Chapter 612

In the silent valley, everything is calm, only the heavy heartbeat.

"How on earth did he do it?"

One of the silver-haired old men had a gloomy face and was extremely unwilling.

But when they got a little closer to the valley, the terrifying pressure was like a hundred thousand gods falling down, giving them a heavy blow to their souls.

"Damn, damn it!"

"It seems that he has the means to enter and leave Tianzhen Valley before, and he has already planned it."

Seeing the cooked duck flying away in front of their eyes, the two silver-haired old men who were always as stable as Mount Tai also became furious.


In Zhentian Valley, there is a bare area, except for the absence of living things, it is no different from other places, except for the terrifying gravity, which is frightening.

A slender figure in a white robe and a black veil approached, and a mysterious golden light pervaded his body, adding a touch of color to this gloomy place of death.

"The induction can't be wrong, the one who summoned the jade talisman is here."

Taking a careful look at the jade talisman in his hand, he raised his head and looked around, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

However, when he walked forward for a while, a huge deep pit appeared in front of him.

The deep pit is hundreds of feet wide and bottomless, as if a sacred mountain once fell here from the sky, collapsing the earth.

But when he approached the deep pit, the jade talisman suddenly flickered rapidly, and flew away, falling into the bottomless pit.

With the help of the bright golden light of the jade talisman, the pupils behind the black gauze shrank suddenly, as if seeing something terrifying.

The next moment, a dazzling divine light rose from the ground, quickly filled the entire deep pit, and then shot straight into the sky, like a golden mountain, rapidly enlarged in the void.

At the same time, a token of ancient music suddenly turned into a stream of light and fell into the sacred mountain.

The earth was shaken and the earth shook.

The divine light in the deep pit became more intense, and it was extremely violent, as if a prehistoric beast hidden below was about to recover, causing a change in the world.


outside world.

The people who were gnashing their teeth were caught off guard by the violent shock, as if washed by the Milky Way, and fell into the void one by one like cannonballs.

"what happened?"

"What happened in Zhentian Valley?"

Everyone got up in horror, and they all stood there in a daze, their pupils had turned golden, and they were shocked by the rising mountain.

"Could it be that there are some great treasures in this Sky Town Valley?"

"Or did that person trigger the killing formation?"

Everyone was terrified, seeing that the illusory mountain seemed to be forged from the law of divine gold, it was absolutely extraordinary, and it contained brilliant heavenly power, once it erupted, it would destroy the world.

However, before everyone could react, streaks of streamers automatically flew out of their storage bags, uncontrollably rushing towards the illusory mountain.

"My Dalei Yinling, why..."

"Bring me back!"

A silver-haired old man stretched out his powerful hand to grab it, but the Dalei Yinling, who had been like a dead thing, poured out a golden thunder from it, smashing the powerful hand, and then broke through the air.

"what is the problem?"

The silver-haired old man was bombarded by the divine thunder, as if he had been bitten by lightning, his face was extremely ugly.

When a large thunderbolt submerged into the illusory mountain, the violent shock once again raged the world, almost blasting the surrounding space, making people terrified.

Then there were earthquakes one after another.

But they also found that every time a large thunderbolt fell into it, the sacred mountain in front of them would rise again and become more solid.

"Elder, do you think that looks like the roof of a palace?"

A blue-haired woman's eyes were shining brightly, as if she had discovered something, she exclaimed to the silver-haired old man.

At first, everyone was surprised.

But as the thunderstorms submerged into it, the solid sacred mountain had already squeezed into the sky, the majestic houses, the bricks and tiles poured with divine gold...all appeared before people's eyes, so real, like a palace in the sky.


Outside Wanlong's nest.

Yun Hongfeng, who narrowly escaped death, was transported tens of thousands of miles away in an instant because of the use of the Void Teleportation Talisman, and until now he has not reunited with his fellow sect.

Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake in the world, and the terrible pressure descended with the brilliant power of heaven, causing him to spurt blood violently, and his already fractured arm exploded directly.

However, before he could cry out, a big thunder ring bathed in strong thunder light shot up from the storage bag to the sky full of divine light.

"That direction..."

Enduring the severe pain, Yun Hongfeng looked towards Yuankong, her blood-red eyes were full of shock: "It's where the elders are, what happened there?"

"Hmph, no matter what happens, as long as I join the elders, that Long Hao will die!"

In an instant, Yun Hongfeng's face became ferocious again, full of resentment and ferocity, like an evil ghost.

Besides him, the two blood-robed men who escaped from Wanlong's Nest also sensed the changes in the world and rushed over quickly.


Inside Wanlong's nest.

Under the leadership of Long Si, a local snake, Long Hao and others are searching for the natural materials and treasures here, making a lot of money one by one.

"It is said that there are countless treasures of the Dragon Clan, and now it is true."

Ji Xingkong stroked the row of storage bags hanging from his waist, unable to restrain the excitement in his heart.

His storage bags are all extremely high-end, with a huge interior space, but they are still full of several.

"Cut, this is nothing. Before the catastrophe came, there were treasures everywhere. What you see in front of you is just a drop in the bucket." Looking at the deserted Long Island around, Long Si's eyes were full of regret.

In the past, there were precious medicines and gemstones all over the mountain, but now there is only a dead silence.

The god is dead, the Buddha is gone... Even the last pure land is destroyed here, and the prosperity of the past has returned to the dust.

Just when Long Si was expressing emotion, the Prisoner Dragon Ring in Long Hao's hand suddenly lit up, and a burst of manic energy suddenly rushed out, illuminating the sky.


Long Hao gasped in surprise, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, but his arm was sore and numb by a thunderbolt that poured down, and almost exploded.


Accompanied by a scream, Ji Xingkong obviously suffered a big loss, he was covering his arms, his face was distorted by the pain.

In the void, Da Lei Yinling, who had been silent all this time, seemed to come alive, broke free from the shackles, and flew directly out of Wanlong's nest.

"Where to go!"

When Long Hao came here, besides searching for resources and treasures to improve his cultivation, the most important purpose was to capture the Tiangang Five Thunder Technique from the Nine Great Thunder Token, how could he let it go.

He didn't care about searching for treasures anymore, he gave a loud shout, turned into a wandering dragon, and chased him out.

Ji Xingkong looked puzzled, but under the trend of curiosity, he also followed.

(End of this chapter)

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