard magic soldiers can't resist it.

"Treasure, it turned out to be a treasure!"

One of the super earth demons commanding the army exclaimed, and the demon army was in an uproar.

The power of the spirit weapon is already strong enough to greatly increase the power of true energy, and the treasure is something that surpasses the best spirit weapon.

A powerful weapon containing mana, commonly known as a magic weapon!
In the hands of the supernatural powers, it can exert the power to destroy the world.

Even a strong man in the Transcendent Realm, with a treasure in his hand, can block and kill gods, block demons and slaughter demons, and even super earth demons can directly suppress and kill them.

And the treasure in Lu Qianyuan's hand is called the Five Elements Seal of Heaven!

The ability to seal off the world and isolate the world is not good at attacking power. Otherwise, if it is replaced by other attacking treasures, thousands of earth demons will be wiped out in one blow.

"Quick, come back..."

"Attack from a distance!"

This group of demon army, well-trained, began to launch a long-distance attack under the command of some earth demon leaders.

"Supernatural powers—Thousands of Absolute Devouring Spirits!"

At the same time, the dragon demon lord who was isolated in the colorless mask also launched an attack.

The majestic magical power formed the phantom of a thousand-eyed monster. Each eye was the size of a washbasin, and the eyeballs were protruding, densely packed so terrifying.

But even more terrifying is yet to come.

The monster suddenly let out a long and strange howl, and then hundreds of thousands of eyeballs shot out dense green beams of light, like light rain, covering the sky and the sun.

Those beams of light were extremely swift and violent, containing terrible poison that could corrode even the air, giving people the feeling that they came through space.

In this scene, if you were an ordinary person, let alone fighting, you would be paralyzed with fright.

There is the most essential difference between supernatural powers and martial arts.

Martial arts is nothing more than an explosion of true energy.

And supernatural powers, spiritual understanding!

With extremely strong spiritual oppression, it can not only attack matter, but also obliterate the illusory soul consciousness.

It feels like a natural disaster in the last days, and you can't even raise your mind to resist.

At the beginning, Lu Yao was hit by this trick, and the true energy in her body and even her spiritual consciousness were corroded. That's why those evil spirits took advantage of it and lost herself.

If it wasn't for Long Hao and Yun Rong's help, Lu Yao would have died long ago.

But now, facing this trick again, even Lu Yao has lingering fears.

But despite her cold appearance, she has an indomitable heart of seeking Tao. No matter what horrors or dangers, she will face up to difficulties.

The sword light turned sharply, and the spirit sword in Lu Yao's hand made a strong arguing sound, and slashed out with a mysterious and mysterious rhythm.

"Wan Law Opens the Sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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