Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 626 ? The Blood Prison From Another Space

Chapter 626 The Blood Prison From Another Space

Murong Xiu came stepping on the sea of ​​blood, surrounded by holy shadows, which gave him endless power and extraordinary power.

"You want to stop me too?"

Long Hao raised his eyebrows coldly, and his voice was domineering.

Not long ago, the two joined hands against the enemy and fought side by side.

But in the blink of an eye, the camps changed, and each other became enemies again.

"You and my rival in love, there will be a battle sooner or later. Only when I defeat you can Fairy Lu Yao see my invincible heroism!"

When Murong Xiu spoke, his face didn't blush and his heart skipped a beat, perfectly interpreting what it means to be shameless.

But at this time, Long Hao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all, his body rushed forward, inscription patterns flashed one after another, a sea of ​​thunder spread behind him, and a primordial thunder dragon rose from it, with boundless and violent divine power, protruding out a dragon Claw, slap down.

"Break it for me!"

The thunder dragon's claws reached the extreme, the claws were as blazing as the sun, and the irritable thunder burst out, just like a thunder world appeared, exuding a fiery and crushing aura.

The dragon claw collided with the blood palm, the void rumbled, and the endless thunder light raged in all directions, across the sky, and evaporated a large sea of ​​blood like the scorching sun.

As soon as the two made a move, they used all their strength, causing the surrounding void to explode completely, and countless black mist surged, as if the world was about to collapse.

The terrifying destructive aura raged, causing Yun Hongfeng and the others to turn pale with fright, and hurriedly retreated.

Even Ji Xingkong and the elders of Tianleizong, who were fighting fiercely in the distance, were startled, and they each urged their movements to avoid it far away.

Ji Xingkong is okay, he has the white jade seal to protect his body, but he just suffered a little impact, and the elder of the Tianlei Sect was not so lucky, the magic power of the body protector and the defensive treasure talisman he played were broken at the same time, and his body seemed to be swallowed by lightning , spurting blood.

Ji Xingkong took advantage of the situation to attack fiercely, and quickly suppressed him at a disadvantage.

The destructive force that erupted from the strong collision between Long Hao and Murong Xiu was so terrifying that even the silver-haired old man in Nirvana was horrified by it.

huh huh...

Suddenly, a shining divine light lit up in the shattered void, like a star, but in an instant it turned into a round of scorching sun, carrying a vast and unparalleled divine power, like a dragon flying across the sky, it could shatter the world barriers.

chi chi chi...

The ancestral dragon piercing the sky arrow pierced through the shattered void, bursting out with unparalleled sharpness, causing Murong Xiu's expression to change drastically.

"The law of the heavens and the earth - the blood god is coming!"

In the endless sea of ​​blood, a divine figure appeared, coercing the world and looking down upon the heavens.

"Supernatural powers—Boundless Blood Prison!"

Then, the blood god Dharma Prime waved his hand, and the sea of ​​blood under his feet surged away.

At the same time, one by one blood-colored hands protruded from the sea of ​​blood, grabbing the void.

Puff puff puff... bang!

The Ancestral Dragon Piercing Sky Arrow pierced through hundreds of blood-colored magic hands in a row, but finally its power was exhausted and it shattered out of thin air.

The endless sea of ​​blood surged over, completely engulfing the void where Long Hao was, and those magical hands evolved from countless inscription patterns, like chains of order, sealing the world.

In an instant, Long Hao only felt that he was being suppressed by the Hundred Thousand God Mountain, and the boundless wave of blood squeezed him, making his whole body tremble, and he was about to collapse at any time.

In people's sight, Long Hao's figure was no longer visible, wrapped in a huge blood cocoon, unable to move.

"As expected of the Blood Prison Demon Sect's unique technique, it is even more terrifying than the space blockade."

Yun Hongfeng and the others were amazed.

"A blood sea world is mobilized from a different space to seal the world. This is itself a space-like supernatural power, but with the blessing of the endless blood sea, it is even more powerful!"

The short-haired man in the blood robe said proudly, quite proud of his sect's unique knowledge.

"Great opportunity, take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

Yun Hongfeng's gaze froze, and endless murderous intent surged from his body.

But obviously someone moved faster than him.

"This son is too heaven-defying, he must not stay!"

Just now seeing Long Hao sweeping the crowd, the silver-haired old man in Nirvana was also shocked.

He stretched out his hand and made a move, a dazzling golden wheel lifted into the sky, unexpectedly there was an aura of destroying everything rising slowly, the saber intent pervaded the world, pure and powerful, it echoed the aura of destruction in the void.

"Supernatural powers——Destroying Ten Ultimate Slashes!"

As the icy sound sounded, the golden wheel above his head moved instantly.

The golden wheel trembled, and it actually split into ten pieces, each of which shone with a bright light, and the sharp aura made people feel chills all over their bodies just by looking at it.

It seems that a series of tianhe rivers traverse the void, white and flawless, almost reaching the extreme.

The sword light trembled, emitting a mysterious luster in the void, like white lines, separating the sky, breaking the darkness, and tearing the entire world into pieces.

"very scary!"

"The elder has aroused the utmost power of the ultimate magic weapon!"

Everyone's expression changed drastically, feeling a fatal crisis enveloping them, the hairs all over their bodies stood on end, and their eyes were full of unbelievable expressions.

Regardless of his advanced cultivation in the Nirvana state or the destructive power of the ultimate magic weapon, no matter which one is a disaster for the strong in the Dharma state.

At this moment, the silver-haired old man shot with all his strength, as if the universe reversed and strangled everything, everything was unstoppable.

"Okay, that Long Hao is dead this time!" Yun Hongfeng's eyes widened, she was extremely excited, and there was a billowing devilish energy in her undulating chest.

Only by beheading Long Hao can he get rid of his inner demons, and thus his soul will be sublimated and his potential will be greatly increased.

Besides him, Huo Tiandu was the most excited.

The blood-colored fairy leaves on the dragon's four heads contained a complete blood dragon inheritance. He had been thinking about it day and night, and he was breathing heavily when he saw that he was about to succeed.


Murong Xiu, who had complex eyes, suddenly raised his head, the strong brilliance stung his eyes.

Endless starlight flashed, and a slim goddess seemed to descend from the nine heavens, with a solemn treasure, and with every step, a river of stars emerged and spread forward.

"Fairy Lu Yao?"

Murong Xiu was startled, his eyes complicated.

He could see that Lu Yao's injury hadn't healed yet, but even so she still stepped forward, which made him very jealous.

"Hmph, I don't know what to say!"

The silver-haired old man didn't pay attention to Lu Yao, who was seriously injured, but just smiled coldly.

Lu Yao, who has a ethereal temperament, stepped on the galaxy, as if she came from the chaotic mist.

She holds a sword in her hand, her eyes are firm, and she exudes a very frightening murderous aura!
The sharpness of the sword was revealed, but there was a thunder explosion in the silent place, and then hundreds of millions of divine lights flashed, and the endless bright light seemed to evolve into the sun, moon and stars to illuminate the void.

clang clang...

As the high-raised sword became brighter and brighter in the void, there was an extremely terrifying breath of the holy way that permeated.

The next moment, the snow-white sword light lit up, containing a wave of power that shattered the sky and stirred the nine heavens.

"Tianji breaks the army!"

It is also the extraordinary swordsmanship of Beidou Tiangong, practiced to the extreme, it is said that it can break the world, destroy nine heavens and ten earths, and kill unparalleled.

(End of this chapter)

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