Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 624? Ancient Emperor of Heaven?

Chapter 624 Ancient Heavenly Emperor?

The divine power is so vast and vast that it looks like a star from a distance, shrouded in brilliant rays of light.

The sudden huge shock caught everyone's attention, even Long Hao suddenly got up, looked up at the sky in a daze, his pupils widened.

In the void directly in front of him, the misty mist of fairy clouds was shaken away, and countless inscription patterns surged out, like a vast galaxy, and in the endless chaos, stood a terrifying and monstrous figure.

"Is that..."

Everyone quickly quieted down, their pupils trembling uncontrollably, and they were all stunned.

He is tall and straight, wearing a black gold dragon-pattern robe, eyebrows like a sword, eyes like stars, and his whole body exudes an aura overlooking the world.

He stood with his hands behind his back, scorning the sky, his eyes staring down.

He stood there, majestic and motionless, but there was a kind of unrivaled domineering air, which made all the worlds mourn, and under its oppression, they all surrendered and trembled.

All kinds of aura are naturally revealed, innate, high above, like a godless king who controls the heavens and the world.

"Emperor, Emperor, Supreme Emperor!"

"The Great Emperor has recovered, and there is no God's power to suppress everything!"

Everyone was terrified, under the mighty power, it was difficult to breathe, everyone was terrified, and the fear reached the extreme.

In front of the emperor, even saints are ants, who can be destroyed with a wave of hands, let alone them.


Standing in the distance, Long Hao could still see the majestic figure clearly, his heart trembled, feeling that his body was being suppressed infinitely.

"Can the emperor have such a magnanimity?"

The supreme emperor, Long Hao has seen it before, but the divine figure in front of him is even more shocking, the natural momentum, the coercion of the three worlds and six realms, the anger of the bullfighting, the only one in the world!
The terrifying aura permeated the air, like a supreme god who created the world, noble, mysterious and ancient, making people want to kneel down and worship.

These kinds of things are completely beyond what ordinary people can have.

Although the supreme emperor controls the way of heaven and suppresses the world, he is not a fairy god at all. Even if he is as strong as the Burning Demon Emperor and invincible in the world, he is only called a half-immortal.

The temperaments exuded by the two sides are not at the same level at all.

"Could it be that he is the legendary ancient emperor of heaven?"

Apart from the ancient Heavenly Emperor, Long Hao really couldn't think of anyone else who could stand in the Hunyuan Temple and be worshiped by the Great Thunder Sound Sect every day and often offered sacrifices to.

However, this idea was so crazy and shocking that even Long Hao himself couldn't believe it.

At the same time, the terrifying divine power between heaven and earth suddenly dissipated.

The divine light is still shining, as if it has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

That majestic divine figure still stands there, as if between illusion and reality.

"This this this..."

After the divine power dissipated, people got up from the ground, but they were still unavoidably shocked.

"Is this a sculpture?"

"But the vast and incomparable divine power just now was so real, I was almost scared to pee."

Many people discovered the clues and couldn't help but gasped.

That divine figure was so real, with clear and strange features, vivid and vigorous stance, and a majestic aura of swallowing heaven and earth, standing in front of their eyes like a lifelike supreme emperor.

"uncanny workmanship!"

"Miracle, miracle!"

That divine figure was not made by manpower at all. Its aura made the avenue of heaven and earth tremble, and all the gods and spirits couldn't help kneeling down to worship it. It was definitely a miracle!

Looking at the statue of the Emperor of Heaven, Long Hao's heart shook violently.

"Before I had a hunch that the Great Thunder Sound Sect had an extraordinary origin, but now it seems that it is very likely to be the orthodox lineage of the ancient Heavenly Emperor."

Every time he thinks about this, Long Hao can't help but sigh.

How did the Ancient Heaven Realm, which had the Heavenly Emperor and the Four Great God Masters, be destroyed? In the end, even the Great Thunder Sound Sect who hid in the Xuanhuang Realm was not spared.

This is enough to show that there is still an extremely terrifying force in the world, terrifying enough to destroy the world and overturn the universe.

"Look, what is that?"

A sudden exclamation interrupted people's thoughts.

Everyone looked up and found a golden light cluster floating on the chest of the sculpture, like a miniature comet, quite dazzling.

Suddenly, a short and swift figure flitted past, protruding out a golden dragon claw covered with inscriptions and grabbing at it.

With a trembling of the divine light, the light cluster exploded, and a domineering thunder surged out of it, directly shattering the golden dragon claw, and even annihilating the surrounding void, forming a huge black hole.


All the people present felt as if they were being bitten by lightning, and some people couldn't bear it and spurted blood, their expressions were extremely horrified.

"It's that fairy medicine!" Yun Hongfeng recognized it at a glance.

"When did he break in?" Huo Tiandu and the others were also slightly shocked.


"My god, even the body of the fairy root has been shattered, what kind of treasure is in that light ball?"

"That fairy medicine came in earlier than me, could it be that he took the treasure ahead of time?"

"The celestial medicine that transforms spirits has an extraordinary origin, and it was able to break into the temple without making a sound. It must have mastered the secrets here."


In an instant, all the people present looked at Long Si with fiery eyes.

Whether it is himself or the possible treasures of the Great Thunder Sound Sect, it is enough to make the Saint Emperor crazy.

"His grandma, fourth master, I still don't believe it."

Long Si, who was clutching his arms and maddened with anger, didn't realize the fiery gazes of the crowd at all, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and activated the divine pattern of power, and grabbed the light ball again.

However, the result was the same, the lightning flashed and wiped out everything.

"Even the Divine Rune of Power has been destroyed, what exactly is it?"

Although Long Si's power pattern is not authentic, it is also extremely miraculous, and he himself is indestructible like divine gold, but at this moment his entire arm has turned into blood mist, which makes Long Hao quite shocked.

However, although the divine pattern of power was annihilated, it was not without effect.

The tyrannical power fluctuations shook the light cluster, and a ray of bright sunlight surged, and the golden texture spread faintly, as if a precious treasure ore emerged.

"Could it be the emperor's holy soldier?"

Everyone's eyes lit up with longing.

huh huh...

The golden light flickered and became brighter and brighter, until finally a metal stick about a foot long was revealed, flowing with golden light, which was extremely gorgeous.

Moreover, on that piece of metal, there are mysterious laws intertwined, just like the divine pattern of the great way, as if it contains the truth of heaven and earth!

"Divine gold, definitely divine gold!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed, as if seeing the brilliance of the avenue flickering, the whole person entered a state of extreme excitement.

"To be enshrined here, it must be a sacred object of the gods!"

The others were also completely shocked, and there was an incomparably hot light in their eyes.

Most of the people present here are from the Holy Land Demon Cult, and they have seen the power of the Zhenzong Immortal Artifact, but compared with the metal stick, they all seem to lose their color.

(End of this chapter)

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