Chapter 621
The sky trembled, and that ray of divine light seemed to be produced when the heaven and the earth first opened. It shone mistyly, as if it could contain everything, and it became blazing again in an instant, faintly forming a vast divine sea, and began to stir up everywhere.

Almost at the same time, everyone present froze.

No matter how much hatred there is between them, the murderous aura in the world was swept away, and under the ray of divine light, they seemed to have been purified.


The Dalei Yinling floating in the air was also activated under the light of the divine light, and a huge light curtain appeared in a shock of the whole body.

On the light curtain, there are countless quaint characters and mysterious inscription patterns, which seem to be densely packed in a disorderly manner, but are actually full of a strange Taoist rhyme, which seems to be able to absorb people's souls, and they can no longer move away after one glance.

"It's scripture!"

"So complicated, so strange..."

People muttered to themselves, as if they were reading a heavenly book, their eyes were ignorant, but they were attracted by the profound and profound momentum.

"That must be a work of immortality and heaven, the mystery of the law of poverty?"

"Really? Why do I feel that there is a great way to appear, is it a peerless magic?"

Over time, people were deeply shocked.

Although it will be difficult to break through those simple and mysterious scriptures for a while, the Taoist rhyme and the ancient characters of dragons and phoenixes contain ancient, majestic, domineering and grand momentum fluctuations!

Even the laws of Zhou Tian seem to be ever-changing around it.

Such miraculous visions only exist in legends, and no matter what imperial scriptures or holy powers they have, they are far beyond comparison.

"Unexpectedly, such an earth-shattering technique is hidden in that seemingly ordinary token..."

Everyone's breathing became rapid, and they stared fieryly at Da Lei Yinling shining like nine suns in the sky, their expressions extremely excited.

The Xuanhuang Great World has been passed down for thousands of years, and the existing immortal-level exercises are also rare, and most of them are incomplete, and they cannot be cultivated at all.

But what is presented before their eyes at this moment is a genuine and complete celestial art, containing supreme divine power.

Not to mention their dharma appearances and nirvana states, even saints and even supreme emperors will go crazy after seeing them.

Immortal Dao Tiangong refers to the supreme skill that directly refers to the realm of Immortal Dao. It contains all kinds of magical abilities and countless powerful supernatural powers.

Compared with it, a fairy medicine is nothing.

Although the elixir is good, it can help people attain Taoism, immortality and longevity, but if they are eaten, they will be gone.

However, a complete celestial art is enough to create a powerful holy land and pass it down forever!
At this moment, even Long Hao's heart was pounding.

"The aura and brilliance of the Great Dao are so strong, even among the Immortal Dao and Heavenly Skills, it is definitely the top one, and it is even higher than the Burning Heaven Good Fortune Kungfu!"

Although he had known for a long time that the complete Tiangang Five Thunder Technique was hidden in the Daleiyin Order, he was still shocked when he actually witnessed the manifestation of the technique.

"The aura that pervades the avenue feels like it's not much different from my Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art."

"If you can complete this exercise, you will become a saint at the age of one hundred, suppress the world, break the void for a thousand years, and become an immortal and attain the Tao. It is almost a certainty."

At the beginning, the Fentian Devil Emperor was able to rule the world with half of his Heavenly Art Remnants, and he was known as the most powerful emperor in ten thousand years.

If he had a complete celestial art, then he would not need to expend painstaking efforts to refine the Nine Tribulations Ascending Immortal Pill, and he would be able to break through the void and ascend to the immortal by relying on the divine power of the immortal way.

"These nine pieces of Lei Yin Token must be obtained!"

Long Hao's eyes shone with a strong light, and his eyes were firm and resolute.

Not only to help Senior Sister Lei Yin, but also for himself.

After all, there are too many skills to overwhelm him. He has already mastered the Tiangang Divine Thunder. If he can practice the Tiangang Five Thunder Technique, his strength will skyrocket again.

Everyone present had the same thought.

"This Heavenly Art is mine!"

Suddenly, an excited long howl resounded through the void, accompanied by a vast cloud of blood.

A dragon claw suddenly protruded from it, the blood-colored scales were like divine gold, shining with the brilliance of law, with the power to shake the sky.

Supernatural powers - Blood Dragon Claw Hand!

"It's Huo Tiandu!"

At the same time as the blood cloud swept across the sky, Long Hao keenly felt that the two domineering auras revealed in it were Huo Tiandu and the short-haired blood-robed man.

"Even Murong Xiu showed up, and they can bear it until now."

Just as he was speaking, another figure rose up in the sky, and the momentum of the world was rolling in. It was the silver-haired old man in Nirvana.

"Junior, how dare you steal chickens in front of me?"

As he spoke, he stretched out a silver gleaming mana hand and grabbed those big thunder orders.

Soon, everyone woke up from the shock, eager to try.

"This is a little troublesome." Long Hao's heart sank.

The immeasurable value displayed by the Great Leiyin Token will inevitably lead to frenzied competition among the crowd. It is not easy for him alone to seize all the Great Leiyin Tokens.

"Damn it, where did Long Si go?" At the critical moment, Long Hao lost his chain, wishing he could catch Long Si and eat him alive.

huh huh...

But all of a sudden, Da Leiyin made Shang Shen shine brightly, as bright as a mirror, and even bounced back the attacks of the two of them.

The blood cloud shattered, and Huo Tian vomited blood and flew upside down, his expression extremely horrified.

The silver-haired old man swung the golden wheel to tear apart the rebounding attack, but his face was also green and pale, and his body suffered a huge impact.

"The Great Thunder Sound Order, isn't it still a peerless treasure?"

Everyone's expressions became more fiery, but no one dared to step forward.

The attack reflected by the mirror light just now seemed to be strengthened by the brilliance of the Immortal Dao, and it was obviously stronger. Even the silver-haired old man in Nirvana was injured, and they dared not act rashly.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the nine tokens suddenly stopped, shooting out mysterious brilliance, piercing through the void, and falling on the temple.


The temple trembled slightly, and a more intense divine light surged from it, as if the gate of heaven had opened.

A mysterious, ancient, and vast atmosphere came from the portal, as if leading to another world, all of which were extremely blazing rays of light.

"Da Lei Yinling, is it the key to this temple?"

Everyone couldn't help being even more surprised.

Even the key itself is an extremely rare and peerless treasure, so what kind of incredible treasure should there be in the temple?
Just when people were eager to try and approached the gate of the temple cautiously.

Long Hao was surprised to find that a slippery figure rushed into the temple at an astonishing speed with the help of the cover of the divine light.

"Dragon Four!"

Those divine lights seemed to contain everything, but they were so overbearing that even the divine power of heaven was blocked, so that the soul communication between the two of them was cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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