Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 618? He is Long Hao

Chapter 618 He is Long Hao
Bursts of strong light burst out, shattering a large area of ​​void, and the storm rolled and raged, with astonishing power.

Everyone present was in shock and could not calm down for a long time.

Such a terrifying duel has already surpassed the level of the Faxiang Realm, which makes people terrified.

"These two old guys, their strength is too perverted, ahem..." Murong Xiu cursed secretly, blood spurted from his mouth, a little embarrassed, but he still did not forget to perform in front of the beauty, he rushed towards Lu Yao He smiled, patted his chest and said: "But fairy, don't worry, with me, Murong Xiu, I will definitely keep you safe!"

Lu Yao didn't speak, her cold eyes swept across him, and finally fell on Long Hao.

Despite Long Hao's disguise, she always had a sense of familiarity.

This scene made Murong Xiu's heart extremely unbalanced.

But at this moment, Long Hao said without looking back: "Don't be too busy to be courteous, these two old guys are twins, they share the same mind, and the combined attack technique they cultivated is unprecedentedly powerful, so we must find a way to separate them. "

Murong Xiu is very displeased with Long Hao, a potential rival in love.

But there is no way, the combat power of the two Nirvana Realm powerhouses is extremely tyrannical, and only by joining forces with Long Hao can there be a chance of survival.

But the two silver-haired old men share the same mind, and it is not so easy to separate them.

Murong Xiu's eyes were fixed: "Besides, with the strength of the two of us, we may have a chance of winning against one of them together, and we can barely contend against one-on-one."

"I can lure one of them away."

The fragrant wind filled the air, Lu Yao dragged her frail body and walked over, sizing up Long Hao from the corner of her eyes.

"Fairy, you are seriously injured..."

Murong Xiu's face was full of concern, but before he could dissuade her, Lu Yao had already soared into the sky, staring coldly at the two silver-haired old men, holding a shining ball of light in her hand, filled with holy light, like a scorching sun.

"The Holy Pill is in my hands, grab it if you have the ability!"

After the words fell, the stars under Lu Yao's feet shone brightly, and she turned into a streamer and left.

"Hmph, if you don't hand over the Xiantian Plastic Sacred Pill, you will never leave!"

At the same time, the two silver-haired old men shot out suddenly, and each shot a bright sword light, tearing the sky and hitting Lu Yao directly.

"Innate plastic holy pill?"

"Senior Sister Lu really has a lot of luck."

Long Hao smacked his lips, but now he has no time to be envious. Facing the surging world trend, he and Murong Xiu shot at the same time to intercept the silver-haired old man's attack.

The void exploded again, bursts of destructive waves emerged.

"Hmph, damn it."

The two silver-haired old men glared at Long Hao and Murong Xiu fiercely, then rushed out and chased after Lu Yao.

Long Hao and Murong Xiu sacrificed their Dharma images at the same time, and suppressed one of the silver-haired old men with the momentum of thunder.

Although the two of them are still only at the level of Dharma Aspects, they have condensed the perfect Dharma Aspect and have great supernatural powers. At this moment, even if they are strong in the Nirvana Realm, they dare not be careless and must deal with it with all their strength.

"Second brother, let me suppress the two of them, and you quickly grab the Xiantian Plastic Sacred Pill."

One of the silver-haired old men stopped his figure, mobilized his majestic mana, and attracted the power of heaven and earth to fight fiercely with Long Hao.

The other silver-haired old man didn't stop, and left in a hurry.

Long Hao and Murong Xiu teamed up and hit the silver-haired old man hard, causing the world to shake, and both sides were knocked back.

"It turned out to be evenly matched!"

The people in the distance looked horrified, a little unbelievable.

Everyone knows that there seems to be a world barrier between the Faxiang Realm and the Nirvana Realm, the gap is more than a star and a half, and the general trend of the world is coming, enough to crush everything.

It is rare in the world to be able to use the Dharma Realm to compete against the existence of a strong person in the Nirvana Realm.

Even those true inheritances of the Holy Land, very few people can do it.

After all, the silver-haired old man is an elder of the Holy Land, not a secular powerhouse with a shallow background.

"Murong Xiu of the lineage of the Blood God is the contemporary leader of the Blood Prison Demon Sect. It is normal to have such combat power, but what is the origin of that person? Not only has he condensed the perfect Dharma appearance, but he has also cultivated a double body of water and fire?"

Staring at Long Hao, those two Zixiao true biography were full of fear.

After a hasty fight just now, they deeply felt the overwhelming terrifying power of the other party.

"He is Long Hao!"

Suddenly, a bitter voice came, accompanied by a thick and fierce murderous intent.

"Yun Hongfeng."

Everyone suddenly turned around, and found a figure rushing towards him, with fierce eyes, ferocious face, disheveled hair like a ghost.

"Senior brother Yun, what did you just say, he is Long Hao?"

"That Yaoguang Longhao who was an enemy of my Zixiao Holy Land during the core disciple assessment?"

Those two Zixiao true biography couldn't believe how long it had passed, and that little inner disciple had grown to an existence that even they could hardly contend with.

"Hmph, even if Junior Brother Qingchen was killed by him, I also owe him my left hand... Even if he turns into ashes, I will not admit my mistake!"

Yun Hongfeng said with a ferocious expression.

"Long Hao? Is he really Long Hao?"

During the assessment of the core disciples, Long Hao was too active and suppressed countless Zixiao disciples. He had already become a thorn in their side and was on the must-kill list.

In Zixiao Holy Land, it can be said that everyone knows everyone.

"Qingchen's death, I haven't settled with him yet, yet I dare to come here to act wildly!"

"Elder, never let him go!"

Those two Zixiao true biography were quite excited, the existence of Long Hao, to them Zixiao disciples, was a synonym for shame, which had to be washed away with blood.

"Elder, this beast has controlled a elixir of longevity. We still need to extract his soul and refine it into a blood puppet. In this way, the elixir will belong to us!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Hongfeng stared fixedly at Long Hao's figure, with a ferocious smile on his ferocious face: "When I turn you into a blood puppet, I will make you suffer from purgatory every day!"

As soon as these words came out, all the faces present were suffocated, and there were flashes of light in the pupils.

"The immortal medicine?"

Even the two silver-haired old men became very excited. Their gazes moved away from Lu Yao and fell on Long Hao. They were as hot as flames, and they were also mixed with endless greed.

Although getting rid of Long Hao was a great feat, but it was the immortal medicine that really made the two Nirvana-level powerhouses lose their composure!
Longevity is the lifelong pursuit of every practitioner.

And the fairy medicine, even the Supreme Emperor can't ask for it, it only exists in the legend.

Compared with a real elixir, that innate plastic elixir is nothing.

"Yun Hongfeng, this lingering fellow."

Being stared at like wolves and tigers by everyone, Long Hao also felt his scalp tingle, but at the same time, his heart was also really angry, with unlimited murderous intentions.

"Let me tell you, you have done a lot of things that both people and gods are angry with, even immortal medicines..." Murong Xiu said in a strange way, feeling envious and jealous in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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