Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 616? Blood God 1 Vessel——Murong Xiu

Chapter 616 Blood God Lineage——Murong Xiu
Within a cloud of blood, the tall man in the blood robe was immediately astonished when he saw the peerless face behind the black veil.

"Stunningly stunning!"

"Only this kind of beauty can be worthy of me, Murong Xiu!"

As he said that, he stood up abruptly, looked at Huo Tiandu beside him with excitement, and said, "Haha, what a godsend opportunity, I rush to the hero to save the beauty now, she must be grateful to Dade, and maybe she will give her body to her." ..."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and his whole body was glowing with precious light, pretending to be a heroic gesture.

However, Huo Tian rolled his eyes, and poured cold water on his head: "I don't know if she will promise you with her body, but our lord witch will definitely skin you and cramp you."

When talking about the witch, the faces of the three of them changed obviously, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes, which came from the depths of their souls.

But looking at the peerless beauty whose robe was stained with blood, Murong Xiu seemed to have made up his mind, he flicked his long sleeves and said, "That little witch, I am the blood god Murong, how can I be afraid of her?"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to tear apart the blood cloud and rushed out, and let out a long cry: "This fairy, I, Murong Xiu, will be determined!"

But as soon as he broke through the blood cloud, he was shocked to find that a silver aurora flashed, tearing a huge gap in the space blocking formation.

"Damn it, there are still some job snatchers?"

Looking at the young man in white who was full of blood and anger, Murong Xiu's eyes froze and his speed soared instantly.

But at this moment, neither the three strong men who presided over the formation nor Long Hao noticed this.

"Boundary breaking shuttle, he actually has such a treasure?"

Boundary-breaking shuttles can only be refined by those with profound attainments in space, and there are very few of them in the world.

It is impossible for ordinary practitioners to come into contact with it, and only some rare holy land talents can have it, so Long Hao suddenly became dazzling in the eyes of the three of them.

"Boy, no matter who you are, it's best to leave immediately. I've delayed my important event in Zixiao Holy Land. You will have no place to die!"

At the same time, the heroic Zixiao Zhenchuan stepped forward, blocked Long Hao's way and shouted loudly, and the blue-haired woman beside him also looked cold.

"Hmph, the Zixiao Holy Land is so majestic."

With a sneer, Long Hao directly punched out, the divine light surged in the void, the red and blue fist light stirred up the universe, like a world of ice and fire suppressed, with great power.

"It's you who hit!"

Seeing Long Hao's sudden attack, Ji Xingkong behind him smiled meaningfully: "I rushed up when I saw a beautiful woman, I didn't realize that this guy is still a romantic person."

"Hehe, the young man is full of vigor, understandable." Long Si chuckled lowly, with a wretched expression on his face, but no one knew what he was thinking in his deep eyes.


"court death!"

Enraged by Long Hao's sarcasm, the two Zixiao true biography shot at the same time.

The heroic Zi Xiao Zhen Chuan is also good at close combat, with infinite strength, and when he comes up, he meets Long Hao head-to-head, exuding a strong momentum like a sacred mountain, but there is no way to break through the suppression of the world of ice and fire.

Following a huge earthquake in the void, Long Hao remained motionless, while he was instantly blown away as if struck by lightning.

"Supernatural power - Nirvana Soul Chasing Sword!"

Lan Youyou's lightsaber exudes a deep evil spirit, and its speed is extremely fast. This supernatural power is famous for its speed. It directly hits the soul and kills people invisible, especially the moment Long Hao launched the offensive, and the blue-haired woman found it A weak opportunity.

Leng Youyou's lightsaber pierced through the void, and suddenly appeared behind Long Hao's head, that unparalleled sharpness made people feel chills all over his body.

However, Long Hao didn't turn his head back, his treasure body glowed with divine light, and a huge vortex evolved between the red and blue divine light, which contained a strangling and shattering power. The sword was crushed directly.

The monstrous strangling and shattering power even extended through the void, causing the blue-haired woman's arms to twist and almost shatter.

"Water and Fire Twin Treasure Body!"

"Who the hell is he?"

The instant they made contact, they were defeated, causing the expressions of the two Zixiao True Biography to change drastically.


A wave of extremely tyrannical power radiated out, knocking the two of them back, and Long Hao went directly across the sky, not intending to get entangled with the two of them at all.

But at this moment, a bloody light flew across the sky, rushing into the shattered space blockade first.


"A disciple of the Blood Prison Demon Sect!"

Long Hao's gaze sank, and he burst into rapidity in an instant, evolving into Long You Wanli to chase after him.

"Stop them." The heroic Zixiao Zhenchuan's face changed, and his momentum rose again, but he was stopped by the blue-haired woman.

"No need, the two elders are inside, they will die if they rush in!"

The heroic Zixiao True Biography was right, and a cold smile soon appeared on his flushed face.

In the chaotic battlefield, Lu Yao had already suffered a huge trauma, but the golden roulette that crushed everything came with the brilliant power of heaven, and the terrifying and destructive aura raged, making people feel chills all over.

Judging from Lu Yao's current state, even if she can block this blow, she will be exhausted.

"Haha, don't be afraid, beauty, I'm here to save you!"

There was a long roar of excitement in the blood light, and then boundless blood energy emerged from it, condensing into a **** hand and slapping forward.

"Supernatural powers - Heaven and Earth Shuanglong Kill!"

The black and white giant dragon seemed to come out of the chaos, and the four poles of the world trembled.

On the sky, the endless air waves from the earth poured into it, making the two giant dragons seem to be resurrected, showing unparalleled power, which can stir up the universe and reverse the chaos of yin and yang.


In the battlefield, the three forces collided powerfully, like a round of divine sun exploding, endless inscription patterns erupted, and terrifying fluctuations swept all directions!

In an instant, the tyrannical shock wave completely smashed through the damaged formation, the surrounding mountains collapsed, the rivers diverted, and everything disappeared.


Long Hao was also knocked back, and his blood was surging, but that was all.

"The two of them actually blocked the elder's joint strike!"

At this moment, the smiles of the two Zixiao true biography froze, and they felt the burning pain on their faces.

"Nirvana? That's all."

"Nirvana? That's all."

On the battlefield, Long Hao and the figures in the blood light were all pushed aside, looking at the collapsed void in front of them, they spoke in unison.

"Boy, if you want a hero to save the beauty, you have to say first come, first served, right?"

The figure in the bloody light was Murong Xiu, who turned his head at this moment and stared proudly at Long Hao, with an unkind expression, as if looking at his rival in love.

"Heroes save beauty?"

Long Hao let out a slight gasp in his heart, and turned to look at Murong Xiu, who had peach blossom eyes, and immediately understood that this guy was also a dog licker.

Sure enough, beautiful women have privileges, and there will be countless suitors no matter where they are.

(End of this chapter)

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